The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 27: The Birth of Spider-Man

Chapter 27: The Birth of Spider-Man

Although Charlie and Emma usually don't care much about Zed, they let him play around.But during the exam, Charlie and Emma will still pay attention to whether Zed will fail the exam.In case of failing the exam, it would be inconvenient for Zed to go out and roam in the future.

Forced to be helpless, Zed could only sit obediently next to Ned and Peter, two top academics, hoping to absorb some aura of top academics to improve his grades.

Ned asked in between tutoring Zed's homework: "Zed, you can actually study hard! It's incredible! Are you planning to go to college in the future?"

Zed has no plans to go to university, and collecting dials will be his main job in the future:
"I don't plan to go to university. I'm going to go out and open my own watch shop after high school. As for studying, it's just because Charlie and Emma won't let me fail my class. Otherwise, my freedom will be restricted and I won't be allowed to go out and play. "

Ned and Peter looked at Zed with some pity: "Then you have to work hard! The midterm exam is one week away, I don't want to see you in the future, Zed."

"Aren't you going to visit Osborne's company for an internship after the exam?"

"Well! But don't worry, this kind of internship is very short, and we still have plenty of time to spend freely. Except that Peter is going to deliver pizza, but even so, we still have a lot of time to hang out together." Ned Naturally, he thought that Zed asked this because he was afraid that the three of them would not have time to play together.

Zed was happy to be misunderstood, so he stopped talking, and continued to work hard with Ned's borrowed notebook.

The time is spent in each test paper and notebook.The exam ended a week later, and Zed was lucky enough to pass the pass.

"Phew~ luckily! Charlie and Emma have no reason not to let me go out this time." Zed said smugly holding the report card.

"Congratulations! Zed, you didn't fail a single subject!" Peter was also happy for his friend.Zed would probably be happier if Peter didn't have that straight-A report card in his hand.

"Hey Peter, if it wasn't for being a friend for so many years, I'd know you well. I might think you're mocking me! But even if I get what you mean, please put your report card back in your bag ! Don't let me see it!"


The three of them were fighting and walking on the road, and they separated to go home.Zed looked at the back of Peter leaving, knowing that he had something to do tomorrow.I need to confirm the birth of Spider-Man with my own eyes.

Nick Fury in S.H.I.E.L.D. kept thinking about the person Zed said was the least likely Hydra spy.

It is impossible for Shi Wang, who has not received professional training as an agent or spy, to deceive Nick Fury.Even if the other party has received professional training, Natasha cannot be fooled.His intelligence was almost true.

And Nick Fury can also guess the time king's purpose, he just wants to disgust himself.In order to retaliate against S.H.I.E.L.D. for taking his dial, he deliberately threw out this information to let S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra pinch him so that he could collect the dial.

But Nick Fury had to eat this bitter fruit again and spend a lot of time and energy on the Hydra issue.

Thinking of this, Nick Fury had a headache.There is a great possibility that the former director Pierce is a spy of Hydra!

S.H.I.E.L.D., the world's largest intelligence organization, was infiltrated by a hostile organization that had been wiped out for nearly half a century, and the other party's spies even once achieved the position of director.The position of the current bureau chief was single-handedly promoted by the other party.What an irony!

It's impossible for Nick Fury not to panic.Moreover, Shi Wang also made it clear that there are many Hydra spies in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D., how much is this many?Ten is a lot, and a hundred is a lot!

How many people under him are spies arranged by Pierce?Shi Wang didn't avoid Hawkeye and Natasha when talking about Hydra, and these two should be fine.Hmm~ probably!
After thinking for a long time, Nick Fury decided to recall Coulson. Only Coulson was Nick Fury's most trusted subordinate.After making this decision, Nick Fury seemed to recall something, and couldn't help touching his blindfold.

On the second day of the holiday, Peter Parker got up early and prepared to leave.Peter was very excited, half because of visiting Osborne Enterprises, and the other half because the girl he liked was also in the visiting team.

"Peter! Your breakfast is on the table. Your Uncle Ben and I are going to work first." Aunt May left home to go to work after speaking.

There was still some time for Peter to look in the mirror and comb his hair to look like an adult, put on the plaid shirt he thought was the most handsome, and confidently went out with a sandwich in his mouth.

When we met Ned at the station, Ned was very surprised: "Peter, I have a question I've been wanting to ask you for a long time. Do you like Mary Jane or Gwen Stacy? Or are you actually a scumbag?" !"

"Don't~ stop joking! Ned!" Compared with Ned and Zed, Peter's cheeks were as thin as paper, and turned red like a boiled prawn.

The two pushed and shoved to the Osborn's building, and the school's teachers were already issuing passes.The two hurriedly received the pass, and followed the large force into Osbourne.

Harry, the host, saw Peter coming, and greeted him happily, and showed Peter and Ned around the company.Peter, who was enjoying the service of opening a small stove, was not happy at all, he wanted to join the group led by Gwen!

God seemed to have heard Peter's heartfelt voice, and Osborne's employee who came from one side informed Harry that his father, Norman Osborn, had something to do with him.

Harry could only helplessly shrugged at Peter: "Sorry buddy, I can't accompany you. I hope you have a good time."

"No problem! Harry!" Peter waved happily at Harry, then pulled Ned towards Gwen.

Dr. Kurt Connors is explaining his experimental concept to the students: "Look at my arm, he was not born like this. I used to be a military doctor, and I participated in the Vietnam War. My arm just stays After being on the battlefield, I started to study cell regeneration technology after returning to China.”

Dr. Conners waved to the students with half of his arm after speaking: "Look! He is very inconvenient! I think cell regeneration technology can help disabled people including myself, and help us regain healthy Body."

These students who can participate in the scientific research group are all very interested in scientific research. After listening to Dr. Connors' philosophy and noble purpose, many students are full of little stars, looking at the one-armed Dr. Connors in admiration.

Peter read similar topics from some of the notes left by his parents, and then he proposed a few technical terms to Dr. Connors that others could not understand.

Dr. Conners pondered for a while after listening, and said to Peter: "Very good, very knowledgeable. What's your name?"

"Peter Parker! Uh~ my name is Peter Parker." It was the first time that Peter was watched by so many people, and he was a little overwhelmed by the treatment he received.

The surname of Parker reminded Dr. Connors of something, "You are very nice. My laboratory welcomes a child with potential like you to intern. You can think about it." Connors said goodbye to the students Back to the lab.

Zed, who sneaked in secretly, was wearing a mask and a cleaner's clothes, watching Dr. Conners leave from a distance.Zed recognized the future Dr. Lizard after seeing the one-armed white coat.After Connors completes the lizard serum, he is also a good experimental target.

Looking back, Zed continued to follow the pace of Peter and his party, hanging far behind them, observing Peter's every move.

The hard work paid off. After 10 minutes, Peter suddenly trembled and stretched out his arms to grab the back of his neck, as if itching and painful.

Zed knew that Spider-Man was born at this moment.Zed, who had achieved the first goal, did not intend to stay any longer. He left the school's visiting team and walked deep into Osbourne.

Zed's second target is naturally various research materials within Osborne.When cleaning the passing machine room, there happened to be staff performing routine maintenance.

Covering his movements with his back to the camera, Zed quickly picked up the test data disk in the toolbox, inserted it into the virus database he got from Tan Lidou, and put the data disk back after the data transmission was completed. inside the toolbox.

If the staff in charge of maintenance inserts the data disk into the computer room, the virus can lurk into Osborne.Even if this data disk will not be used today, what about the next routine maintenance?What about next time?
Zed is not eager to get the internal things of Osborn, Zed pays more attention to understanding the movements of Dr. Lizard, Dr. Octopus, and the big and small green goblins through the changes in internal documents.

After Zed put the data disk back, he slowly dragged the floor and left near the computer room humming a little song.After going up to the roof from the staff elevator, it disappeared.

Tan Lidou specially reserved a small studio for Zed in the company, and it can be directly accessed from the elevator on the top floor, which is extremely secretive.And the working conditions here are much better than those in old Charlie's studio, not to mention his own small warehouse.

Zed, who returned to the new studio, changed out of the cleaner's costume, destroyed it and changed back to his own clothes.After looking at the blank dials I had in stock, I picked up the tools and started to make new blank dials.

While working on the new dial, he was thinking about Uncle Ben.I have lived in this world for so long and I have long regarded this as my own world.Charlie, Emma, ​​and even Joy count themselves as family.

Uncle Ben and Aunt Mei have met each other many times, and they treat themselves sincerely.Zed couldn't completely treat them like NPCs, couldn't turn a blind eye to Uncle Ben's impending death.

Hey~ How can I be so soft-hearted as a demon king?
(End of this chapter)

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