Chapter 141 Suppression
Coulson gradually recovered in the green Time Demon God Machine, and said with pauses:
"Thank you, Mr. Woz, please connect to the signal of our spaceship. Thank you."


Woz knew that Zed didn't like S.H.I.E.L.D., but this middle-aged Mediterranean man was an exception.Woz naturally would not refuse his request that was not too much.

After Mei's face appeared on the screen, she asked anxiously:

"Colson, what happened? Why didn't you give the signal? And Ward?"

Coulson was out of breath, supporting the cabin and replied:

"Jiaying has been preparing for me for a long time, and they also knew about the energy shield made by Fitz in advance.

Luckily Miss Skye and Mr. Zed were there.Ward. He. I can only pray for him. "

"Then what are we going to do now?" Mei felt relieved seeing that Coulson was fine.

"Let's go support"

Coulson was interrupted by Woz before he finished speaking,

"No, I'll send you back and I'll go off to help out myself. Haven't I congratulated the spirit knight armor yet?"

(; ̄д ̄)
The alien guards on the ground have been almost dealt with by Zed, and only Lincoln, Rubber Man, and Hardened Man are left back to back to guard Zed who is elusive.

Inhumans without awakening abilities or non-combat abilities can only hide far away to prevent being affected.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Gordon immediately flashed to Jiaying's side,

"what should we do?"

"Gordon, can you catch him?" Jiaying thought Zed could teleport like Gordon.

Gordon was very embarrassed. Not only could he not see, but he could not sense the fluctuations in space at all.

"Uh, no."

Jiaying was so angry that she wanted to kill these two useless guys.
"You! You!"

Without Gordon's restraint, Skye also flew back to Zed's side,
"Zed. Me."

"I said, leave this matter to me. There is no room for negotiation!" Zed directly interrupted Skye's speech.

Skye didn't say anything more, but Lincoln on the opposite side couldn't stand it anymore, and said loudly:
"Daisy! Skye! No matter what your name is, you are a stranger, and your mother is still here! Don't be fooled by these humans!"

"No, what I said is true! Lincoln!" Skye also wanted to persuade these strangers not to be obsessed.

Thunderbolt, Lincoln?
Zed finally remembered who this fake Thor was,
"Skye, don't talk to him too much. He's just greedy for you, scumbag! See if I don't blow his dog's head off!"

Zed threw the eye gun saber at the three of Lincoln, and then rushed towards them immediately.

Woz in mid-air pulled the cabin door and shouted:

Let's celebrate!Inheriting the power of all knights, the king of time who knows the past and the future is called Kamen Rider Shiwang. At this moment, he has inherited the power of a legendary knight and transformed into Kamen Rider Shiwang—Spirit Rider Armor!
"Fortunately, we caught up." After sighing, Woz jumped off the Time Demon Machine and joined the battle.

Three against three, originally Zed's side should have the upper hand, but it was reversed because of Jiaying's words.

"Compatriots, take up your weapons! Look at these fallen warriors, they need you! Let these humans see the bloodiness of our aliens! Fight!"

Jiaying's speech was really impassioned, and many non-combat strangers took up arms and took to the streets.

If there is one, there will be two, more and more aliens are urged by their own blood, and there are three layers inside and three layers outside, surrounded by the three of Zed.

"Kill them!"

"Damn human!"

Facing the crowd, the one who feared the most was not the three surrounded, but Reina who was standing on a high platform in the distance.

Lena only told Jiaying about S.H.I.E.L.D., but didn't mention the war in the afterlife, using the reason that she couldn't predict the future for too long to prevaricate the past.

But now the scene is getting closer and closer to the afterlife of the ruins in Leina's impression, Lena couldn't help trembling and muttering:
"We will die! Must go! We will die!"

Reina's trembling and fear are real, the only thing that is fake is that Reina added a "we" after "I".

Jiaying didn't see the difference, thinking that Leina really foresaw the death of the three of them, so she was ready to retreat tactically at any time.

But until the Yellow River, Jiaying will not give up, she will stay here until the last moment.

Zed took off the spirit ride dial and replaced it with the dragon tooth dial.Then two unparalleled dragons hovered above everyone's heads through the pool.

Zed raised his thumb to the crowd and slowly lowered it, and said:

"Cheap goods have to look like cheap goods!"

Like a bomber passing through the border, the two Wushuang dragons opened their mouths and sprayed dragon flames wildly.Most of the buildings in the afterlife were made of wood, and under the attack of the dragon flame, they burst into flames.

Skye grabbed Zed's wrist in a panic, she didn't want to see Zed slaughter these aliens,

"Zed, this. This."

Zed patted the back of Skye's hand and explained:

"Okay, I know you're softhearted so you didn't attack the crowd directly. I'm not a master of body drawing.

Take advantage of this fire to suppress them all, and call Coulson and the others if there are not enough manpower.

Don't hesitate, or someone unlucky will bump into Dragon Flame. "

After listening to Zed's explanation, Skye realized another meaning, Zed wanted to distract himself and get rid of Jiaying.

But Skye really couldn't do it.

"Don't torture her." After Skye left this sentence, he flapped his wings and flew towards the unlucky person trapped in the sea of ​​fire.

Zed turned his head and looked sideways at the three of Lincoln and raised his hand and said:
"Sa, choose. To save people with Skye, or continue to obstruct me from solving Jiaying. Tell me your answers."

Listening to the shouts of the villagers, the three of Lincoln felt tangled in their hearts.Although the flames did not directly fall on the crowd, but the fire is so large that it is very likely that some people will die.

In Jiaying's eyes, the hesitation of the three of Lincoln was a sign of disloyalty. Jiaying scoffed unhappily:

"Hmph~ It's really unreliable! Gordon, let's go."

Gordon immediately grabs Jiaying and Lena and flashes away.And their departure caused a huge psychological blow to the three of Lincoln.

"How? Why did the leader leave us?"

"This... this must be his plan to separate!"

"Stop arguing, no matter what, saving people is the most important thing!"

After Lincoln took a deep look at Zed, he turned around and picked up his fallen companion and walked out of the village.The other two also organized the villagers to help themselves.

Watts exclaimed:
"As expected of His Majesty the Demon King, these blind villagers were dealt with so easily. But what about Jiaying and the others?"

"Jiaying's bomb plan has just started, and she must be reluctant to part with those Terrigen crystals."

After the words fell, Zed opened a golden space door with a wave of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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