The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 19 Ethan's Enlightenment

Chapter 19 Ethan's Enlightenment

Tony was snuggling up on the sofa in the living room, eating pizza, when Pepper called, "Hey! How's it going? Pepper, did you find anything?"

"Tony! It's Stan! The person who kidnapped you is Stan! You are in danger now!" Pepper anxiously warned Tony on the phone, but Tony's signal was cut off after a blind tone.

Pepper panicked and asked Coulson beside him for help, "Tony is in danger! It must be Stan, he has already made a move!"

"Calm down! Miss Pepper! We will send an action team immediately!" Coulson immediately ordered his agents to assemble.

Pepper did not intend to only put hope on the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. When Coulson assembled the team, Pepper also called Roddy and asked him to go to Tony's villa to help Tony.

At this moment in the villa, the blood vessels on Tony's face and neck turned into an abnormal blue-black color. Tony, unable to control his body, could only stare at Stan in front of him with blood-red eyes.

"Don't blame me, Tony! You and Pepper forced me to do it, I didn't intend to do it." Stan said to Tony with a smile, shaking a gadget in front of Tony's eyes.

"But it's really a good thing, isn't it? Relying on electromagnetic and sound wave technology to instantly paralyze people, it's a pity that the government has not approved it. Don't stare at me like this. I have been dominated by your father Howard all my life, but his cooperation with me It's been good, the two of us have joined forces to make Stark Industries what it is today."

When talking about Howard, Stan was obviously a little excited, pulled off his tie and continued to say to Tony: "I thought we could cooperate well, but I found that you are not worthy! You are not as good as Howard, and you have no right to make me bow! In my opinion You were just a hen that laid golden eggs, and now you're laying your last golden egg."

Stan took out the Ark reactor from Tony's chest, and murmured to himself infatuatedly, "It's so beautiful!"

Leaving Tony, who was dying, in the villa, Stan immediately rushed back to the Stark Industries R&D Center. After completing the Ultimate Iron King, the next one was Pepper.

The invisible time demon machine landed on the roof of the hospital. Zed walked down alone after transforming, while Woz and Tan Lidou stayed in the demon machine.Zed, who knew the location of Ethan's ward in advance, slid along the pipe to the window of Ethan's ward, and then rolled over and entered.

It just fell into the night, Ethan was having dinner, and was a little surprised when he saw Shi Wang come in through the window: "Mr. Shi Wang, why are you here?"

"Um~ Let's see you, how is your body?" Zed moved over to a chair and sat down beside Ethan's hospital bed.

"He's recovering well, and he'll be discharged from the hospital in a few days." Ethan replied to Zed with a smile, but the smile on his face immediately turned into a brisk joke, "Mr. Shi Wang, what do you want me to do? "

Ethan is very smart, otherwise he wouldn't be a scientist, but more importantly, Ethan has an indescribable intelligence.Zed knew that he couldn't lie to Ethan, so he could only tell Ethan truthfully: "You should be damned, in that cave."

"I know."

"I'm talking about your original ending, the ending without my participation."

"Unbelievable, but I can understand."

Seeing Ethan so calm, Zed continued: "Tony will be in danger tonight, but he can't die. And I need a lot of power, and you should be able to provide me with some of it."

Ethan looked at the night outside the window, the remaining dusk and the gradually dimming night looked very beautiful.

After looking at it for a while, Ethan turned to look at Zed: "What do I need to do?"

Zed took out a blank dial and said to Ethan, "I believe you can activate it!" Then he solemnly handed the dial to Ethan.

Because of an accident with the dial that was handed to Jessica, Zed is now more cautious.You must see the dial activated and be able to withdraw it on the spot before giving the dial to others.

Ethan took the dial and said to Zed: "Is this your purpose? You saved me for this thing? Even saved Tony for this!"

"Yes! But both you and I need it, don't we?"

Ethan rubbed the blank dial as if talking to Zed, or talking to himself: "I lost my most precious family, but I didn't expect that I could protect others."

In the underground laboratory of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Zhanyue dial was played and caressed by one scientist after another, and the eagle's eyes turned green when he saw it.

Dr. Carl walked out of the laboratory and said to Nick Fury and Hawkeye: "The dial has been bound to Hawkeye, and there is no response for other people to use it. To really analyze the mystery of this dial, we must disassemble it."

Dr. Carl and other scientists in the base wanted to dismantle the dial very much, but such a precious sample had to be approved by Nick Fury.

Nick Fury pondered for a while, and said to Dr. Carl: "Only the external inspection can be done, and the dial cannot be damaged. I understand your thoughts, but we only have this dial, and we can't afford to lose it. If we can get a second one If so, I will hand it over to you for research as soon as possible.”

Under the resentful eyes of the scientists, Nick Fury and Hawkeye left the laboratory.On the way, Nick Fury said to Hawkeye: "How does it feel to put on that armor?"

"Great! I feel more than ten times stronger."

"Yes! This power is too strong! Once it spreads out, it will cause great harm to the world."

"But isn't the dial bound to the user? It's unlikely to spread widely, right?" Hawkeye asked with some doubts.

Nick Fury took out his mobile phone and opened a picture, pointed to Shi Wang's belt and said: "Do you think there is a dial inserted here, what is the empty space on the other side for! No one in this world Giving this kind of power to others for no reason without asking for anything in return. Shi Wang will definitely be able to use these activated dials, and he will definitely find a way to get them back."

Hawkeye understood Nick Fury's concerns: "So, the belt of the King of Time is the most valuable. If this belt can be mass-produced, the entire world structure will be impacted. We have to get this dial before he comes. time to catch him?"

Nick Fury shook his head: "No! If our secrecy measures are effective, he still doesn't know that the dial is in our hands. Matt is the most likely target, and I need you and Natasha to work together to capture he!"

"Yes, sir!"

With a strong will to survive, Tony climbed from the living room to the laboratory with difficulty.But it was already the limit when he was at the experimental table, his legs and feet were getting weaker and weaker, and his hands could no longer be stretched forward.Just when Tony was desperate, the little clumsy handed over the old Ark reactor.

"Huh~ little clumsy hand! You are so amazing! I will never donate you to the university!" Tony, who escaped from death, did not forget to say sarcasm.

"Tony! How are you?" Roddy, who always came late, was not surprised this time, and helped the weak Tony to sit on the chair.

"I feel great now, I can't wait to kill Stan!" Tony gasped.

"What happened? Stan? What's going on?" Roddy looked puzzled.

"It was Stan who kidnapped me, don't ask so much! I'm going to rescue Pepper!" Tony broke free from Roddy's support and walked towards the Mark III suit.

"My God! Tony! What did you invent?" Rody, who saw the steel suit up close for the first time, could swallow a fist the size of a sandbag with his mouth open.

"Stop asking! Go inform the military to arrest Stan! I'm going first!"

Coulson, Pepper, and a whole team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents forced their way into the Stark Industries R&D center.

"Sector [-]! District [-]! Stan's steel suit is in District [-]." Pepper, who had browsed Stan's secret files, led the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to the destination.

After opening the protective door in District [-], only a few failed products that could not stand still stood in front of everyone's eyes.

"Is it these?" Coulson turned around and asked Pepper suspiciously. After all, such failures are not threatening.

"No! The one Stan built was much bigger than these!"

"Much bigger! How big is it?"

"It's so big!" It wasn't Pepper who answered Coulson. With this answer, Stan drove the Ultimate Iron King out of the dark warehouse.

The shape and height of the Ultimate Iron King are similar to the original Iron King, but there are yellow rubber buffer rings at the joints of each joint, which greatly improves the mobility of the Extreme Iron King.

The cartoon hairstyle and shoulder armor originally designed by Dan Lidou have also been changed into hideous protruding shapes, making the ultimate iron king more powerful and attractive.

"Pepper! You've been doing a great job! To reward you, I've decided to give you a vacation~forever!"

After saying these words, Stan prioritizes attacking the armed S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.Get rid of them first, and Pepper, who has no resistance, can be crushed to death.

Faced with such a steel monster, the experienced agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. lost all their experience.Dead and wounded, but at least they bought time for Pepper's escape.

"Pepper! How are you?" Pepper recovered the communication signal after leaving District [-], and Tony immediately contacted Pepper.

"Tony! You're all right! That's great! Stan made a steel suit bigger than you."

The ground above the laboratory in District [-] was directly broken, and the loud noise interrupted Pepper's call.Stan climbed out in the ultimate iron bully, "Where can you go? Pepper! Just die!"

Gatling raised his right hand and aimed at Pepper, and Stan yelled, "Die!"

Tony roared in the air, and knocked off the right arm of the Iron King at the very moment, protecting Pepper.

Driven by the huge kinetic energy, the two rolled out a long way.Shaking their dizzy heads, the two got up and roared at each other and rushed towards each other.



(End of this chapter)

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