Chapter 283
"Come to visit early in the morning! Neighbors in the neighborhood don't want to sleep?" Zed, who was sleepy, looked dissatisfied at Xi Na who was opposite.

Hina pursed her mouth and didn't say much. She picked up the snack on the coffee table and stuffed it into her mouth, ignoring Zed's complaints.

Zed rubbed his eyes and straightened his nightgown, pointed to the clock hanging on the wall, and continued:
"Look, it's just after six o'clock! What do you want to do? Can't we talk about it after eight or nine o'clock, can we wait until work time?"

Hina looked up at Zed and sneered:
"Hehe~ You still have to go to work?"

Zed originally wanted to taunt back, but after waking up, he looked at Xi Na's dark circles carefully, blinked and asked:

"Such heavy dark circles, you stayed up all night last night? Is it because of Cersei?"

What Zed can think of is naturally that Hina stayed up all night because of Cersei's problems after the party, but Zed can't guess the specific things, let alone what Hina is troubled at this time.

Hina pouted, took out the green dial from her bag and threw it to Zed, and then continued to have sex with Zed's private collection.

With this dial as a base, Xi Na won't mind eating more snacks Zed.Zed looked at the green dial carefully while Xina was eating snacks, and said to himself:
"Kamen Rider Necrom (Aaron), not bad. Den-oh and Ken only got a Band-Aid and two bottles of energy drinks, this one should not be a non-chief anymore."

"Zed, I have something to ask you." Xina suddenly put down her mouth and looked at Zed seriously.

Zed responded casually while playing with Aaron's dial:

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

"Look at me!" Hina suddenly raised her voice, her expression serious.

Zed raised his head and looked at Xina for three seconds, then put away Aaron's dial, stretched out a hand and asked:

"Please, Miss Hina."

Hina took a deep breath and said slowly:
"Cersei has awakened, but she's not going back. She says she likes human life, she wants to live as a human.

I can understand that the flamboyant world of humans is very attractive, but I don't understand her idea of ​​completely integrating into the human world. "

Zed raised his eyebrows and knew the young lady's troubles, snapped his fingers and said indifferently:
"What's the point? Everyone has their own opinions, and everyone has the right to pursue the life they like. If I were you, I respect Cersei's decision, but it doesn't mean I agree with her or support her.

If her decision will not affect the survival and interests of me and the group, and will not have a negative impact on other people in the group, then she can do whatever she wants.On the contrary, I will cut the weeds and eradicate the roots.

You are the leader's daughter, and you are born to be superior. The problem you are struggling with now is not something you should think about.What you should think about now is Cersei's life and death, how much damage can be stopped by her death, and how much benefit can be brought by her life.

The so-called leader stands at the apex of the organization and is also the slave of the organization.As long as it is for the survival and interests of the organization, one must be willing to immerse himself in all kinds of filth.

Cultivate subordinates, place them in the most suitable positions, and abandon them when necessary. As long as it is for the sake of the organization, no matter how cruel and ruthless things are done.

Hina, you are still a long way from being a high-ranking person. "

Hina was stunned, with a surprised expression. She really didn't expect that Zed didn't care about Cersei's right or wrong at all, but only cared about the impact and benefits of this matter.

Hina originally wanted to refute that Zed was wrong, but she was silent when she recalled her father expelling Gilgamesh the Forsaken.As a high-ranking person, I really shouldn't think about these things, I'm still too naive.

Zed took out two blankets and a pillow from the locker and spread them on the sofa, looked at Hina and said:
"Lie here and think about it slowly, I'm going back to sleep in the cage. Ha~ah~ I will call you when I eat."

blah blah~
Zed breathed a lot, scratched his back and stepped on his slippers, and walked out of the reception room unsteadily.Zed was still sleeping on the royal bed at this point, so it was impossible to get up so early.

Xina glanced at Zed's back, then wrapped herself in a blanket and lay on the sofa, looking at the ceiling lamp and thinking about how she should solve Cersei's problem.Reason tells Hina that she should punish Cersei severely by killing chickens and monkeys, but emotionally Hina cannot be so cruel.

During this period of time, human life has changed a lot. Icaris, Cersei, and Hina are all different from before.

On the other side, Cersei, who returned to her apartment, was also struggling. After tidying up the house, Cersei lay on the bed thinking about whether to join Hina and Icaris' small group.

Cersei doesn't want to go back to the Eternal Race, she wants to live with humans, but Cersei can't really leave everything behind.

After thinking about it, Cersei decided to give Icaris and Xena some help within her capacity, but kept a safe distance from their small group.

After the message was sent, Cersei finally let go of what she had been holding on to, and now she just waited for the answers from Icaris and Xena.

Icaris was satisfied with Cersei's willingness to help, and didn't ask for anything more.And Hina breathed a sigh of relief lying on her side on the sofa and looking at her phone. The result is not bad, at least she doesn't have to make a decision against her will.

After relaxing, Hina soon fell asleep and fell asleep on the comfortable luxurious pillow.

At nine o'clock, Zed returned to the reception room and prepared to call Hina to have breakfast. Seeing that Hina was sleeping so soundly, he gave up the idea, and went back to the restaurant to taste delicious beef soup, scallion noodles and other Chinese breakfasts.

"There's no need to wait for her, we'll probably have lunch when she wakes up." After that, Zed sat down first and filled up the broth.

There were five people and five women at this dining table, not counting Woz and Zed himself, and Professor Ling Ma who didn't have to eat.

Skye suspected that Zed wanted to summon Shenlong, knocked on the chopsticks, and asked curiously:
"What happened? I came to you so early in the morning?"

Zed explained while handing out the broth:

"It's nothing, Hina is used to being the eldest lady, and she doesn't realize what kind of responsibilities her leader's father has and what kind of things she is doing.

She is now a little confused after taking over the burden of the leader temporarily, but after my enlightenment, and with the help of Icaris to share it, she will be fine.

We do not participate in the internal affairs of the Eternal Race, let them go.Come, eat, eat. "

While Zed was eating breakfast, Nick Fury finally got rid of the lengthy meeting and said to himself:
"These idiot bureaucrats finally did a good thing, Hydra Strucker, hehe."

(End of this chapter)

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