The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 278 Special Recruitment Plan

Chapter 278 Special Recruitment Plan
Over the weekend, the top floor of Stark Tower was brightly lit, and Tony's reception room became a party hall.

Natasha, Hawkeye, Dr. Banner, Roddy, Steve, Sam, Hill and others walked in one after another.

Sam followed behind Steve and Hill, and said incredulously:
"Whoa~ You guys invited me to your party inside the Avengers! Uh, I mean this. Incredible!"

"Steve is very optimistic about you, and Director Fury is also very interested in your wings." Hill followed Nick Fury's instructions to win over Sam.

Steve didn't know Sam's wings at this time, and asked with a puzzled face:

"Wings? Sam?"

"Uh Steve, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was a member of the Air Force Parachute Rescue Team before I retired, and I did use a pair of steel wings before." Sam and Steve have a good personal relationship, but they don't talk about everything the point.

Hill continued:

"We at S.H.I.E.L.D. have optimized those wings. It's better than ever. We just need a pilot who can handle it. Think about it, Sam."

After Hill left, Steve patted Sam on the shoulder in surprise:

"Sam, you're well hidden. But whether you join or not, you're my friend."

"Steve, I have to think about it carefully. Your life is so different from my current life." Although Sam was pleasantly surprised, he did not lose his mind. Superheroes are not so easy to do, let alone Sam He has already passed the age of rebellious middle school.

"this is necessary."

Tony, Pepper, and Cersei stood at the raised glass railing and talked:

"Cersei, you're doing a great job! How about I hire you for my next party?"

"Thank you, it's my honor." How could Cersei refuse such a good job.

The golden time-space gate unfolded, attracting everyone's attention. Zed, dressed in casual clothes, came out casually, and scanned around with his dark red eyes. They were all old acquaintances.

Steve walked up to Zed first and asked:
"Mr. Zed, I want to ask."

Zed could see that Steve seemed to be suppressing his emotions, so he didn't tease Steve, and said bluntly:
"Bucky is recovering his memory little by little. He needs to be alone. He is different from you who was frozen. Over the years, he has been released by Hydra to perform tasks from time to time. These memories are not easy to digest. s things."

"Maybe he needs help?" Steve wasn't so easily persuaded.

"He does need help, but not now. He just needs his personal space now, and you'll know when he needs help." Zed finished searching for something.

Steve also knows what it's like to wake up in the future. The ups and downs of 70 years in one step are not for outsiders.

Steve took a deep breath and turned to leave. Although Zed's shot made him fall off the insight mothership, it was enough for Bucky to restore his memory.

"Here, don't look for it. This bucket is yours." Tony walked down the stairs and kicked the ice bucket with iced Coke.

"On the road!" Zed said generously after pouring himself a glass of Coke, "Tell me, why did you call me here this time?"

Zed then sat alone on the big sofa with a comfortable look, waiting for Tony's showdown.

Tony didn't hesitate, and asked directly:
"I want to know the situation of the universe, what kind of aliens are there, how powerful are they, what attitude do they have towards human beings, etc."

Hill took the opportunity to sit on another sofa and turned on the bug on the brooch at the same time. Nick Fury was hiding on the other side of the bug and waiting for Zed's live broadcast.

Hill turned a blind eye to Zed's surprised eyes, or Hill didn't intend to cover it up at all, as if I was going to broadcast live.

"After knowing the power of the universe? What do you want?" Zed didn't answer immediately, but asked a question instead.

"I have to decide based on your information." Tony didn't joke anymore, and the originally lively party cooled down, and everyone was waiting for Zed's answer.

Zed took a sip of iced Coke and said slowly:

"Heh~ The most powerful people in the galaxy are the Kree people. Nick Fury has dealt with them. Just ask him. The same goes for the Skrull people who are hostile to the Kree people.

Then there are members of the Star Alliance such as the Xandars and the Sovereigns. They are all second-tier top civilizations, but the second-tier civilizations are also much more advanced than humans.

By the way, there are still a group of guys who are not weaker than the Cree running around the universe, and the Kirita is one of them. "

"Is Nick Fury so awesome?" This is the common question in everyone's mind at this time, why are the Kree and the Skrulls related to Nick Fury.

After Tony wrote down these names, he continued to ask:
"What about their attitude toward humans?"

"Bring the barbecue." Zed ordered, cleared his throat and continued, "I don't need to say more about the attitude of the Kirita people towards humans.

The Shandar people are very friendly to humans, and the Sovereign people are like smelly and hard stones, looking down on other races.

The Skrulls are on good terms with Nick Fury, and as for the Kree, they've surrendered to me. "

"What? Surrender!" The Avengers present were stunned, and the brains of Hill and Nick Fury on the other end of the bug also went down for a while.

Tony gestured wildly, in disbelief:

"Is the surrender you mean the one I understand? You went to the universe and conquered a civilization!"

"It's low-key, and it's not a tyrant conqueror. It's just a constitutional monarchy with no real power, not even a palace." Zed twirled a skewer with a calm expression.

But other people's expressions are not relaxed. Isn't the king of the constitutional monarchy counted as the king?And he's also the king of a Star Juggernaut!
Rody held the wine glass and said doubtfully:
"Since you are already the king of Kerry, why did you return to Earth so casually. Shouldn't the king's pomp be huge? Honor guards, personal guards, etc."

"Roddy, thank you for reminding me, I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me." Zed turned to look at Hill and said, "The black corned egg must be listening, right? Remember, I am the alien king now, and my identity is Peso You are still honorable, so give me some respect in your attitude."

In an instant, Rody felt that he had shot himself in the foot with a stone, and he even felt that other people looked at him in a wrong way, as if with a little disgust.

"Ahem, private parties don't pay attention to these things, have fun, let's go on, let's go on."

(End of this chapter)

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