Chapter 331 Three on Three

Although Vision has lost the Mind Gem, it seems that he still has an extraordinary talent in telepathy. He sensed the urgency in Zed's heart.

"Mr. Zed, if this crisis is really so terrible, why don't you say it? We can figure out a way together. What you are doing now is no different from Mr. Stark before." Vision used his clear eyes on Zed.

Lilith stood aside and stroked Zed's shoulder. As Zed's pillow, she also felt that Zed was a little depressed and nervous.

Zed clicked helplessly, patted Lilith's hand, and said to Vision:

"Tsk, you're right. I made the same mistake as Tony, but it's too late to be an afterthought. But we're well prepared. Of course, the most important thing is that our guests have already arrived."

As the voice fell, the void at the end of the corridor twisted, forming a vortex intertwined with red and green. Dr. Doom, Alex the Rhinoceros, and Robbins the Red Hood walked out slowly.

The first thing Zed noticed was the red-hooded Robbins with the dark mark between his brows, and then he took a closer look at his dark eye sockets and eye shadows, and Zed was sure that this guy was already a follower of Dormammu from the dark dimension.

Zed got up from the steps, put on the space-time drive belt, and asked:
"Dormammu should be very clear about what is under hell, why does he want to get involved? Does he want another big green guy to grab the cake with him?"

Robbins, who was wearing a torn red hooded cloak, pulled out his magic double guns from his waist, turned around pretending to be cool, and laughed sinisterly:
"Hehehehe~ Who knows? Anyway, this force is guiding me here."

Rhinoceros Alex is more direct, without so many twists and turns. He twists his neck unpretentiously, moves his hands and feet, and looks like he's going to do it right away.

Dum said in unbelievable ecstasy:
"I've long guessed that there will be a big movement after the two magics are merged into one, but I never thought that there would be a problem under hell. The hell above it must be in chaos, right? Mephisto must be a headache. ?

"Hehehe, Zed, I can guess it from your expression if you don't tell me! This is really helping me! Hahahaha~!"

Doom, who already had a personal enmity with Mephisto, is even less likely to give up this plan now.In order to overthrow hell, kill Mephisto, and regain his mother's soul, Doom is willing to pay any price, even if the world is turned upside down.

However, Doom never considered why Mephisto took away his mother's soul. It would be strange that a witch who was crazy about soul magic power was not taken away.

But Zed knew that he couldn't convince Dum with his words, so he took out the second-order dial and inserted it into the space-time drive:

With Zed taking the lead, Lilith and Vision took out the dial at the same time, and the black-red Dark Kiva dial and the golden-red heart dial lit up at the same time.

Wake Up! (awakened)

Heart! The Kamen Rider! (Heart! Kamen Rider!)

Lilith's pink pupils instantly turned into the colorful colors of a vampire, but they were immediately covered by dark green bat goggles, making it impossible to see its beauty.

The illusion turned into an old Kamen Rider driver with a pair of golden horns in the circular red tire tracks. His real body is the heart of Kamen Rider, which combines the brain of the ass and the core of the little nurse.

Zed, Lilith, and Vision walked forward at the same time, calm and powerful without rushing.

Rhinoceros Alex originally wanted to fight Zed, but the pair of golden horns he saw was very uncomfortable. Why did he only have one silver horn?
"See if I don't beat you to pieces!" Alex roared, and rushed towards Vision, shaking the mountain all the way.

Red Hood Robbins fired two shots at Lilith and ran to the side, his best at swimming with his magic boots.

"Hey, beauty, what's the point of following this watchman? I don't think you have a lot of beautiful jewelry all over your body. Is he particularly incomprehensible? If you need it, you can come to me!" A red pocket from the underworld When Mao speaks dirty words, it can be said that he opens his mouth.

Lilith, who has lived for thousands of years, usually does not drive. When she drives, she becomes the legend of the fastest speed in Qiu Mingshan:
"Can you imitate?"

"What? Mimicry?" Red Hood Robbins couldn't understand what Lilith meant, but his hands and feet didn't slow down at all.

boom! boom! boom!
Lilith dodges extremely quickly, sometimes stepping sideways on the wall, sometimes hanging upside down from the ceiling, perfectly avoiding the magic bullets shot at her.

Lilith appeared next to Robbins in an instant, quickly pulled out the rapier at her waist and stabbed Robbins' throat.

The Demon Emperor Sword without a suppressor should be the most suitable weapon for Dark Kiva, but now Lilith is unable to control it, so Zed asked Professor Ling Ma to create a Western sword specially for Lilith.

This rapier incorporates the forging technology of the lemon light sword, which is light, strong, and sharp. The two samurai swords sold to Deadpool are the previous experimental and failed products of this rapier, which were reforged.

The sharp rapier pierced Robbins' throat, but Robbins was only a little surprised and did not show any panic.

blah blah~
Robbins' magical boots suddenly took effect, leading him to retreat quickly to avoid Lilith's stabbing, and then flew across the air and stepped on the air to avoid subsequent pursuit.

boom! boom! boom!
The magic boots worked, how could the magic pistol and hood fall?

Robbins stepped on the air while shooting, and flew behind Lilith with a front flip. At the same time, Robbins held his breath and let the magic red hood take him invisible.

After Lilith quickly turned around and swung her sword in the air, she was hit in the head by Robbins' bullet, but fortunately, most of Kamen Rider's helmets were hard enough to not break easily.

"Hmph~ Invisibility? I'll make you invisible." Lilith raised her left hand abruptly and released a bunch of small black and red bats, starting to bombard the ground in all directions.

If the battle between Lilith and Robbins is a thrilling and exciting cat and mouse, then the battle between Vision and Alex is pure new Nippori wrestling.

Even if Vision loses the Mind Stone, it can beat Alex with its vibrating body and the Kamen Rider Heart Armor.

But Alex is no longer a wild rhino with only polymer hardened skin. Osborn's mechanical rhino armor makes him even more powerful, enough to wrestle with Vision.

Amidst the hard hitting of iron and the cries of bats, Zed and Doom also fought again.

(End of this chapter)

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