The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 325 The Big Conference

Chapter 325 The Big Conference

After Daniel heard that Barbara had been taken to the hospital and her life was not in danger, Daniel gradually lost control of his body, and even his thinking changed.

The current Ghost Rider is completely controlled by Norbert Kyle, who was made into the Spirit of Vengeance by Mephisto. Now he only has the idea of ​​burning Doom to ashes in his mind, and even these sinners on the ground Didn't even bother to judge.

Ghost Rider let go of the blackout vampire who was beaten beyond recognition, and said to Pietro:
"Found it, Doom."

"No problem, leave it to us. Wanda, we can start reading this guy's memory." Pietro put his left hand on the headset and contacted Wanda.

After communicating with Steve and others, Wanda walked towards the warehouse after getting permission to move, and temporarily formed a team with the Ghost Rider.

"You're such a good captain." After Wanda hurt Pietro, she walked to the delirious blackout and squatted down, invading his brain to search for the information she wanted.

Pietro coughed twice in embarrassment, then looked at the "talkative" Ghost Rider and said:

"Hey man, why doesn't your jacket burn out? Is your name Johnny Blazer? Call me back, man."

"Pietro, be careful, he's not Johnny Blazer. Be careful." Tony's reminder suddenly came from Pietro's headset.

When Tony connected to the steel bucket's communication channel, he connected the camera built into the visor by the way, and saw the specific appearance of the Ghost Rider, as well as the heavy motorcycle that was far more modern than Harley.

It would be even more embarrassing for Pietro, but fortunately, Ghost Rider didn't respond at all. He kept staring at Blackout and Wanda, waiting for news about Doom.

The spy leader who fell on the ground was unwilling to end like this, secretly looked around the entire warehouse, and these freaks with super powers, and then came up with a plan.

The spy chief gave a signal to his subordinates, then suddenly jumped up, drew his dagger and threw himself at Wanda's back.

"You're courting death!" Pietro immediately became angry.

The "slow" movement of the spy leader naturally couldn't bypass the fast man Pietro, and the leader was kicked out by Pietro. Then it exploded.

boom! boom! boom!
The thugs who could get the pistols flew towards the pistols, and then rolled and shot, while those who couldn't reach the pistols rushed up with daggers and fists, as if they were dead.

Although the final result was still easily resolved by Ghost Rider and Steel Fighter Quicksilver, the spy chief smiled sinisterly before being burned to ashes by the fire of hell.

Pietro was very disgusted with the killing of prisoners, but since these guys wanted to kill themselves and shot at their sister, then Pietro would not be a virgin whore, and he even felt that giving them death was too merciful.

Wanda got up without any injuries and said:
"Dom is looking for the former vampire den, which was cleared by S.H.I.E.L.D., but they don't know why Doom is looking for that place."

"Where is it?" A hoarse voice came from the bursting flames, which seemed to imply some kind of threat.

Tony on the other side urgently contacted Coulson, the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D., to explain the situation. After weighing things up, Coulson took over the communication route and communicated with the new Ghost Rider from a long distance away:

"Sir, I can tell you where the vampire secret is, and I can also open the passage for you, but you must know that Doom has not found this place yet, and we have not figured out Doom's purpose.

"So I hope you can provide us with some information, which will help us a lot in solving Doom."

Coulson guessed that this "talkative" ghost rider was here to hunt Doom, and he would give in to anything for Doom.

And Coulson guessed right. Even though Norbert Kyle has been made into a violent spirit of revenge, his temper is much better than that of Zatanos. Coupled with Mephisto's order, this The new Ghost Rider's temper is so good that it can be called a disgrace to the Ghost Rider.

"Dom, burn it to ashes." But it's a pity that this new ghost rider doesn't know much, just a few words over and over again.

Finally, the flames of hell on Ghost Rider's body slowly extinguished, revealing Daniel's real body.Daniel first glanced at the two in confusion, then trembled nervously, but finally calmed down and said:
"Where's Barbara? Take me to Barbara!"

Coulson then sent a message to Daniel and others present at the same time as the Avengers in Stark Tower and the Fantastic Four in Bash Tower:

"Okay, sir, our agents have arrived. They will take you to the hospital where Miss Barbara is. Miss Wanda, Mr. Pietro, please hand over this vampire to our agents.

"In addition, regarding the matter of the vampire secret, we need to have a meeting with the Avengers and the Fantastic Four to talk about it."

Early the next morning, the meeting room of S.H.I.E.L.D. was overcrowded. The table where only a few important figures usually held a meeting was now full of S.H.I.E.L.D. representatives, representatives of the Security Council, the Avengers, and the Fantastic Four.

Coulson sat on the main seat and opened the sealed vampire secret file, summarizing:
"This was originally a sanctuary for vampires, and it was also the most important stronghold of vampires in the United States. Our S.H.I.E.L.D. teamed up with vampire hunting consultant Blade Warrior and Kamen Rider Zed Oleg to destroy this stronghold.

"After clearing, this secret place has become a scientific research and archaeological base. The original weapons and physical documents inside have been transferred, leaving only some murals that cannot be removed.

"Do you have any opinions on Doom's purpose?"

"To be sure, Doom didn't come to appreciate the murals." Johnny the Human Torch instinctively enlivened the atmosphere, but was taken aback by the sharp eyes of the representatives of the Security Council.

Tony browsed the content of the file and asked at the same time:

"Count Dracula, the ancestor of vampires, is an immortal existence described by other vampires. Are you sure that Zed eliminated him?"

"That's right." Adjutant Hill can be regarded as a person who experienced the operation first-hand, and he also went to the inside of the Midi.

"Did you see it with your own eyes? Or is there a corpse?" Tony raised his head and asked, and then continued, "Of course, this is only a possibility. More importantly, it is clearly stated in the file that a large number of low-level vampires came from Escaping through an underground tunnel means that Doom has other sources of information."

Dr. Reed nodded after listening to Tony's analysis:
"That's right, Doom will definitely find this place, it's just a matter of time."

(End of this chapter)

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