The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 143 Fate Change Failed

Chapter 143 Fate Change Failed
Zed walked up to Karl and helped him untransform, then checked his body.

Carl's body showed many signs of abuse and violence, but there were no serious injuries except for his eyes.Mental problems are more serious.

Zed held Uncle Ren's dial in his hand, looked at Carl who was lying motionless on the ground, shook his head and sighed secretly, then got up and looked at Lena who was standing aside.

Lena was no longer as flustered as before, she calmly walked up to Zed and said:

"My name is Lena, and I'm an informant from S.H.I.E.L.D. I've been lurking by Jiaying's side."

Zed frowned. It is understandable that Reina could not predict himself, but when did Reina become a member of S.H.I.E.L.D.?
Zed narrowed his eyes and asked:
"Who is your upline?"

"John Garrard." Reina said the name without the slightest hesitation.

John Garrard?It's this weed!This guy wasn't scooped up by Nick Fury?Has he surrendered to Nick Fury, or is John really a best actor?

But it doesn't matter, as long as John Garrard doesn't die, Zed doesn't bother to care about him.This Rena who has the ability to foresee is much more dangerous than John Garrard.

"So? Do you think I'll let you go for John Garrard's sake?" Zed leaned slightly and looked at Reina.

With Lena's level, she can't get detailed information about Zed at all, and she can't organize words for Zed's character.

More importantly, Reina's predictive ability has no reaction to Zed at all, and she can only rely on her own experience and wisdom now.

Reina pretended to be calm, but showed a hint of panic and said:

"Stop joking, Mr. Zed. I have become like this in order to gain Jiaying's trust. Will Mr. Zed take my life?"

"Then you should complain to S.H.I.E.L.D. instead of coming to me." Zed crossed his arms and tapped his arms with his fingers.

Lena was overjoyed in her heart, she was waiting for this sentence.

Lena smiled wryly:
"Then Mr. Zed will take me to the S.H.I.E.L.D."

Zed also told a lot of lies in order to achieve his goal. In essence, Zed and Reina are actually quite similar.

It is also because of the principle that same-sex repels each other, Zed is very aware of how dangerous this woman who is talking about running a train is, and coupled with the ability to predict, Reina's level of danger is directly off the charts.

"Okay, then I'll send you to Coulson. But, aren't you afraid?" Zed tilted his head and looked at Reina.

Lena frowned slightly, not quite understanding what Zed meant,
"What? What am I afraid of?"

"Why did Jiaying know of Coulson's plan? Who told Jiaying the secret?" Zed tapped his fingers harder and harder.

Reina replied without hesitation:

"I understand Mr. Zed's doubts, but I entered the afterlife a long time ago.

I only have a tracking bracelet on me and I don't carry anything.It's impossible for me to know what Chief Coulson's plans are. "

Reina's lies are indeed impeccable, but it's a pity that she ran into Zed.I ran into another superpower with the ability of "prediction".

Zed shook his head and sneered:
"It seems that you don't know enough about me!"

"Huh?" Lena was puzzled by Zed's inexplicable words.

"Flower skirt Lena, alien angel, predicting the future, am I right?" Zed didn't want to test Lena anymore.

Reina trembled in panic, stammering and asking:

"You, how do you know? Me"

"Because, I am the devil master of the power of time! I am more like a prophet than you, understand?"

After the words fell, Zed kicked up Reina and trampled Reina under his feet, and took out the needle gun and aimed it at Reina's head.

"Although your ability is very good, it's a pity you couldn't fool me." Zed put the dial of Uncle Ren into the slot of the hour gun.

Reina held Zed's feet tightly with both hands, and yelled frantically:

"No! Don't! I know I'm wrong! Please! I will never lie again!"

Leina was not reconciled, she managed to escape from the world, she thought she would not die, but she didn't expect death to come after her.

"I don't want to die! I really don't lie anymore! Please!" Reina kept repeating these words as if she had lost her mind and went crazy.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Zed shook his head and said coldly:
"You woman is too dangerous! I don't think all the lies I've told in my life are worth as much as a month of yours. So, it's out of print!"

After the voice fell, Zed also pulled the trigger at the same time.

"Do not!!!"

The ferocious head of the "angel" bloomed like a flower of flesh and blood, and the splashes of scarlet scattered on the pattern of the clothes, making Reina's flower skirt even more gorgeous.

Zed took out another blank alien dial as usual, the evil light flashed, and the alien flower dream dial was born.

Zed shook his head, put away the alien dial, wiped the blood on his body, waited for Woz and Xin to pack and sort out the experimental materials needed by Tan Lidou, raised his hand and opened the golden space door, carried Carl and walked in first.

This space door is not to go to the afterlife, but a direct bus back to the fantasy company.

Zed put Carl into the repair cabin, and after explaining the matter to Professor Ling Ma, he opened the space door again, and Woz and Xin followed after putting down the experimental materials.

The space door to the afterlife opened directly beside Skye, who had the magic mark. As soon as Zed stepped out of the space door, he saw agents of SHIELD and aliens from the afterlife working together to put out the fire.

With the help of the small Helicarrier, the fire in the afterlife was quickly brought under control.The aliens were embarrassed to turn against S.H.I.E.L.D., who helped put out the fire, but when the arsonist Zed appeared, the crowd became excited.


After Zed snorted coldly, the two Wushuang dragons flew out again and hovered over the crowd.

After two terrifying dragon chants, Zed said to the aliens who were silent:
"Have the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. explained it to you? Whether you believe it or not, I'm not interested in explaining anything to you.

All I did was suppress you stupid villagers in the shortest possible time. I don't care if any unlucky people die in this fire.

If it wasn't for someone to intercede for your cheap goods, who cares about you!Anyone who is dissatisfied and wants to take revenge must first be aware of death.

Next time, I won't put any more water. "

Zed's words made some aliens almost lose control, but Lincoln and the rubber man stopped these violent guys.

Lincoln stepped forward and said:

"We already believed that Jiaying wanted to start a war, but what you did was really"

"Then can you stop these villagers? Who can't say nice words?"

(End of this chapter)

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