Chapter 228
There was no way to cover up such a big movement in the void. Ronan's army intercepted several groups of refugees before they got some information.

Ronan thought Evolto was trying to master the Reality Stone, so he ordered:

"The whole army surrounds the void, the Death Squad sets out!"

If Evolto fails, Ronan will immediately march into the void to grab the Reality Gem, otherwise he can only run away, and the final outcome will be witnessed by these daredevils.

The endless energy of the Reality Gem poured into Evolto in the ultimate state, but Evolto was not happy about it, because the energy was too huge.

Small cracks appeared on Evolto's body, and the red energy leaked out like a burning flame, beautiful but deadly.

"Hahaha! You deserve it!" Tanya fell into the corner and smiled happily, "A madman who overestimates himself will eventually usher in destruction!"

Evolto has no extra energy to respond to Tanya, holding the Reality Gem tightly with his left hand, roaring:

"Ah! I won't stop here!"

As if feeling Evolto's provocation, the energy released by the Reality Gem suddenly increased, directly destroying the crack on Evolto's body into a fist-sized cavity.

And the edges of these cavities are still collapsing, as if to destroy Evolto completely.

Evolto, who looks like a rag doll, still refuses to let go of Hu Lai's left hand, trying his best to absorb the power of the Reality Gem.With the roar of Evolto, the situation was leveled out little by little, maintaining a fragile balance.

Tanya looked at the hole in Evolto's body that had stopped expanding, and shouted in disbelief:
"This is impossible! Infinity gems cannot be swallowed! No!"

"Nothing is impossible! I can definitely devour it!" Evolto increased his strength excitedly.

But maybe it was extreme joy that gave rise to sorrow, maybe the power absorbed by Evolto reached the warning line, causing the universe to backlash.

The power gushing out from the reality gem not only became stronger, but even the hostility of the universe was transmitted.

Evolto could feel this powerful repulsive force destroying his vitality, so he endured the severe pain and stretched out his free right hand to the handle of the evolution drive:

"Self-protection mechanism? But, this still doesn't make me give up!"

The crank was slowly turned, and the evolutionary driver and black hole trigger were operating at full capacity, transforming all the power pouring into the body into the cornerstone of evolution.

Tanya could no longer be shocked anymore, because the power that erupted just now directly destroyed the entire collection room, and Tanya was also buried in the ruins.

Many of Ronan's death squads were also killed in the impact just now, and the remaining team members braved the energy storm and approached the center of the red storm little by little.

Evolto's right hand turned faster and faster, and the three-layer ring gear also emerged from the almost broken evolution drive, and Evolto's body turned into a deep and dark black hole.

Now is the last minute!

"I have no limit!" Evolto roared with all his strength, the ring gear closed suddenly, and the massive energy emitted from the Reality Gem also exploded at the same time.

The red light illuminated the entire void, and the head of this dead god was so dazzling that people couldn't look directly at it.

After the light dissipated, what came into the eyes of the death squads was an endless pit, and the figure in the ruins could only be seen clearly after opening the binoculars.

The deep and dark torso is covered with pale armor, which is hideous and sinister.The huge armor on the hand is like a dragon and a snake, and the tip is embellished with scarlet.

The multi-layered skirt with a gradient of black at the top and red at the bottom and a white edge was blown away by the wind, revealing the scarlet lining and black and red staggered leg armor.

The red snake-shaped logo on the waist echoes the black black hole logo on the chest, connecting the king cobra-like head and neck.

The crimson pupils under the twisted alien's pale snake goggles gradually lit up, and Evolto chuckled softly:

"Fu~haha~hahaha~! Phase [-] of the infinite form, complete."

Evolto twisted his neck, looked at his empty hands, then picked up the scrapped evolution driver and black hole trigger on the ground, and said with emotion:
"My old man, thank you for your hard work."

The gunshots from the death squad brought Evolto back to reality. Although the evolution has been successfully completed, Evolto is now like a weak giant, strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

Evolto only devoured part of the power and part of the law of the Reality Gem, but did not swallow all of it, not because he didn't want to but because he couldn't do what he wanted.

And the Reality Gem flew to nowhere in the explosion just now. Looking for a finger-sized Reality Gem in this ruins is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

What's more important is that the current Evolto has no power to resist the Reality Gem, and to tease the Reality Gem is courting death.

Although Evolto is turbulent, but now it is really not moving, so he raised his hand to say goodbye:
"The Reality Gem is in this ruin, help me find it, I'll be back. Ciao~"

Evolto used the last bit of strength to use the black hole to teleport away from the void. He is now so hungry that he must find a place where he has no resistance to eat and regain his strength.

After watching Evolto leave on the screen, Ronan immediately ordered:
"Dig three feet into the ground! Find me the Reality Gem! Hmph~ Don't even think about taking it back once it's in my hands!"

A large number of Kerry soldiers spread out from the center of the explosion point and started a carpet search.The battleships used by the company were used as work transport ships, and it seemed that they really wanted to dig three feet into the void.

Rocket Raccoon and others hiding in space hurriedly fled the void, and Drax, who hadn't recovered, didn't have the energy to clamor for revenge on Ronan.

"I'm Groot."

Rocket Raccoon complained while driving Star-Lord's spaceship:

"Of course I know Ronan is going to get the Reality Stone, but what can we do?"

Drax said in a deep voice:
"We have to stop Ronan."

"Stop? How? We only have three! They have a whole fleet!"

"I'm Groot."

"Five? Where's five? Oh, Shet. You don't mean the fool and the murderess!"

"I'm Groot."

"Mommy Fake!"

Ronan's soldiers searched the entire ruins day and night, until noon on the third day, when there was a huge explosion in the ruins.

Ronan turned his head to look at the place where the gunpowder smoke was shining red, and grinned:
"I found it, the Reality Stone is mine! I will definitely destroy the disgusting Xandars! Then your father will be next, Nebula!"

Nebula looked at Ronan calmly:
"I've waited too long for this day."

"You are free, Boll." After Zed finished his last sentence on the distant Morag planet, he threw away the communicator.

(End of this chapter)

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