The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 138 Jealousy makes people blind

Chapter 138 Jealousy makes people blind
"Boss, S.H.I.E.L.D. has found us, and they also asked to meet us tomorrow morning." The alien who manages the communication channel hastily reported the information sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. to Jiaying.

"What! How did S.H.I.E.L.D. find us? We didn't leave any clues!"

"There are so many of them, it is impossible for us to fight head-on."

Most of the aliens obviously don't want to go to war with S.H.I.E.L.D. They just want to live their own peaceful life without being disturbed by the outside world.

But Jiaying's heart has long been filled with hatred, and she can't tolerate these opposing voices. She wants to provoke a war between Yiren and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Jiaying said in a deep voice:
"Then let them in, and I'll meet that guy named Coulson in person."

While Jiaying was getting ready for tomorrow morning, Reina found Karl, who she had met in India.

"Rena, how long have we not seen each other? Regarding your current appearance, I..." Carl is still a little uncomfortable with Reina's current appearance.

Now Lena doesn't object to this "angel" appearance, and calmly said:

"I think the sane Mr. Carl is much better than before. You used to go crazy every now and then in India."

"Okay, don't mention it. What are you looking for me at this late hour?" Karl didn't want to mention the previous madness.

Lena carefully closed the doors and windows, and after making sure that no outsiders were listening, she opened her mouth and said:

"My powers are not just physical changes, I can see fragments of the future. I... I know it's hard to believe, but."

Carl's face turned cold, and he asked seriously:

"What kind of future do you see?"

The death that Reina clearly saw was only herself. She wanted to change her fate, so she modified it a little:
"Fight and death, no one is spared. Just after dawn, we don't have much time. We can join forces and escape."

Karl knew that if Reina's ability was real, then his plan to persuade Jiaying must have failed.

But Karl was not reconciled to running away in such a desperate way, he wanted to try one last time,
"Go on your own, I want to stay here."

"What? Are you crazy? The possibility of us escaping is very low, and we will die if we stay here!" Reina couldn't understand Karl.

"You go to my daughter, you can use her to take you away, but you have to make sure to keep her away from here. As for how to deceive people, you know better than me. Okay, let's go!" Carl pushed Lena and went out go.

"You can't go anywhere."

Gordon came out of the house and stopped in front of the two,

"Hmph~ I have long felt that something is wrong with the two of you, and there is indeed a problem."

After Karl solved the side effects of the strengthening potion, the strengthening of his physical fitness has also weakened a lot, and he is only slightly stronger than ordinary people, and Lena can't fight at all.

Gordon knocked the two of them to the ground with one punch, and then grabbed them and teleported to Jiaying's prison.Zed was still reasoning with Skye through the mirror and didn't notice Carl's disappearance.

A few minutes later, Jiaying followed Gordon into the prison, looked at Karl with a cold expression, and angrily said:
"Are you going to let my daughter leave me? You've let me down! Carl!"

"Jiaying, calm down! Don't make the same mistake again and again!" Carl grabbed the railing with both hands and looked excited.

But Jiaying no longer paid attention to Carl, and Carl was no longer in her heart and eyes.

Jiaying looked at Lena who was trembling in the corner of the wall, and said coldly:

"Death or life, you choose."

Lena knew that this was Jiaying's ultimatum, if she could not be used by Jiaying, she would definitely be killed by Jiaying.

Leina, who puts her own life first, chose to surrender and walked towards Jiaying.As long as you are alive, you still have a chance!

"You made the right choice. It will be dawn soon, tell me everything you see. If you dare to lie to me, you know the consequences!" Jiaying turned and left after finishing speaking.

"Jiaying! Jiaying!"

No matter how Karl shouted, Jiaying didn't look back. Instead, Gordon's question got Jiaying's response.

"What to do with him?"

"I leave it to you, Gordon. Do as you please."

Gordon, who received Jiaying's consent, showed ecstasy, appeared in the prison in an instant, kicked Carl down,

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time! Why? Why can you get Jiaying! Why!"

While beating and abusing Carl, Gordon vented his jealousy and resentment.

Karl curled up to protect his vitals, and still refused to give up persuading:
"Calm down! Gordon! Jiaying will ruin the next life, don't you care about your compatriots at all? You are helping the evil, and you will kill those strangers!"

"An alien? Afterlife? Is it important that they have Jiaying? Why does a person like you get Jiaying?"

Karl talked about the afterlife, aliens, and righteousness, and his words were so high-sounding that Gordon became more and more furious. He could no longer bear the existence of Karl.

Gordon lifted Carl's neck with both hands, trying to strangle Carl directly.But on a whim, Gordon let go of Carl's neck, his hands gradually climbed up to Carl's face, and his thumbs pressed against Carl's eyes.

"I can't be the only one who is blind! I want you to experience what it's like not to be able to see Jiaying!"

Blood splattered!

Carl's screams and Gordon's wild laughter echoed in the dark prison, spreading farther and farther, and lingering for a long time.

At dawn, the S.H.I.E.L.D. plane landed slowly, and Coulson and Ward walked into the afterlife as representatives.Mei stayed on the mothership as an adjutant to direct the audience to prevent accidents from happening.

In the afterlife, Jiaying and Gordon slowly greeted each other, looking as if the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

Last night, Zed failed to persuade Skye, and Skye insisted on staying until the last moment.Skye stayed in the crowd and watched Jiaying and Coulson shake hands and talk happily, and walked into the reception hall one after another before looking away.

But what puzzled Skye was that there was no sign of Karl, and it was impossible for Karl not to come at this last moment.

Skye walked to the edge of the pool and asked facing the water:

"Zed, where's my dad?"

"He's not in the room. I've sent a letter to find him." Zed's figure gradually appeared on the water.


"Why are you here? Daisy. We should go in." Seeing that there was no one else around Skye, Lincoln was ready to pursue him.

"Oh my. I'll be right there."

In the dark prison, Karl, who lost his eyes, fell to the ground alone and cried in despair, blood and tears dripping down the dirty ground from his eye sockets.

Carl was crying as he took out the blank dial he carried with him from his pants pocket.

"Let me! Let me do it myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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