The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 212 Destroying Dreams

Chapter 212 Destroying Dreams
"I lack imagination?" Malekith glared at Zed, and the ether particles in his body burst out suddenly.

The ether particles seemed to be able to proliferate infinitely, covering the dark sky of Walter Alheim, and then condensed into various weapons, hovering above Zed's head.

In an instant, arrows rained down like rain!
The knight of Yutian, engraved with the chronicle, this moment is the ultimate time!
The wave of dark red weapons clanged and fell into the torrent of green lightning, failing to hurt Zed in the slightest.

Malekith's ult has such a long cast forward, it's enough for Zed to transform slowly, twice.

"Time, stop." Zed raised his head slightly and opened his hands, entering a world where time stood still.

Flicking the sharp blade hovering in front of his eyes, Zed immediately walked towards Malekith.But before Zed arrived, a more dazzling red burst out from Malekith's body.

"Hey~ Is the time-stopping reality gem still too reluctant? But the time-stopping ether particle is still no problem." Zed grabbed a spear and threw it at Malekith.

Malekith, who was still a little dazed, was frightened out of his wits by the flying spear, and instinctively rolled to the side tactically, avoiding the attack of the spear.After rolling over, Malekith had time to observe this strange world.

Except for Zed and Malekith himself, everything is still, even the light is affected, and the color of the world is greatly changed:
"Time stopped?"

Malekith could feel that there was still a powerful force in his body, and it was it that supported him to move freely in this time-stagnant place.

But Malekith can't use it at all, and the outgoing ether particles have lost contact. Now Malekith can only fight Zed on his own.

Zed took off the long sword, swung it twice in a gesture, tried the feel, and said jokingly at the same time:
"Why, can't you use the power of the Reality Gem? How did you dark elves make the Reality Gem into ether particles?
I doubt the authenticity of this matter!Couldn't it be luck to pick it up on the side of the road? "

"Bastard! You bloody bastard!" Malekith had never been a talkative person, and he was no match for Zed in terms of words.

"Hmph~ Sad." Zedra opened his posture and wiped a long sword with his left hand, "Are you ready?"

Zed disappeared in place in an instant, a large piece of gravel and dust splashed from the cracked ground, flew into the air but slowly came to a standstill.

Malekith, who had been on guard against Zed all this time, picked up a scimitar and slashed directly in front of him angrily:


The long sword and scimitar composed of amorphous ether particles shattered simultaneously at the moment of collision, turned into beautiful tiny crystals and scattered, forming a curtain between Zed and Malekith.

"Uppercut!" Zed's right fist tore through the curtain, and a rising dragon punch slammed into Malekith's chin.

Malekith lost consciousness for a short while and leaned upwards, but Zed obviously didn't intend to let Malekith go easily.

Zed stretched out his left hand and grabbed Malekith's right leg, then put his hands together and used Malekith as a toy, beating him repeatedly.

Under Zed's beating, Malekith's consciousness that had just been online was disconnected again.After all, the physical strength of the dark elves is far inferior to that of the frost giants in Jotunheim.

The happy time is always short, and Zed's time stop is almost at its limit, but it is the most basic etiquette that he must have a hard time before the time stop ends.

Zed threw Malekith's legs into the air with both hands, and then a golden Roman numeral clock emerged at Zed's feet.Zed picked up the hem of his skirt and swung it backwards, saying at the same time:
"The final blow!"

The minute hand of the clock swung back along with Zed's right leg, making a full circle, and the moment the pointer returned to zero, Malekith just landed at the point where the pointer returned to zero.

Malekith, who was kicked in the lower back, spun around and flew backwards, smashing into the ruins of countless dark elf cities.

After the time stop ended, the etheric weapon hovering in the air immediately turned into fluid and rushed towards Malekith.Malekith knelt on the ground, supported his spine with one hand, waiting for the ether particles to repair his injuries.

"Damn it! There's no time, we can't go on like this! We have to think of a way! Think of a way!" Malekith kept talking to himself, thinking of a way to break the situation.

But if Zed gave Malekith time to breathe, would Zed still be Zed?
The red ether torrent instantly burst into a circular cavity, with Zed outside and Malekith inside.

"Let the world fall into eternal darkness? Hmph~ this crime is immeasurable, the death penalty is immediate! Execute now!" Zed rushed towards the seriously injured Malekith while speaking.

Malekith looked at Zed angrily, his body was unable to take effective actions, and he could only use his will to control the ether particles to stop Zed:

"Sin? This is the greatest glory! I will not fail!"

Part of the ether particles quickly poured into Malekith's spine, forcibly restoring Malekith's ability to move.Malekith immediately turned around and fled to the earth. As for the other wounds on his body, we can only talk about it later.

The time left for Malekith is running out, maybe 5 minutes, maybe 2 minutes, maybe even 1 minute.

Malekith struggled to run towards the space channel where he came from, and at the same time, he had to separate his mind to control two strands of ether particles, one to hinder Zed, and the other to repair the wound.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! As long as you can go back to Midgard, there is still hope! As long as you can go back." Malekith murmured to cheer himself up.

Hope is in sight, Malekith stretched out his hand towards the space channel, and there is still a last bit left!

Thor's Hammer whizzed out from the space channel, slammed into Malekith's face, and sent him back to the starting point, even further back than the starting point.

Thor's Hammer flew back to Thor's hands after he made a contribution. Thor stepped on the ground of Walter Alheim and roared:
"I'm back again! Don't try to run away this time, Malekith! You are dead, I want to avenge Loki!"

Sol was bathed in thunder and killed Malekith, and at the same time rebuked:
"Your evil plan has been ruined! The overlapping of the nine kingdoms has begun, but you have no chance! Die!"

"No! You're lying to me!"

Sol's words deeply stimulated Malekith, and Malekith recalled all the ether particles, and rushed to Sol with red eyes.

Zed, who lost his grip, took out the hour needle sword and wiped it:
"Dream Destroyer Achievement, Achievement."

(End of this chapter)

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