The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 151 The Fantastic 4 Heroes

Chapter 151 Fantastic Four
Zed bit his finger and stared at the dial of the snake skin monster in his hand, with a solemn expression, even Lilith's barbecue was not delicious.

It is impossible for such a naive man to activate the dial of the snakeskin, absolutely impossible!Something must have happened!
The space capsule plan for Dum's company was carefully prepared by Zed, but now there is such a big mistake, which makes Zed, the chief planner and chief director, very upset.

I don't know if there is any problem with this snake skin monster dial, Zed dare not use it directly.Zed is going to go to Doom's company to investigate the situation himself and determine what happened to Ben.

After confirming that there is no problem, the dial of the snake skin monster can be used.Even the dials of Crozier and Yuicui were taken away by Zed, and as for the dials of Chuangqi that had already been used, there was no other way.

After deciding on the follow-up plan, Zed also gained confidence, and Lilith's barbecue smelled good again.

How can you have the strength to fight if you don't have enough to eat?
When the four Reeds on the other side woke up, they all felt a little change in their bodies.

Reed always felt that his body was a little soft and very elastic. Not knowing if it was an illusion, Reed shook his head, took his coffee and was ready to continue working.

"Oh! Cool!" Jonathan cheered from the next room, "Reed! Come and see! I'm hot!"

With a bang, the door was kicked open.Jonathan looked at Reed with a blushing face, his round mouth was open, and his hands kept moving back and forth.
"Ah. Um. Um. Me."

"Calm down, Jonathan. What's wrong with you?" Reed didn't understand what Jonathan was up to so early in the morning.

Jonathan stretched out his hands and said as if offering a treasure:

"Look, Reed."

Orange flames spurted out of Jonathan's palm, almost singeing Reed's hair.

"Oh! My God! Jonathan told me, this is your magic trick!" Reid looked left and right, but he couldn't see any mechanism in Jonathan's hand.

"It's true, Reed! I'm on fire!" Jonathan couldn't be more excited.

After calming down, Reed spun around and said to himself:
"Wait, why is this? Why is there a flame out of thin air? Why?"

"What are you arguing about so early in the morning?"

A voice sounded from behind the two, and Reed and Jonathan instinctively looked behind them, then screamed at the same time:
"Ghost! Ghost!"

A piece of clothing floated in the air out of thin air, and it also posed various poses of living people, scaring Reed and Jonathan into hugging each other.

"Ghost?" Susan looked puzzled and then turned to look in the mirror, "Ghost!"

Reed had already recognized Susan's voice, and when he saw that the "clothes" were about to fall backwards, he instinctively stretched out his arms to wrap around the "clothes".

Jonathan looked at Reed's flexible rubber arm and yelled:

"Fack! Reed, you have become a rubber man!"



After a period of calmness, the three finally accepted the fact that they had mutated and developed superpowers.

Reed calmly analyzed:
"I became a Rubber Man; Susan became an Invisible Man; Jonathan became a Pyroman. The only big thing we have experienced together recently is cosmic rays, right?"

"Yes, it's close to ten." Susan's body flickered, sometimes invisible and sometimes visible.

Jonathan stroked his chin and said with a strange expression:

"Well, I'm more curious about what Ben has become?"

"Ben has received the most cosmic rays, his body is gone! Let's go and have a look!" Reid walked to Ben's room first after finishing speaking.

"Ben! Ben! Ben!"

The sleeping Ben was awakened by Jonathan's knock on the door, and his stiff stone body opened the door.
"Why is it so noisy so early in the morning, ha~~"

The three of Reid stared at the stone man in front of them dumbfounded, completely unable to recognize that it was Ben.

"Ben, are you okay? Your body" Reed didn't know what to say.

Ben looked at his body belatedly, stared and said:
"Oh~ how did my body turn into stone? It's pretty hard! Reed, do you have coffee? I want a cup of coffee for breakfast."

After Ben finished speaking, he hummed a song, twisted his body, walked into the bathroom, and brushed his teeth cheerfully.

In the eyes of the three of Reed, Ben's exaggerated performance means that Ben's brain has also been affected by cosmic rays, and his personality has changed.

As Ben hummed and brushed his teeth, Jonathan whispered to Reed and Susan:

"Reed, sister, do you think Ben's brain has also been affected?

Otherwise, how could he be so calm, and Ben is obviously a rough guy with tone deafness, how could he be able to hum! "

Susan threw her head on the back of Jonathan's head and reprimanded:
"Don't say a word!"

While the three of Reed were muttering and analyzing the situation, Ben was still humming and brushing his teeth as if no one cared about himself, while the ghostly Zed was standing behind the three of them and looking at Ben's back.

Zed couldn't find anything abnormal except that his personality became cheerful.When Reed and others left the room, Zed could only get out of the way ahead of time.

After Zed left the room, a red light flashed in Ben's eyes standing in front of the mirror, a stiff smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he shook his head.

Evolto, the snakeskin monster, muttered in his heart:

"Being suspected so soon? The one just now seems to be a product of the Kamen Rider system!
Hey~ This stone body is really troublesome, even the smile is so stiff.Well, it's time for a new body.Who are you looking for?Hmm~huh~”

Ben twisted his body and finished brushing his teeth, then left the room as if nothing had happened, sat down at the dining table and enjoyed a delicious breakfast.

"Hmm~ This bacon tastes really good, and the coffee is also good, although it's a bit worse than mine. Hmm~" Ben kept praising while eating.

Zed stood aside and waved his hand in front of Ben's eyes, but Ben didn't notice it.Zed couldn't be sure whether Ben was really invisible, or was possessed by the actor.

But Zed knew very well that someone who was not of this character at all, suddenly became so cheerful and cheerful, something must have happened.

The three of Reed sat across the dining table and said worriedly:
"Ben, are you really okay like this? Let's go check it out."

"Then I have to wait until I finish my breakfast." Ben shrugged indifferently.

"Ben, what about your fiancée?" Jonathan couldn't help asking this question.

Reed, Susan, and Zed were all stunned, looking at Jonathan with a hellish expression, and then all looked at Ben.

After swallowing a piece of bread, Ben licked Stone's lips and said:

"The way I am now is just delaying others. If she can't accept me like this, then it's better for us to break up peacefully. Hmm~"

The impotent man who was sealed in his heart said furiously:

"Do not!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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