Chapter 30 Conversation
After a shot went off.

Three people in the deep alley, one standing, one sitting, and one lying down.Zed naturally stood aside and narcissistically played with the faiz phone, while Skye, who was sitting on the ground, was stunned for a long time before waking up, and then shouted:

"You actually shot! You actually just shot! You don't care about my life!"

Zed curled his lips, thinking that just to save you, I even used Time Stop.What happened to the shooting?Although my marksmanship is bad, it is only bad if I compare it with the bosses. It is not enough to beat a guy who has been stopped from time to time.

Of course, Zed is not considered a straight Jinjin man, knowing that such words can't really be said, just think about it in his heart.

"Don't waste time, the police should have arrived with the loud gunshots just now, so hurry up and leave." Zed reminded.

Only then did Skye realize that he was not clean enough to enter the police station.In case his black history is uncovered, he will definitely spend some time in prison.

Skye hurriedly got up from the ground, but at this time the siren sounded from outside the street.Skye panicked but then calmed down and turned to Zed and said:
"Help me get out of here quickly, I don't care about what happened just now! Hurry up! Please!" Skye almost hanged himself at this moment.

Zed originally planned to absorb the Shockwave girl Skye into the company, so naturally he couldn't miss this opportunity.Pretending to be reluctant, he agreed: "Okay! Okay! I promise you! What a trouble!"

Walking to Skye's side, he grabbed her waist and leaned against his shoulders, jumped directly on the spot, leaped to the roof, and disappeared into the night after a few vertical jumps.

After leaving the scene of the incident, Zed remembered that Uncle Ben was still outside the deep alley.In case those gangsters and their accomplices support them, it will be troublesome, so I quickly turned on the surveillance to check Uncle Ben's situation.

Uncle Ben was with the police who had just arrived, and Zed felt relieved after confirming that Uncle Ben was not in danger.When he came to a rooftop, he put Skye down.

After getting rid of the danger from the gangsters and the police, Skye turned his mind on Zed again, turned around Zed twice and said:

"Your strength comes from this armor? Just like Tony Stark? Why don't you go out in front of the public like him?"

Zed, who knew what Skye was up to, cooperated with her and said, "I have no money!"

"Huh?" Skye was a little confused.

"How can you be as careless as Tony Stark without money?" Zed spread his hands.

Skye turned his head, smiled and bewitched: "As long as you go in front of the public, you will get a lot of money! You can have as much as you want!"

"But I don't like money! I'm not interested in money! I haven't even touched money!"

Hearing this, Skye understood that this nasty guy was playing himself, and shouted angrily: "You guys are all like this! Keep all the secrets! You don't care about us people's feelings at all! The public has the right to know !"

"What color are your panties?"


"Let me ask you, what color are your underwear?"

"What do you mean! Pervert!"

"Didn't you say you have the right to know! I thought I could know your privacy! Then everyone will be honest with each other!"

"You! You! You! You're a sneaky change of concept!" Skye, who was only under 20 years old, naturally couldn't compare with Zed's thick-skinned.

Skye took a deep breath, calmed down and prepared to have a second match with Zed.

Zed was going to do an experiment, took out a brand new blank dial and said to Skye: "Turn this dial, press the button, if you successfully activate it. Then you can ask me a question, and I will answer it truthfully. "

Seeing this guy's sudden change of tone, Skye felt tricky but still took the dial.




Skye's face turned red, his fingers turned blue, and the dial didn't respond.

Zed was mentally prepared. Sure enough, the current Skye has no ability to activate the dial, and it will be possible only after she becomes Shockwave.This further strengthened Zed's decision to absorb Nasky, this sweet pastry cannot be cut off by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Zed took back the blank dial, and Skye wanted to continue trying, so his hands kept entangled with Zed:

"Give me another try! I'm sure I'll succeed! Wait! Where's the dial in your hand? Where did you put it? Where did you take it out just now? Can you do magic?"

Ignoring Skye's cute big eyes and coquettish offensive, Zed was about to leave.Anyway, tonight's goal was achieved.

Hurry up and go back to sleep, you have to go to school tomorrow.

Skye stopped Zed, who was about to leave: "What should I do if you leave. This is the top floor. I can't go down! The gate to the rooftop is also locked!"

Zed is really sleepy right now, and he plans to quickly settle Skye's matter and go back to sleep: "Okay~ok~~ok! Where are you going?"

Skye laughed when he heard Zed's agreement: "I want to take back my RV. It's just over the corner of Fourth Avenue, not far away."

But by the time the two were on a nearby rooftop, Skye had stopped laughing.

Zed looked at the empty street below for a long time, and asked suspiciously, "Where's your car?"

"It's still there just now!" Skye felt like the sky had fallen, and his money, driver's license, computer, etc. were all in the car.The only thing I carry with me is a little change and a USB flash drive.

At this time, Skye thought of the armored man who was still a good guy beside him, and asked nonchalantly, "Mr., what's your name?"

"Hehe! Those of us masked people who value privacy will tell you our names?"

"Nicknames are fine too!"

"King of Time, you can call me King of Kamen Rider."

"Mr. Shi Wang, I'm homeless now. Can you take me in, just for one night."

"Hehe, let you inquire about my privacy? I still don't know what you are thinking?"

Seeing that his little Jiujiu was exposed by the other party, Skye quickly made amends with some embarrassment: "No, no, you have to trust me. Don't you think that a poor weak woman like me needs help?"

Seeing that the beating was almost done, Zed was ready to make a bigger move: "Do you know SHIELD?"

Skye was stunned when she heard the name. She grew up in an orphanage where no one loved her. All the families that adopted her didn't treat her sincerely, and she was sent back to the orphanage countless times.

It wasn't until I grew up and became independent and taught myself hacking that I got some clues about my life experience from an organization called S.H.I.E.L.D.And now the man named Shi Wang in front of him just said the name of S.H.I.E.L.D. so easily.

Skye stammered and said urgently: "You know S.H.I.E.L.D.? Tell me about them quickly. Please!"

Zed did not answer Skye's question immediately, but asked instead: "Did you join the high tide?"

"Yeah, I had some friends who were in it, so I joined them too."

Zed lifted Skye's chin, looked straight into her eyes, and said slowly: "Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is not a good person in my eyes, at least they are willing to carry the darkness of this world and move forward silently, and you are rising~~ Worse than rubbish!"

Skye was stunned when he heard such comments, he always thought that Shi Wang was in the same big camp as himself, resisting those so-called relevant departments.But I didn't expect him to be so hostile to the rising tide.

Skye quickly said: "Have you misunderstood something? Our Rising Tide is not a bad organization, but S.H.I.E.L.D."

Zed moved closer to Skye's eyes: "I didn't say that S.H.I.E.L.D. is good, I just said that your tide is worse than S.H.I.E.L.D., not even Hydra. You only talk about human rights and equality , freedom."

"No! It's not like that!" Skye wanted to shake his head in denial but couldn't break free from Zed's palm.

Zed continued to attack Skye's psychological defense: "I have never seen you in a really dangerous place. Do you know how many agents of SHIELD die every year? Actually~ I don't know either! But I think this The number is probably more than all of you high tides combined!"

Zed saw that Skye's mental state was not good, so he was ready to kill in the end:
"The reason why Iron Man is called Iron Man is because the iron suit is Tony Stark's signature weapon. And those of you who rise the tide can be regarded as keyboard men."

The organization I identify with and the life I pursue are beaten to pieces by others. In the eyes of others, they are even worse than rubbish, but I have no way to refute them.Skye is a little dazed now, and he didn't realize that he was carried by the King of Time again.

Zed carried tonight's harvest and returned to the small warehouse that was basically eliminated. He put Skye on the folding bed and was ready to leave.

After being blown by the cold wind along the way, Skye became more awake. He looked up at the ceiling and asked dully: "Who the hell are you? What's your purpose for targeting me like this?"

Zed took out the blank dial again, threw it away and said:

"My purpose is it, just because you can't activate it, I'm going to give you a little help, and it's also good for you."

"Then I really should thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

"You don't like girls like this, you know?"

Being ridiculed by Skye one after another, Zed is not angry:

"I can't help it! Because I inherited the title of King of Time, I must be worthy of this title. For this goal, I have devoted myself to strengthening my strength. I really don't have the energy to think about how to please girls. "

Skye seemed a little surprised, and turned his head: "Are you a lone hero who bears the fate of the world?"

"No, but it's similar. It's getting late, and I'm leaving."

"I'm such a lovely girl here all alone! Are you leaving like this?"

"It's 03:30! Don't get up tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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