The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 256 Suppressing the Rebellion

Chapter 256 Suppressing the Rebellion
The coronation celebrations of the king and queen were still going on, and the military parade, traditional dances, chorus speeches and other programs continued to make Zed exhausted, but he had to smile.

Minerva still sat upright and maintained her queenly demeanor. The patience of the elite sniper was indeed not blown out, and Dan Lidou on the other side really enjoyed it.

Tan Lidou stood in front of the children's choir with a baton, directing them to sing songs praising the gods, praising the king, and praying for the future.

Tan Lidou, who was deeply intoxicated by it, closed his eyes, enjoyed it with a smile on his face, and didn't care whether it was appropriate for the gods to do these things.

The surroundings of the Supreme Temple look joyful, and there will always be a place for such a big Halla star to hide its dirt.

The place where lawbreakers used to hide was now the den of rebels who refused to accept the rule of the Shinkree Empire. These rebels were hiding underground and using private lines to watch the coronation ceremony.

"This is a betrayal!"

"The Supreme Intelligence has betrayed us!"

"The bitch must have climbed into his bed!"

"King? Queen? Pooh!"


The Supreme Intelligence has almost controlled the entire planet of Hala, and the remaining high-level Kree officials are either New Empire faction or brainwashed loyal supporters. These rebels have no ability to infiltrate the high-level of the New Kerry Empire.

With no rights or weapons, the only way out for these rebels is to contact other Kree people who are not in Hala except to live their mouths here.

Yong Rog, who had just recovered from his injuries in the space station, almost lost his anger when he learned that Hara had changed hands, and that the queen and king happened to be Minerva and her concubine who had betrayed him.

After Rogge detected that the commander of the space station intends to surrender to the New Kerry Empire, he assassinated him without hesitation, and raised a banner of anti-new and old-fashioned:

"My countrymen! The invaders have tampered with the program of the Supreme Intelligence and turned them into his lackeys! The rest of the high officials are insensitive and timid, causing our empire to be stolen by the invaders!
What qualifications does this guy who attacked our space station have to be the king of the Kree Empire?And what qualifications does this traitorous woman have to become a queen?
fellow countrymen!Let us stand up and rebuild our glorious holy Kree Empire! "

"Rebuild the Empire!"

"Rebuild the Empire!"

"Rebuild the Empire!"

With the general trend, the Kerry people on the space station have joined Rogge's team, and the supreme intelligence clone left in the data center has long been expelled by Rogge with the authority of the commander.

Kerry Interstellar Legion Special Forces Jon Rogg's skills are no strangers. Although he can't deal with Zed's group in terms of force, he can't lose to the ace agent Hawkeye in terms of professional skills. It's really true to expel it before the Supreme Intelligence clone reacts. It's a piece of cake.

But at the same time, the Supreme Wisdom also knew of the rebellion on the space station, and immediately dispatched the Interstellar Legion to encircle and suppress the rebels.As soon as the rebels on Hara connected to the signal of the space station, they heard a rumbling explosion.

"What's wrong? What happened to you?" The rebels on Hara asked anxiously.

Before evacuating the space station, Roger shouted to these people:
"My countrymen! The lackeys of the invaders have attacked our space station, and we must evacuate to other planets.

But don't worry, we will survive and rebuild the empire!Everyone, don't die in vain, the most important thing is to preserve your vitality! "

Rogge wants to develop these people into his own eyeliner, so naturally he won't say anything to these people to die for the country, but Rogge's idea is about to come to nothing.

After the communication was over, the few Cree people who stood at the end looked at each other for a few times and then laughed sullenly:

"After the boss said that these dregs are useless, he gave us food, right?"

"That's right, they're worthless now."

"What are you waiting for! Eat!"

These noisy symbionts immediately showed their real bodies, killing all directions, gobbling up, and the whole basement was like an alien purgatory.

The screams of these rebels will not arouse the symbiote's sympathy, but will only stimulate the symbiote's hunting instinct and make it more excited.

Although the Cree have long had special weapons against symbiotes, these weapons are not mass-produced standard weapons.At least they don't have it in their hands, so they can only run for their lives, but there is only a dead end waiting for them.

Zed not only gave orders to the noisers, but Supreme Intelligence also received the order to kill Unpardonable.

boo boo ~
After a volley of drones, there is no one alive here, only the noisy people who don't want to waste food are eating while it's hot.And there was more than one hiding place for the rebels who were wiped out, and this operation was on a global level.

After the coronation ceremony came to an end, there were almost no rebels against the New Kerry Empire on Hala.

It was the first time that Zed realized what it means for the emperor to lay down millions of corpses in anger. He just sat on the throne and watched the show, and countless lives died because of his one order.

This way of using power to kill people has a completely different feeling from bombing a city with absolute force, and it is easy and comfortable.

Fortunately, Zed is also a person who has seen the big world, and after a while he adjusted his mentality.One's own absolute force is the guarantee of everything, and for the stability of the Kerry Empire, such a strong order can only be issued once.

After the Cree Empire stabilizes, the Prime Minister of Supreme Intelligence will not agree to Zed's order to kill without mercy, and it will take a more peaceful approach to bring the Cree Empire back on track.

But for the rebels who are not on Hara, the Supreme Intelligence will not be soft. Yon Rog and other rebels who dare to face up against the New Kerry Empire have already been on the Supreme Intelligence's must-kill list.

At the same time, the Supreme Intelligence also recovered a large number of interstellar colonies, and under Zed's suggestion, incorporated them into the territory of the Kree Empire civilization, and no longer regarded them as exploited lands.

Reforms are in full swing. The territory of the New Kerry Empire is smaller than before, but the lost parts are unstable and chaotic areas. The Supreme Intelligence puts more energy on the assimilation of civilizations in the areas under complete control.

The strength of the Kerry Empire has not decreased but increased, and its cohesion and control have been greatly improved. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the new Kerry Empire will rise again after this period of time has passed.

Many cosmic civilizations want to weigh the strength of the Kree Empire. After all, this is the last chance to make trouble. If they succeed, their civilization strength will be greatly improved.

The Xandar people, who knew who the new king and new god of the Kree Empire were, didn't have such an idea. They were glad that Zed didn't target Xandar.

(End of this chapter)

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