Chapter 297 Stairs
"Jarvis." After Tony forcibly calmed down, he summoned the armor of the steel suit and planned to take off Loki's scepter.

Tap ~ Tap ~
Zed walked down the long upper stairs, stood on the corner step and looked at Tony with his arms folded, jokingly said:

"Tony, can you give me this scepter? This thing is destined for me."

Tony trembled slightly after hearing Zed's voice, the hairs all over his body stood upside down, and his upper and lower jaws were biting tightly.

Tony knew that he shouldn't be afraid of wandering in the waves, he didn't have a regular Zed, but as soon as Zed appeared, the terrifying scene in Tony's mind resurfaced uncontrollably.

Wanda, who was hiding in the dark with magic, looked at the armor, belt, and dial on Zed's body, and combined with Tony's reaction, he determined that Zed was the one who would destroy the Avengers in the future.

"Dial? Can we use this?" Pietro took out the dial he snatched from Hawkeye and handed it to Wanda.

Wanda held the Zhanyue dial in her palm and felt it carefully, and said slowly:
"It's useless, there is a magical identification system on it."

After confirming that the zhanyue dial could not be transformed into her own combat power, Wanda turned her attention to Zed and Tony.

After taking a few deep breaths, Tony forced himself to calm down, looked up at Zed on the stairs, suppressed his anger and asked:

"What the hell is the King of the Devils?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Zed frowned, this plot is wrong, shouldn't Tony ask who is behind the Kiritas?

"Don't pretend to be stupid! Zed Oleg's transformed figure, black and gold armor. Why do you want to kill everyone?" Tony stared at Zed with a ferocious face.

This time, Zed probably guessed what Tony was afraid of. The hallucination caused by Wanda was no longer the destruction caused by Thanos, but became himself, or the king of the devil.

Zed stood on the high stairs and looked down at Tony with a cocky face and joked:
"Oh, that's the fragment of the prophecy created by the magic of chaos. It represents a possible future. Tony, thank you for helping me make sure that I can become the king of the magic time, really."

"Possible future?" Tony looked at Zed dangerously, and the hand holding the scepter was restless.

Zed felt Tony's killing intent, and grinned indifferently:
"You want to kill me to prevent this possibility? Have courage, but can you do it? Step up the stairs and face me, and let me see if you have the ability."

After hearing Zed's contemptuous words, Tony knew that he should directly respond with a palm cannon, but Tony still stepped forward and walked to the front of the stairs. He wanted to overcome his inner fear and strengthen his belief.

"Huh~ I'm going to come up and blow your head off!" Tony took two steps up with firm eyes.

After taking two steps, Tony felt something was wrong, and the distance between himself and Zed didn't seem to decrease at all.Tony, with a puzzled expression, looked down at his feet, but found that he was still in place and hadn't stepped up the stairs at all.

" is it possible!" Tony hadn't realized how Zed did it, and was amazed at the incredible sight in front of him.

Seeing Tony's stunned expression, Zed was very happy, tapped his arm with his fingers and said:

"Heh~ Tony, is this what you are capable of? It seems a bit fishy. Or are your courage and beliefs fake and vulnerable?"

Pietro, who was hiding in the dark, was shocked:
"What happened? I clearly saw Stark stepping up!"

"I'm not sure." Wanda sensed a little abnormality, but she couldn't detect it immediately.

But genius scientist Tony Stark has recovered!

Tony looked at the folds of his clothes, then looked up at Zed in disbelief:

"Are you so bored?"

"Huh?" Zed didn't respond for a while.

"You paused the time with time, then walked down the stairs, carried me down, walked back up, and still put on the original pose? Are you really the king of the devil?" Tony has already begun to doubt the possibility of the future Sex is not infinitely approaching zero.

Zed, who pretended to be exposed, had a toothache. How could Tony realize what he had done so quickly.This script is wrong, shouldn't Tony yell "Stairs, it's stairs!"?

"Ahem, cough, what are you talking about, I don't know. Hand over the scepter!" Zed hurriedly changed the subject.

But Tony obviously didn't want to hand over the scepter, raised the blue-lit scepter and pointed it at Zed and said:
"Sorry, this is my trophy."

"Stark!" Steve and others also rushed to the entrance of the secret room at this time, standing at the top of the stairs.

Zed, whose road ahead and back was blocked, looked at the narrow stair passage, and shook his head helplessly:

"Hmph~ I'll keep the scepter with you first, and I'll get it back. Goodbye~"

Zed slammed his fingers together and slammed into the wall behind him. The golden time-space door opened instantly and engulfed Zed's body, disappearing without a trace.

When Wanda saw Zed leaving, Pietro took him and escaped from the castle quickly. With Wanda's magic cover, it was impossible for the Avengers to find their whereabouts.

"Stark, what's the matter?" Steve walked down the stairs with concern.

Tony didn't intend to tell Steve and others the future he saw. He really couldn't tell the truth that everyone else died in battle, but he was still alive.

And Tony's plan falls on the scepter in his hand. He wants to use this scepter to create Ultron, not only to fight against alien invaders, but also to deal with the future where the possibility is infinitely close to zero.

"It's okay, even if I'm alone, Zed can't take this scepter away. Okay, let's go back." Tony patted Steve on the shoulder and walked up the stairs first, muttering in his mouth, "Isn't it possible to come up!"

In the town at the foot of the castle, Wanda and Pietro were hiding in an abandoned building. A time-space door suddenly opened in front of them. Zed stepped out of the time-space door and said:
"Hey~ Can you give me back the Zhanyue dial, this dial is a part of my control of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Wanda walked towards Zed with the Zhanyue dial, and bewitched with eloquence:

"You haven't discovered your true calling. Destruction."

"Destroy the Avengers? Come on! In terms of magical attainments, I'm definitely better than you who just started; and in terms of predicting the future, I don't know how much better than you." Zed will not be easily bewitched.

"But... that future."

"That's just a possibility. If you really want to destroy the Avengers, I can make a deal with you."

(End of this chapter)

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