Chapter 130 Closing
After Thor put Tony down, he was attracted by Hulk and Loki, and he didn't realize that Tony had passed out.

Natasha and Dr. Eric were busy taking out the Rubik's Cube, but they didn't notice Tony's strange behavior.

But Tony doesn't need someone to wake him up, the sound of Hulk beating Loki is really strong.

"Oh my God. I woke up to this great image. Hulk, go ahead."

After hearing Tony's encouragement, Hulk played more vigorously.Thor didn't dare to persuade him, he could only watch Loki suffer.

However, the body of the Rocky Frost Giant will not be killed so easily, so Sol is naturally not too worried.

After Natasha took down the Rubik's Cube in the wormhole machine, she contacted Nick Fury,

"Sir, the Rubik's Cube has been taken back."

"Okay, we'll be right there."

After Nick Fury hung up Natasha's communication, he turned his head to look at the members of the Security Council, mockingly said:
"Are nuclear bombs useful? You should think about how to explain it to the public."

The five top representatives of the Security Council all looked embarrassed. No one thought that none of the three nuclear bombs had any effect.The Avengers aren't dead, neither is Kamen Rider, and now is the time to swallow the bitter pill.

The most cunning Malik voluntarily shouldered his responsibility after careful consideration and resigned from the position of the highest representative of the Security Council.

This move of retreating into advance allowed Malik to gain a lot of favors and added more heritage to the family.

With the support of the Malik family, neither the Security Council, the US government, nor the military can cross rivers and demolish bridges, and they all need to accept their own favors.

Malik himself had sat in this position long enough, it was time to pave the way for his daughter.

Moreover, Malik knew that in the upper class, no one could not see the truth, and it was even more impossible to deceive Zed, who had mastered the ability of a prophet.

With proper preparation, crises can also be turned into opportunities.

Tony came out of the steel suit, and after a while, he said:

"Anyone want to have a kebab? I'd love to try it, how about we take a break? Hey Hulk, do you want some?"

Hulk was tired after playing for so long, and finally threw Loki and turned back into Banner.

Banner blinked while holding the purple elastic pants, "We won?"

"Yes, Banner. You've been really good. Do you want a kebab?" Tony still couldn't forget the kebab.

"Well, I'm really hungry."

"Then go."

"Wait until Loki is brought back."

"Don't wait."

After the voice fell, the Quin-jet fighter hovered on the roof of the Stark Tower.Nick Fury supported the cabin wall and said:

"Thank you. Bring up Loki, the Rubik's Cube, and the scepter, and you can go eat barbecue, and we will take care of the rest."

Tony took the lead,

"You've finally done a good job, Nick Fury. Let's go to the barbecue!"

The other Avengers followed Tony's footsteps, and Loki was dragged onto the plane like a dead fish.

Nick Fury crouched beside Loki and mocked:
"Aren't you back in my hands again? Mister God!"

Loki stared blankly at the top of the cabin, without any reaction to the outside world, with a look of enlightenment and insight into life.

Nick Fury saw that Loki didn't respond at all and didn't bother to talk to him, so he ordered rescue work, and Nick Fury himself left with the Quinjet fighter.

Zed's unmanned watermelon armed forces who were still able to move together carried the severely damaged body to Delanlong Castle, and then carried the aircraft and energy weapons of the Kirita soldiers.

Under the command of Tan Lidou and Professor Ling Ma, Woz and others dismantled the mechanical parts inside the giant Leviathan, and carefully selected the best trophies.

When the recovery work was over, De Lanlong opened the illusion barrier to wrap everyone in it, and disappeared into the sky of New York.

The streets that had been ravaged by the swarm were empty, not even the corpses of Kirita soldiers who fought to the last moment.

Standing alone in the ruins, Zed turned his back to Men Shishi who was walking slowly behind him and asked:

"Do I count as the most benevolent and benevolent devil king? Uh, I shouldn't. I'm the man who wants to be the most vicious and evil devil king."

Mon Yashi ignored Zed's question and answer, walked to the side of Zed, looked into the distance and said:

"You chose the most dangerous path, not only for yourself, but also for the human beings in this world. However, at least this time you did protect the world."

Zed said indifferently:
"I never deny my thirst for strength. I will regard anyone who hinders me from becoming stronger as an enemy, but even this way I have my own bottom line."

Monyashi took out the Tokio Knight Card, put it in front of his eyes and said:

"Shogo Tokiwa chooses to destroy the world and rebuild a better one, but you are the exact opposite."

"I don't have the strength to fight any more, you better put away the cards, Emperor Qi."

Zed hammered his lower back and continued:

"It's not my style to reshape the world because the world is not what I want. I don't regret the decisions I made, let alone deny the path I have traveled."

Men Yashi glanced at Zed, put away the card, and asked again:
"How can there be my power in the space magic you just used? There is obviously a shadow of the dimension wall in the golden space door."

"In the dial, every time I get a dial, I can get one item corresponding to the knight. It's completely random, it all depends on the character." Zed took out the dial of the emperor and shook it.

Menyashi was puzzled, "Why doesn't Sogo Tokiwa have one but you do?"

Zed put away the Diqi dial, shook his shoulders and replied:
"I don't know, maybe the old devil made it, maybe it was made by the little devil, or maybe it's because I made the blank dial myself."

Men Yashi's thoughts are much more careful than Zed's, and there is obviously a problem with this matter.

To extract something from the corresponding world, a connection channel must be established to succeed.And the establishment of this channel gave Men Yashi a feeling of deja vu.

Did Sogo Tokiwa do this?And which Tokiwa Sogo did it?What is his purpose?If it wasn't Tokiwa Sogo, then who would it be?

Men Yashi frowned, silently kept this matter in his heart, and planned to check it out when he went back.But there are more important things to do now.

The gray and distorted dimensional wall appeared behind Kato Yashi, slowly enveloping Kato Yashi, and Kato Yashi left only a word,
"Then it's time for me to leave the field. Zero One's card is still waiting for me. I hope you can keep your bottom line. See you next time, Demon King."

Zed looked at the disappearing dimensional wall and sighed, then turned and left with his arms shaking.

"It's really chic."

(End of this chapter)

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