The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 24 Time King VS Zan Yue

Chapter 24 Time King VS Zan Yue
"Sir, Agent Natasha is engaging the target and requests to be dispatched." Operation team leader Brock Rumlow reported the situation to Nick Fury.

But Bullock, who is a Hydra, is not only reporting to Nick Fury, but also reporting to Pierce.Although Pierce decided not to dispatch the Hydra troops, he only participated in the arrest of the King of Time as the S.H.I.E.L.D.

But Bullock knew that he should take the initiative where he should take the initiative, otherwise he would not even have to drink the soup.

"Move out! Fully support Agent Natasha!" Nick Fury heard all the conversation between Natasha and Time King. Since the other party decided to make an enemy of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury would not be lenient.


There was a loud noise in the channel where Nick Fury had just ordered to attack Brock, "What's going on? Brock!"

"Sir! That Kamen Rider named Woz is also here, and he is standing in front of us. Genm is on the other side of the encirclement. Please attack! Sir!"

"Don't hold back! Attack with all your strength!"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

To a certain extent, Brock and Zed are the same kind of people. Neither of them has outstanding talents. They all rely on their own efforts and never let go of any opportunity to get to where they are today.

Brock is very envious of Captain America, who can have such a huge power with just one potion.If it weren't for the fact that the Super Soldier Strengthening Potion restored inside Hydra has many shortcomings, and he is a spy hiding inside the S.H.I.E.L.D., he would have voluntarily injected the potion.

But the appearance of Kamen Rider's belt, dial, etc. has rekindled Brock's hope. Brock wants to get the belt; he wants to get the dial; he wants to get this kind of power beyond human limits.

Therefore, everyone present at Brockby, who was obviously Hydra, worked hard.Commanding the troops, they rushed towards Woz.

Woz will not be polite with these guys, and he will fight mercilessly. Whether he lives or dies depends entirely on the luck of the opponent.

"Don't disturb His Majesty the Demon King! You guys!"

In the parking lot, facing the double-teaming of Natasha and Matt, Zed took back the faiz phone, replaced the hour-hand sword and rushed to Matt.

The power armor worn by Natasha's limbs is completely unknown, Zed doesn't intend to touch it rashly, and Matt doesn't have any weapons except the stick.Prioritize Matt and then deal with Natasha!
When the swords and sticks intersected, the huge force of Shi Wang's armor directly shattered Matt's tiger's mouth. Matt relied on his amazing willpower to keep the stick from his hand.

Naturally, Natasha would not miss Matt's chance to parry Zed's attack. The protective gear on his arm is an energy-storing glove developed by S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists to work together to study Zan Yue's sonic crossbow.

Because of the limitations of laser technology, S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot produce energy weapons like the sonic crossbow, and can only change the energy output to kinetic energy output.Even so, the power of this power fist cannot be ignored.

The power glove on the arm lighted up slightly, and as the glove stored energy, the surrounding air was gathered together, forming a sharp whistling sound.

It's so loud, it can't be ignored even in the heat of battle.Zed kicked back directly with his right foot, precisely kicking Natasha's glove, and the meeting between the foot and the glove formed a huge shock wave.

The three of them were all thrown out, and Zed, who was wearing the King of Time armor, got up first, "Your S.H.I.E.L.D. has already"

call out!
Before Zed finished speaking, a bow and arrow shot towards Zed's face.Zed caught the arrow with a super fast reaction speed, and a trace of pride and complacency just rose in his heart.The red flash on the arrow suddenly made Zed realize something.The bow and arrow were thrown backhanded, and the aftermath of the explosion did not cause much damage to Zed.

Huh~ It's so dangerous, I almost followed in Rocky's footsteps, oh!No, I almost became Senior Loki!

Matt's super hearing not only does not play any role in the violent explosion, but becomes a burden.He could only cover his ears in pain and fell to the ground.

Natasha took advantage of the opportunity of the arrow to attract Zed's attention and rushed over from behind Zed. The energy storage glove was too loud to cover up, but Natasha's signature widow's sting made no sound.The widow's sting with a super-strong electric current can easily knock down and paralyze the target, even the time king's armor cannot be unscathed.

Natasha is worthy of the name of Black Widow, whether it is the timing of using the widow's sting or the keen grasp of the fighter, it has reached a near-perfect level.

Except for one mistake, a fatal mistake, Natasha should not have chosen to attack from behind Zedd.

As if he had eyes behind him, Zed once again used a roundabout kick, which hit Natasha on the head.Zed thought it was possible for Natasha to activate the dial, so he restrained his strength and just kicked Natasha unconscious.

But other people don't know that Natasha just passed out, all they know is that Natasha was kicked, fell, and lost contact.After receiving the rescue order from Nick Fury, Hawkeye directly used the dial to transform, and couldn't wait to rush to the fifth floor of the parking lot.

Woz, who was playing with Bullock, didn't stop Hawkeye and let him pass by like this, "The power of His Majesty the Demon King will increase again! But I still have to deal with these guys here. I want to celebrate!"

Hawkeye, who was not blocked by anyone, ran to the outer wall of the parking lot and jumped up, climbing to the fifth floor in two or three moves.Turning over and drawing the bow to shoot at Zed, the whole action was done in one go.

Zed, who dodged to dodge, saw Director Melon's Zhanyue armor, and asked doubtfully, "Hawkeye?"

Hawkeye didn't answer, and after forcing Zed back, he protected Natasha and Matt behind him.

"You guys are the ones who took my dial! Let's talk about it. If you return the dial to me, I'll let you go. How about it?" It would be nice to get the dial back without fighting, but Zed didn't hold out much hope.

Hawkeye raised the sonic crossbow to guard against Zed, and said to Matt, who came back a little, "You take Natasha first."

"If that's the case, we can only fight one game." After Zed finished speaking, he dodged to the side, avoiding Hawkeye's energy bow and arrows, and rushed towards Hawkeye in a zigzag pattern.

A small number of attacks hit Zed to make Zed run faster, and he didn't dare to slow down at all.Compared with Zed's marksmanship and Hawkeye's arrow technique, it is really the difference between Yinghuo and Haoyue.

Originally, Hawkeye was supposed to retreat while engaging Zedd in a guerrilla attack.But Natasha and Matt who were evacuating behind still needed their own protection, and Hawkeye couldn't take a step back.

Although bows and arrows could no longer be used at this distance, Hawkeye didn't panic.He is confident in his melee ability. After all, how can a guy who can be the ace agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. have obvious shortcomings.

Hawkeye slanted the sonic crossbow across his chest, using it as a double-headed scimitar, and met Zed's hour-hand sword.

Knife meets sword, people meet people.

Zed and Hawkeye looked at each other face to face, as if they could see through a visor.Zed was the first to speak: "How is it? This armor is not bad! Let me see how good you can be?"

"As you wish!" Hawkeye, who was less ruthless, went straight to it.

After the swords and swords separated with the sound of sparks and metal stings, they interlaced again and so on.

Hawkeye, who has more experience in actual combat, caught Zed's momentary pause when he took a breath, and punched Zed's diaphragm with his left hand.Normal people can't bear such a punch at all, and will lose their ability to move because their breathing is forcibly interrupted.

But a guy like Zed, who was beaten up by his second uncle, is absolutely top-notch in fighting ability.Enduring the severe pain in the body and disordered breathing, he grabbed Hawkeye's fist with his left hand, and the hour hand sword supported the sonic crossbow.He raised his left foot and kicked Hawkeye's belt.

Hawkeye flew upside down and crashed into the car, there was already a slight crack on the belt.Zed leaned on the sword and panted heavily, as if he wanted to make up for the oxygen he had lost a hundred times earlier.

I heard more and more voices outside, getting louder.Zed knew that because of Natasha's failure, Nick Fury sent more troops.If this drags on, the military may come to support.

Zed, who decided to make a quick decision, threw away the hour-hand sword and took out the faiz dial.Then transform into Kamen Rider Faiz Armor.

Hawkeye also got up from the ground at this time, and ran towards the sonic crossbow that fell aside.

The sound effect of Faiz's mobile phone sounded, and the red photon blood flowed from the driver and flowed along the armor structure. The temperature of the photon blood became higher and higher, and when the temperature reached the peak, the photon blood turned dazzling silvery white.

The breastplate of Faiz's armor also automatically turned on to dissipate heat, Shi Wang's pink eyes also turned red.

Zed spread his front and back feet and slowly squatted down.

Start up~ (start timing)
When Hawkeye's hand was about to reach the sonic crossbow on the ground, Shi Wang suddenly disappeared from the corner of his eye.

Before Hawkeye could react, he felt that he was getting farther and farther away from the sonic crossbow.Not only is it getting farther and farther away from the sonic crossbow, but also my perspective is constantly changing, sometimes up, sometimes down, sometimes to the left, and sometimes to the right.

It wasn't until the pain came that Hawkeye realized that Shi Wang was attacking him at super fast speed, but Hawkeye, who was hovering in the air and couldn't land, couldn't do anything.Even before Hawkeye fully realized what was going on, seven seconds had passed.

Zed, who had been moving at a high speed, stopped and shook his sore hand from the beating man.Then press the charging button on the belt and the dial, and then rotate the driver.Choose an angle and take off.

Smash beyond time!

The crimson electric drill aimed directly at Hawkeye's already damaged belt, and directly passed through Zhanyue's armor with the footprints shattered by time.

Time out~ (time out)
Ten seconds later, Faiz's photon logo lit up behind Hawkeye. As the logo lit up, the Zanyue armor on Hawkeye's body shattered and returned to the Zanyue dial and fell to the ground.

Hawkeye, who fell to the ground and was still breathing, tried hard to climb to the dial and tried to grab it in his hand. When he was only a little away, a foot stepped on Hawkeye's arm.

(End of this chapter)

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