Chapter 238

"Haha~hahaha~! The answer is obvious, my rocket also lit up a dial!" Rocket Raccoon couldn't put it down, holding the orange dial in his hand and jumping around.

Drax complained:
"Aren't you cheating?"

Rocket Raccoon pointed a small paw at Drax:
"Hmph~ what do you know! As long as the answer is correct, it doesn't matter if he is cheating or not!"

Just as Rocket Raccoon's mouth was broken, Zed quickly snatched the orange dial from Rocket Raccoon's hand.This dial with a question mark on it can't be handed over to Rocket Raccoon.

The moment the dial on his left hand was snatched away, Rocket Raccoon looked shocked, his eyes froze, and his mouth was open. It took a long time to slow down and shout:

"Give it back to me! I processed it, it's already mine!"

"Hehe." Zed just let out a sigh, and there was no more reaction.

Rocket Raccoon knew that he couldn't beat the armored Zed, so he could only let go:

"I offered 1 yuan to buy it."

"1 yuan? Don't dream. This is a priceless treasure, how can it be measured by money?" Zed ignored Xingjue and others, and directly connected to the signal of Woz and Xin, "Come to me quickly, there is good Healthy!"

Woz and Xin, who were robbing in the Dark Asterisk database, left Satron to take charge of the follow-up work, and rushed towards Zed.

As soon as Woz arrived, he saw Zed throwing a dial to himself. After catching the dial, Woz said in surprise:

"Ask riding a dial? Where did it come from?"

"This raccoon got it by cheating." Zed pointed to the furious Rocket Raccoon.

"Who do you call a raccoon!"

Woz knew Zed's purpose very well, so he didn't ask any more questions, and directly took out the ninja dial and the mechanical dial, and put the three dials together.

Three rays of light shot out from the three future dials in an instant, forming an equilateral triangle.There seems to be an hourglass rising and falling in the light. When the light dissipates, the dial of the resurrected person finally reveals its true colors.

"Xin, this is your power-up item, but don't use it now. Let's join together and kill Evolto!" Zed, who had a great harvest, couldn't help but swing the butcher knife at Evolto.

"Yes!" After putting away the dial of the resurrected person, Xin took a step forward and stood in front of Zed with his back to Zed, and took out the time-space driver and the dial of Crozier.

Zed didn't waste any time, and directly took out the second-order dial and the creation ride dial, quickly combined and transformed into a rabbit dragon form, and flew out of the Dark Star.

Xingjue watched the man and woman merged into one person, and said in shock:

"I buy Karma! They fit together! They fit together!"

"We've all seen it, so there's no need to repeat it." Gamora couldn't bear Xingjue's surprise.

Star-Lord turned his head to look at Gamora, then at the hunting dial in Gamora's hand, then at the Mach dial in his hand, and looked back and forth two or three times.

Gamora, who realized what Star-Lord was thinking, immediately cursed:
"Don't even think about it! I won't fit with you, a guy who thinks with his lower body!"

"Well, if we can also transform, we can go out and fight. Right, Gamora?" The corner of Xingjue's mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Woz, who was still in the Dark Star, poured cold water on Star-Lord before leaving:
"You can transform by pressing the dial, but don't even think about fitting."

Gamora looked at the back of Woz leaving, raised the hunting dial in his hand, looked at Star-Lord and said with a smile:
"Now, I can fight by myself."

After the special effects of tire transformation ended, Gamora transformed into Kamen Rider Stalker.Looking at the armor on her body, Gamora was very satisfied, took out the destruction pistol and rushed out of the Dark Star.

The helpless Xingjue immediately transformed into Kamen Rider Mach, and before he had time to take a closer look at the armor, he chased after him with the front wheel shooter and his own ray pistol:
"Wait for me, Gamora, I really didn't mean that! You misunderstood me!"

The unarmored Rocket Raccoon and Drax stared at each other, and then two figures, one big and one small, looked out from the edge of the hole in the Dark Star.

Zed in the form of a rabbit dragon is an Euler to Evolto, and Evolto has to concentrate on manipulating the Reality Gem to resist the attack of the cosmic chronicle, which can be described as two fists.

Xin is responsible for Ola Ola, and Zed is responsible for mocking:

"Evolto, it seems that your growth rate is not as great as ours! I haven't used the power gem yet!"

"Hmph~ don't get carried away." Evolto punched Zed in the head not to be outdone.

"Woo big wood big wood big!" The 2-minute battle time limit in the rabbit dragon form is very short. In order to make the most efficient use of this time, Zed's opening king exploded with full firepower.

The suppressed Evolto is very uncomfortable. He is confident that he will not lose to Zed's rabbit dragon form, but the cosmic chronicle is too troublesome.

Evolto doesn't understand why Dan Lidou and Universe Chronicle have become so much stronger, they are completely different from the last time, and the stronger God Invincible has not yet appeared.

Seeing Evolto deflated, Tan Lidou laughed heartily:

"Ha~haha~! You have seen my godly talent! A planet hunter with infinite evolution? Hahaha! How could it be comparable to my Tanli Fighting God? Haha~hahaha~!"

It's a pity that the visor blocked Tan Lidou's face, otherwise it would definitely have caused more mental blows to Evolto.

Seeing this scene, Gamora and Star Lord who arrived later raised their pistols and shot at Evolto.Fortunately, both of them are sharpshooters, and there will be no accidental injuries.

"Hey, Big Eater, do you still want to eat us? Come and eat us!" Xingjue said, while firing both guns.

Gamora is much calmer, she doesn't want to hit Evolto, she just wants to interfere with Evolto's actions.

"You ants!" The angry Evolto just summoned the black hole and was offset by the black hole of the cosmic chronicle.

Tan Lidou stood aside and said arrogantly:

"Black holes are also one of the powers of the universe. Do you want to use the power I have to deal with me? Ants."

"An ant? Someone actually called me an ant! Hahaha!" Evolto burst out with even stronger power while holding the Reality Gem in his hand.

The cartoon eyes on the chest of God Billion shoot out super rays, which are not weaker than the reality gems under the blessing of the cosmic chronicle:
"I am the supreme god who is invincible, indestructible, and has the talent of the highest god, Tanli Fighting God! Aren't you an ant?"

"Bastard!" Even if Evolto holds the Reality Gem, he won't be able to deal with the universe-level god of talent in a short while.

With Evolto and Dan Ridou facing off, Zedd unleashes a storm of attacks as the time limit for Rabbit Dragon form is 20 seconds away.

"Rocket Punch!"

After Zed's iron fist broke through the defense of Evolto's right hand, it slammed on Evolto's head, shattering the bone armor on Evolto's face.



(End of this chapter)

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