Chapter 2 Zed. I. Oleg
My name is Zed. Oleg, my full name is Zed.I.Oleg, and I used to be called Changpan.I'm having a hard time now because I'm learning English.The past continuous, present perfect, etc. are driving me nuts.

I started to learn English the next day after I got the Shiwang dial. I can’t help it. Once I have hope, it’s as refreshing as the morning when I wear new underwear to welcome the arrival of the new year~~ Even the English textbook has the guts to read it up.

Zed vaguely remembered that American elementary schools seemed to start school on September 9th, and he was about to be sent to school in less than four months.Attacking English in such a short period of time is no different from killing someone for a scumbag.

On the fourth day in the orphanage, a watchmaker named Charlie came and said he was my uncle, and he was going to take me to live in New York after attending the funeral.

"Hey! Little Zed, don't worry, life in New York is still very good, and your parents definitely hope that you can live happily, don't keep silent. Everything will be fine." Old Charlie comforted the child clumsily, Eyebrows and wrinkles are going to be tangled together, and there is still a smile that I think is kind.

"Okay, Charlie, don't scare the children. We should go, the funeral is about to begin." Charlie's wife, Emma, ​​is Zed's uncle.At least in appearance, he is much more amiable than Charlie.

It was at the funeral that Zed met his "parents" for the first time. His father Toby was an American, and his mother Judy was a second-generation overseas Chinese.Looking at the photos of the two of them, Zed inevitably felt a little uncomfortable. The original Zed should have passed away in a car accident with them.

I replaced Zed's existence in the world, and the original Zed didn't even have any bones, not even his own grave.Zed always felt like he had stolen something important from someone else.

Emma and Charlie didn't know how to comfort a child in the scene of being buried in a coffin, so they could only hold Zed's shoulders tightly, hoping to give him some comfort.

"Little Zed, you are very welcome to live with us, Charlie and your Aunt Joy."

Leaving the cemetery, on the car to New York, Zed's mood improved a lot, and the guilt came and went quickly.After all, your life now is your own.This life will definitely be firmly grasped by himself, no matter what Kirita, Ultron, or Thanos can stop his will to survive.

I just want to live!Don't rely on gambling!

Old Charlie's family lives in Queens. Although it is a bit old, it is at least a three-story mansion, which is much more luxurious than Zed's previous house.The only fly in the ointment is old Charlie's daughter Joey, who looks at Zed like a country bumpkin.

This is not a superpower brought by the power of encountering demons, but the ability to discern whores that was honed when he was Tokiwa.Joy gave Zed the impression of a superficial, vain American high school girl.Although Joey's condition is not serious, but compared with the honest Charlie and the gentle Emma, ​​it really makes people doubt whether Joey is their own.

"Joy. Did you vacate your old cubicle?" asked old Charlie. "Okay, okay, stop rambling, I'm going to Jenny's party tonight." Joey said while choosing a dress for tonight.After all, peahens are also more beautiful.

There were only Charlie, Emma and Zed for dinner. Although Charlie wanted Joey to stay for the new family dinner, Joey had promised his friends to go to the party last week, so he could only look at Joey helplessly. I took my bag and left.

To be honest, Zed has never attended any parties since he was a child, so he doesn't quite understand Laomei's obsession with parties.Moreover, Zed has always hated the smell of alcohol. Once the smell of alcohol is too strong, Zed will feel nauseous and irritable.Wouldn't it be nice to watch two episodes with this spare time?Zed, holding the happy water, thought so.

"Zed, the school is about to start in three months. You will definitely like the new school." "Yes! Zed, the friends you make in school should get along well." Facing Charlie and Emma's concern, listen to A half-understanding Zed could only respond to them with a nod and ah.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye, and Zed's English study was finally passed before the start of school.The compensation money from Zed’s parents’ car accident was used as Zed’s education fund. It is natural to go to a school with confidence. Not surprisingly, it is our favorite Zhongcheng High School Affiliated Elementary School.

Zed came to school to dawdle, but his purpose is very clear.Establish a friendly relationship with the future Spider-Man Peter Parker based on the principle of multiple friends and multiple paths, and as the famous good neighbor hero, Peter and Dragon Knight should not be low in compatibility.

"Hello, my name is Zed Oleg. Nice to meet you." The chubby Asian man looked very excited when he was greeted, "Hello, my name is Ned."

Zed walked around half a circle and couldn't find Peter Parker Jr. These undeveloped white children, Zed really can't recognize who is who, so he can only settle for the next best thing: get to know Spider-Man's assistant Ned first. .

"Hey Ned, what's the next class?" Zed sat next to Ned familiarly, and began to communicate with Ned in depth.

"Zed, the next class is Teacher Jennifer, she is the most gentle. Director Zach is the strictest and that bad boy named Lightning, we'd better stay away from him."

"The music classroom is at the innermost part of the third floor, so it's a long way to go."

“The hamburger in the cafeteria is not very good, but the yogurt is good”

"Hey Zed" "Hey Zed" "Hey Zed"

Zed's current mood is the same as that of Supreme Treasure on the verge of collapse. Spider-Man's assistant Ned's words are so terrifying, how terrifying should the real Peter Parker be.Zed couldn't help thinking about whether life is meaningful and whether time is long or short
At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, school is over.

"Peter! I want to show you with my fist that I, Lightning, am the king of kids in this school."

At this point a future Spider-Man is being beaten.

At the same time, the heart of a coward and a selfish ghost:
"I should help him, but I'm afraid of being beaten. Lightning looks so fierce."

"Will my helping him affect his future? Lightning's oppression put Peter in the position of the weak and understood the pain of the weak. Ben's death made Peter determined to help the weak. Should he help him? If he can't become Spider-Man, who should I ask to activate my Dragon Knight watch?"

"Small man! Do you still dare? Talk?" Lightning rode on Peter's body, punching and punching, shouting while beating.

"Stop! Lightning! Don't hit!" Ned stammered hard words, very twisted.

"Get away! Fatty! Unless~~ you want to come and accompany Peter." Lightning stared fiercely at Ned, and then swept every onlooker.

"Lightning, take it easy, you scared them all out of their wits! Hahaha." Lightning's cronies laughed beside them.

Ned lowered his head aggrieved and unwilling. Peter looked embarrassed with his nose bruised and swollen from the beating, but he was really pretty when he gritted his teeth and never begged for mercy.

Watching the two of them reminded Zed of seeing the Tobey Maguire version of the Spider-Man movie for the first time.The first time I was beaten, it seemed to be for the sake of others.
Zed shook his head and took a deep breath!Take two steps back!Stretch out!

A jump to the sky turns to a rider kick!

(I fly with one kick!)

As expected of the man who was going to be the most vicious and vicious Demon King, he landed directly on Lightning's chest with a precise and powerful kick.

Lao Tzu is the king of the devil, how can someone be more arrogant than me? !I will hit you when I say hit you.Today I will not only beat you alone, but also a group of you.super fierce~~
Children can't waste their sleeping magic power when they fight. In this case, they can only rely on one word to win. RUA~~
Before the pony boys could react, Zed swung his fist and went up.He punched Meng again, but he was also punched by others.There was chaos.Zed didn't know which people had punched him black, and the panda's eyes came out, but he became more and more excited and vigorous.

Lightning, who got up from the ground, shouted outside the battle circle, "Grab him! Quick! Hold him down!"

Several people entangled Zed, and threw Zed hard to the ground.What if two fists are no match for four hands?Call people!
As soon as Lightning was about to kick Zed, Peter behind him rushed over and locked Lightning's legs, and then Ned took the head with a huge impact.

Best match!

"Director Zach, it was Lightning who bullied Peter first, and Zed and I did it bravely." Ned reluctantly argued to the dean.

"Gathering a crowd to fight, are you justified? Are you brave enough? And you! Are you a superman? You still kick." Director Zach's roar resounded throughout the school.

*longmen swear*
Got into a fight on the first day of school and was called a parent.Charlie, Ben, and Ned's father looked helplessly at Zed, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and Peter and Ned, who also had pig heads.Not knowing what to say, the three could only look at each other and smile.

The three little guys have a pig's head on their head, and they can talk and laugh.Pair them with cigars and whiskey, marking the romance of old American men.

"Hey Zed, you are so brave. Now the whole school is talking about your flying kick. Is this Chinese Kung Fu? Can you teach me?"

"Zed Ned, thank you for helping me. Do you like pineapple pie? Aunt May's pineapple pie is delicious. I'll bring it to you tomorrow."

"It's all trivial, but I'm the man who wants to become the devil king."

The little boy was such a fool that one day Ned and Peter thought Zed was their best friend.And the price is just a pair of panda eyes.oh!Not a day, but half a day.School ends at 2 o'clock.

on the way home.

"Zed, you are brave today to protect your friends, which is commendable. But fighting is always wrong. Got it? You should choose a safer and safer way to deal with it next time."

"Uncle. I want to learn watchmaking."

"Don't change the subject. What are you waiting for today?"

"I want to learn how to make a watch!"

"Oh! My God! Little Zed is going to learn how to make watches with old Charlie. My craft has been passed on."

(End of this chapter)

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