The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 269 Sword and Shield

Chapter 269 Sword and Shield
"Sa~ Fight to your heart's content!"

As Zed's voice fell, Steve and Bucky rushed towards each other at the same time.

Both Steve and Bucky understand that if they don't defeat each other, there will be no result in this battle, not to mention that the key to victory or defeat has fallen into Zed's hands.

"Bucky!" Steve roared, holding the awakening sword, and slashed at Bucky.

Bucky staggered left and right with his wake-up bow horizontally, touched the back of Steve's sword, and slashed towards Steve's throat.Bucky is a super killer who has undergone rigorous training, and he is handy with any weapon.

Steve leaned back to avoid the cut to his throat, and slid out of Bucky's armpit, scooping up his beloved vibranium shield.

With the sword and shield in hand, I have the world!
Holding the awakening sword in his right hand, Steve knocked on the vibration gold shield in his left hand, and said:
"I'm sorry, Bucky, I have to win!"

Steve raised the vibrating gold shield and rushed towards Bucky with his best fighting method. The energy arrows shot by the wake-up bow were all absorbed by the vibrating gold shield and bounced back to Bucky.

After Bucky rolled sideways tactically, he was kicked on the chest by Steve before he got up, and the wake-up sword immediately after that also slashed on Bucky.

Steve is well aware that Kamen Rider's armor isn't easily broken, which allows him to attack freely without worrying about killing Bucky by mistake.

But it was obvious that Steve's naive thoughts were just a burden, and Bucky, who was not seriously injured, got up from the ground and launched a more ferocious attack.Moreover, Bucky no longer used the energy arrows of the awakening bow, and directly used his double blades to fight Steve.

There were countless sparks splashing in the sound of ping-pong-pong iron strikes, most of which were cut out by Steve with the awakening sword, and a small part were drawn out by Bucky's awakening bow when Steve was unable to defend himself.

Simply blacksmithing is a bit boring, Zed said immediately:
"Steve, your time is running out! Swiping the card on the weapon will do wonders."

Steve then took out a Seven of Spades Trilobite from the fan-shaped card box of the Awakening Sword, and swiped it on the Awakening Sword.After the blue-green light flashed, Steve felt that his attack power and defense power had been greatly enhanced.

"Yeah! Feels good!" Steve shook his shoulders and rushed to Bucky.

And Bucky had already swiped a card of four dragonflies of hearts, flew into the air and carried out an air-to-ground bombardment of Steve.

"It's unbelievable! There is so much power hidden in such a small card, and there are so many magical abilities!" Dr. Zola couldn't help admiring, "It's really fascinating!"

Be fascinated, Dr. Zola has not forgotten his insight plan. Although the final time limit is approaching, it is not safe to place all bets on Steve not being able to defeat Bucky on time.

Dr. Zola immediately sent the last Hydra operation force on the insight mothership to interfere with Steve, but this was just a cover-up. Dr. Zola's real target was the data disk in Zed's hand.

boo boo ~
"Zola, you're not doing well!" Zed turned his head to look at the screen with Zola's face printed on it, "Will you intervene in my championship round?"

Zed wanted to continue to say something, but suddenly heard a gunshot approaching, Zed was naturally not afraid of Hydra's bullets, but this bullet was not shot at Zed, but at the data in Zed's hand disk.

The data disk in Zed's hand exploded, and the fragments scattered all over the place.Dr. Zola believes that the plan with a winning rate of 83% calculated by himself is the best plan at this time.

But the biggest defect of artificial intelligence is the lack of imagination. Zola, who lacks effective intelligence, can't guess how many cards Zed has.

For Zed, the data disk prepared by Tony is not indispensable. More importantly, Zed is a little upset now. Dr. Zola shouldn't disturb Zed's mood.

Zed raised his eyebrows, raised his foot and stepped on the fragments of the data disk, then walked to the main console of the Insight Mothership, and said to Steve:

"Steve, Five of Spades, Six of Spades, Nine of Spades, brush on the sword. This is your Thunderbolt. Go on!"

"There are still 30 seconds, you are too late!" Dr. Zola ordered the Hydra operation force to open the line of defense to stop Zed's footsteps, and even Bucky temporarily gave up his attack on Steve.

Steve almost thought it was all over after the data disk shattered, but when Zed walked to the console, Steve immediately realized that Zed had a way to stop the Insight Project.

Steve then drew five of spades, six of spades, and nine of spades, brushed them on the awakening sword, and shouted:

"give it to you!"

Kick! (kick)

Thunder! (thunderbolt)

Mach! (Mach)

Steve threw away the awakening sword and vibrating gold shield, and rushed towards the Hydras blocking the way with a roar:

"Lightning Sonic Kick!"

Steve ran quickly, breaking through the sound barrier and leaving an afterimage.Then Steve jumped into the air and kicked the Hydra army headed by Bucky with his thunder-wrapped right foot.

The blue lightning flew straight towards Bucky, and Bucky had no choice but to resist Steve's kick with his bow horizontally, but this contained the righteous knight kick in Steve's heart, which Bucky could not resist, even if there was someone behind him The support of Hydra soldiers will not work either.

Like a bowling ball in the middle, Steve single-handedly dispersed the entire Hydra force, clearing a path for Zed.

Zed shook his head and complained:

"Isn't it good to call Lei Sudeng? Be more trustworthy!"

"There are still 20 seconds, you are too late. It is impossible for someone to break through my firewall in 20 seconds." Dr. Zola felt that he had already won.

After Zed inserted the remote control data disk into the console, he said:

"Naive! Professor, I leave it to you."

"Okay, Your Majesty the Demon King." Professor Ling Ma, who was far away from the Tower of the World Tree, immediately tapped on the keyboard.

Numbers, letters, and symbols flashed rapidly, and Professor Ling Ma's talent turned into a sledgehammer in the data world, slamming on Dr. Zola's firewall.


"Impossible! This is impossible!" Dr. Zola noticed that his defense line was rapidly disintegrating, and Professor Ling Ma was about to come in.

The corner of Professor Ling Ma's mouth turned up into a disdainful smile:
"Can you stop me with this kind of thing? Although the general form can't help His Majesty the Demon King, but in terms of science, I won't lose!"

Eight seconds!

Five seconds!

Three seconds!

Two seconds!

One second!
Program terminated!

"No!" Dr. Zola, who was a collection of data, had a huge mood swing for the first time, but it didn't feel very good.

Natasha and Hawkeye blocked Dr. Zola's host, and he had nowhere to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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