Chapter 127 Proof
"Spider boy, fighting is the job of us adults! You are indeed very talented but you are still a child, and what you should do is go down to save people." Tony explained Peter patiently.

Peter looked at Tony with a tangled expression, "But...but Mr. Stark."

Tony suspended in mid-air and pointed to Matt and others who were fighting hard on the ground and said:

"Help them! Go rescue the trapped citizens! There is no room for negotiation!"

After Tony finished speaking, he left in a hurry without staying for a moment.Tony is eager to send Natasha the scepter, and Zed's mission to be more prominent than Natasha makes Tony uneasy.

Peter stood on the edge of the building and looked at Matt and the others who were fighting desperately below, feeling a sense of guilt welling up in his heart.Peter blamed himself for his irrationality and was carried away by anger.

After taking a deep breath, Peter picked up the damaged hood, took a deep look at the image of Spider-Man, and then slowly put the hood back on.

"With great power comes great responsibility!" Peter jumped out of the building in one step, swaying his spider webs, and returned to the rescue work.

Tony flew in the air and killed the Kirita soldiers, while flying towards Stark Tower, "Hey, Natasha. I brought you the key to close the wormhole. We will meet near the building."

"Wouldn't it be faster to go by yourself?" Although Natasha complained so much, her movements were not slow at all, and she rushed towards Stark Tower immediately.

"Uh, Zed said that I still have a mission that is more prominent than you to complete. I can't pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon. How long will you be there?"




Terrible thunderstorm clouds enveloped the entire New York, and the giant sword composed of thunder and lightning took away the last ray of light belonging to the day.

The sky and the earth paled, like night.

The giant sword drew a circular sword mark, annihilating all the Kirita rangers around Menyashi and Thor.

But this is only the result of the giant sword!
Countless lightning bolts of thunder snakes scattered along the sword marks, connecting the surrounding Kiritas into strings and sending them to hell together.Just one blow created a circular area with a vacuum of troops.

Staring at the sky, Tony was stunned and opened the communication and asked in surprise:

"Did you do this, Saul."

"Uh no."

"Aren't you Thor?"


Zed, who was rushing back, was also in a daze, and asked blankly:
"Setron, report the result of the attack just now."

"Yes, Mr. Monyashi wiped out nearly a quarter of the Kirita soldiers in one blow, but the remaining Kirita soldiers have all been scattered, and the results are difficult to replicate, and the Kirita side is still sending support." Satron quickly I replied to Zed.

Zed looked at the wormhole, which was as smooth as diarrhea and constantly bursting with soldiers, and immediately wanted to say: You fucking ate crotons like rice grains!

Zed shook his head and continued to head towards Monyashi, "Saitron, report our battle damage."

"Four Time Demon God Machines were slightly damaged, but the drivers were safe and sound; Delanon Castle was undamaged; six unmanned watermelon weapons were damaged, and eleven were damaged to varying degrees."

"How are Professor Ling Ma and Tan Lidou?"

"Still collecting data."


Professor Ling Ma and Tan Lidou have no interest in this kind of enemy who uses human sea tactics, they are only worthy of being experimental objects to test the power of new weapons.

After the call ended, Zed jumped off Wushuanglong and landed on the rooftop.Men Yashi has returned to normal, Emperor Qi and Sol are in a stalemate on the rooftop.

"What's the matter? Where's Loki?" Zed wondered why the imprisoned Loki disappeared.

Men Yashi casually took a rest and stood and said lightly:
"Slipped because of his meddling."

"I can't let you kill Loki!" Sol's emotions became agitated again.

Zed suddenly felt dizzy, why did he forget the emperor's temperament?If you really want the emperor to kill Loki, your own prophetic advantage will be gone.

"Sol, what are you still doing here? You're not going to catch Loki, wasting time here?" Zed dismissed Sol with a wave of his hand.

After solving Sol's problem, Zed turned his head to Men Yashi and said:
"It's easy to kill Loki, but the humans on this planet are not ready for interstellar wars. No matter how strong you are, there will always be innocent people who die in wars.

These human beings want the so-called human rights and dignity, but they dare not go to war with Asgard.Humph~ This question should be left to them to figure it out. "

Monyashi looked at the wormhole in the sky, then at the people on the ground, and said slowly:
"Give the right to choose to humans? It is indeed a time-saving and labor-saving choice. Bring it."

"What?" Zed was confused for a moment.

Mon Yashi stretched out his hand to Zed, tilted his head and said:
"Didn't you have my blank dial ready?"

Zed was instantly elated when he heard this, and quickly took out a special blank dial from the space and handed it to Men Yashi, "Diqi, you."

"Prove it to me, prove that you, the demon king, can protect the freedom of human beings." Monyashi pressed the dial sideways and threw it to Zed.


Men Yashi slanted his body and said casually:
"Don't thank you, Brother Di Qi?"

Zed's ecstatic mood was mostly cold, and he gritted his teeth and jumped out from between his teeth.
"Thank you, Brother Di Qi."

Then Zed suddenly felt a purple light flashing in front of his eyes, and when he looked up, he found that the emperor's cavalry had become passionate.

"You want to ride the emperor?" Zed felt a little pain in his neck.

Men Yashi ignored Zed, turned around and left, "Just because I don't kill him doesn't mean I'll let him go so easily."

Zed raised his eyebrows, it seemed that Loki really angered the emperor.

No mercy, no silence.

Facing the countless Chirita soldiers in the direction of the wormhole, Zed took a deep breath and removed the second-order dial, and then inserted the first-order dial and the imperial riding dial into the driver.


The gray-white human-shaped phantom and armor parts rotated and surrounded Shiwang's body, and then suddenly gathered on Shiwang's body to form a brand new armor.

"This must be celebrated!"

Woz, who was driving the Time Demon Machine, was so excited that he turned on the loudspeaker of the Demon God Machine and said loudly:

Let's celebrate!Inheriting the power of all knights, the time king who knows the past and the future.At this moment, he transforms into Kamen Rider King of Time—Emperor Armored Form!
Monyashi, who was looking for Loki on the ground, looked up at the green Time Demon Machine and couldn't help complaining:

"Amplifier? Is it necessary?"

Zed still felt uncomfortable after listening to Woz's loudspeaker congratulations, "Sitron, invade the city's radio, play PARTY for me~"

In the music that blasted the whole city, Zed took out the Hey Sword and a knight dial and shouted:

"The devil's party has begun!"

(End of this chapter)

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