Chapter 209
In Asgard's night, the stars are brilliant, and you can see the sky full of stars when you look up, as if you can reach them with your hands.

The gondola-shaped boat carried the remains of the victims to the end of the sea.Under the leadership of Odin and Frigg, countless people went to the seaside to see off the sacrificed soldiers and people who died unfortunately.

Odin looked at the boats and was afraid for a while, almost his wife Frigga would also leave in the boat.If it weren't for Zed's obnoxiousness, Odin might actually put down his posture to express his gratitude.

Frigga patted the back of Odin's hand, comforting and encouraging:

"It's time to see them off."

Odin nodded, and then ordered to release the arrows.

The best archer in Asgard ignited the arrow, pulled the bowstring and shot an arrow towards the boat in front, and then countless arrows came to see the dead off.

The people on the shore released the light balls in their hands and prayed for the dead.Under the illumination of the "Kong Ming Lantern" all over the sky, the boat fell from the end of the sea, and the body turned into a little bit of starlight and merged into the starry sky of the universe.

This silent mourning will last for a long time, and Sif's original low and serious mood is gradually attracted by Saul and Jane. Seeing the two of them being intimate, Sif feels a twinge of pain in her heart, but she can only endure it silently.

"The most willing to forget the ancient poems, the most dismissive is lovesickness." Zed walked to Sif, leaning on the sweaty white railing with his elbows, "Ah~ It's the season of white albums again."

"What do you mean?" Sif asked instinctively before realizing who it was.

Zed looked at Sif and said lightly:
"It means that green plums can't beat Tianxiang. Oh, no, let me put it another way. Cough cough, the unrequited love from childhood to adulthood can't beat the true love who jumped in the queue."

Sif's facial muscles twitched slightly, suppressing her emotions forcibly, and said coldly:

"What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I'm here to find Sol, but it doesn't seem right now, I can only pass the time here." Zed stared at the light ball all over the sky for a while, lost his mind.

Sif's attention fell into Zed's dark red eyes, and she snorted:
"Hmph~ Would an evil and greedy guy like you also feel emotional?"

"Of course! Their death is a very educational lesson. They always remind me not to stop. As long as I don't stop, the road will continue to extend." The sky full of stars flickered in Zed's eyes.

Sif understood what Zed said, and retorted:

"You have no glory and no mercy!"

"Glory, I only recognize my own achievements. The glory bestowed by others is worthless.

As for mercy, God has compassion, but I don't.Well, do you know the word God? "Zed and Sif, an Asgardian, have a deep generation gap.

Sif, whose values ​​have been impacted, just wanted to continue arguing with Zed, but Saul and Jane had already walked towards them.

Saul looked at Sif first and said:
"I have a plan, I want to ask."

"If you think you are right, I agree." Sif directly interrupted Sol's next words.

"Thank you, Sif." Thor then turned to look at Zed, "You must already know my plan, do you have any suggestions?"

Zed snapped his fingers and said:

"Saul, you don't have to worry about getting rid of the spicy chicken. You just need to focus on saving Jane.

When the nine kingdoms are connected to each other, Spicy Chicken must release the power of ether in the most suitable place to fulfill his long-cherished wish. That place is the earth, London, near Stonehenge.

I will be there for him, to let him know that his end is not the darkness he expected, but the despair I bestow upon him. "

"No, after taking out the ether in Jane's body, I will definitely be able to kill this hateful dark elf." Although Thor has matured a lot, he is not ambiguous at all when he should be irritable.

Zed pouted at the corner of his mouth and said indifferently:
"You can do whatever you want. When I return to Earth tomorrow, Odin and Heimdall will watch me. That's the best chance for you to sneak away."

"Thank you, Zed. Although many people don't understand you, I consider you a friend!" Sol swung a punch on Zed's chest.

Zed snorted, waved his hands, turned and left:
"Hmph~ Life is like a coin. People who see two sides and those who see one side naturally cannot understand each other."

"Does he mean that he sees more and farther than ordinary people?" Jane understood such a simple philosophical question in an instant.

Sol scratched his head, not knowing how to express it, but Sif explained aloud:
"On the contrary, he is the one who sees one side, or he chose one side and gave up the other side."

"What do you mean?" Jane was a little confused.

Sif looked at Jane and said slowly:
"He abandoned everything for his own goals, and he only had eyes for the path he chose.

Things that we agree with, need, deserve, have to have, etc. in our lives have no value to him.

People who don't walk with him can't understand him, but people like him don't need others to understand. "

After Sif finished speaking, she left alone, her back was straight and firm, but she showed a sense of bleakness.

But Sif is not sad, because just now Sif also made a decision that does not require others to understand, a decision that belongs to the proud warrior.

If Zed knew about Sif's decision, he might laugh out loud.The biggest enemy of Sif's feelings is not Jane Foster who suddenly appeared, nor the Valkyrie Valkyrie who came from behind, but Saul!
Thor is a ronin who yearns for freedom, he will never be the king of Asgard, not only will Sif and Sol have no results, even the sword and shield of becoming king is an extravagant hope.

At this time, the future Ronin King is lobbying his younger brother in prison:
"Mother almost died."

"What!" Loki shook his body, suppressing the turbulent emotions forcibly, "What happened?"

"The dark elves attacked Asgard, and two dark elves rushed into my mother's room and nearly killed her. I want revenge!" Sol has never been very good at deceiving people, so he can only find ways to provoke Loki's anger and hatred.

Loki shook his head, fixed his dark eyes on Thor's eyes, and then grinned:
"Not only! What else?"

"Revenge is half of it, and the other half is because of Jane. You help me lead the way, and I will give you freedom, deal?" Sol didn't have much time, and he had to solve Loki's problem before the guards returned.

Loki agreed to Thor without the slightest hesitation, partly for freedom, and partly because he was the one who showed Algrim the way.

The blame for almost killing Frigg can't be counted!
(End of this chapter)

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