The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 121 The Wormhole Opens

Chapter 121 The Wormhole Opens

At the conference table in the command room of the mothership, Monyashi casually played with his camera with his legs crossed on the table.

Zed's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but he sat aside as if nothing had happened. Anyway, with Amazon's recovery ability, he couldn't see anything after a few minutes.Let them laugh when they want to.

Nick Fury ignored these two guys, took out a set of blood-stained Captain America trading cards and put them on the table, "Colson, sacrificed. He will never have a chance to ask you for an autograph."

Steve picked up a card soaked in Coulson's blood, with his own portrait printed on it, and remained silent.Tony and Natasha's faces were also very bad, after all Coulson is a good old man whom everyone loves.

Dr. Banner, who was still a little dizzy, didn't know what to say to comfort them. He could only apologize for himself and Hulk's behavior:
"I... I'm sorry, I'm out of control."

But fortunately, it only took three seconds for Men Yashi to stun Hulk, and Hulk couldn't understand what happened, so he couldn't talk about fear.

Nick Fury saw that the Avengers were suppressing their anger, and knowing that he had achieved his goal, he turned to Zed and said:

"Zed Oleg! I remember you said that you regarded the earth as your own back garden. Now according to Thor, Loki is going to open the wormhole and recruit his alien army. Don't you have any reaction to this? "

As soon as Nick Fury finished speaking, everyone cast their eyes on Zed, making Zed uncomfortable.

"Zed, tell me! Use your super power to predict the future and tell me, where is Loki?" Tony sat beside Zed very seriously, staring straight into Zed's eyes.

The wound on Zed's face has almost recovered, he cleared his throat and said:

"at your home."

"What? My house?" Tony blinked, not understanding.

"It takes a lot of energy to open a wormhole. Huh, get it?" Zed rapped on the table.

"Oh! Shet!"

Tony bounced on the spot, ready to rush back to Stark Tower immediately.Steve got up and stopped in front of Tony.

"Are you going to stop me?" Tony's tone became more and more dangerous.

Steve suddenly stepped out of the way and said:
"I want to tell you to slow down and wait for us!"

"The Avengers Assemble!"

Zed was speechless when he saw the angry guys rushing out in a hurry, he didn't even know he was being tricked.

Coulson is indeed dead, but in the end he will be resurrected by relying on the Kerry remains collected by S.H.I.E.L.D. There is no need to mourn for him.

Wait, resurrection?Zed seemed to think of something, and looked up at Nick Fury.

Nick Fury didn't care about Zed, and looked directly at Men Yashi and asked:
"Now, let's address your problem. Can you tell me why there is a 'real' record of you in the S.H.I.E.L.D. database. How exactly is this done?"

Men Yashi closed his eyes and meditated, did not answer Nick Fury, but raised his hand towards Zed.

Zed gritted his teeth, if he couldn't beat Monyashi, he couldn't beat him. Forget it, if he couldn't beat him, he couldn't beat him.

Zed took a deep breath and introduced:

"The destroyer of the world, the Kamen Rider Emperor Qi, Kamen Yashi. A traveler who wanders in countless worlds, the identity of an agent should be regarded as a temporary residence permit given by the world itself."

"Countless worlds, temporary residence permits, destroyers of worlds? The King of Time! All of you Kamen Riders are villains?" Nick Fury's one-eyed blinked for a while, but he couldn't digest it.

Mon Yashi took a sip of coffee and said casually:
"There is no Kamen Rider who is more caring than me, absolutely not."

"No. It's true that there wasn't one, and you killed it too." Zed muttered in a low voice.

Nick Fury clapped his hands on the table, leaned forward and approached Men Yashi,
"What is your purpose in coming to this world? Are you really here to destroy our world?"

"I only destroy the world that should be destroyed. As for whether I will destroy your world or not, I am still observing."

"You are not qualified to make decisions for us!" Nick Fury stared at Toyashi with one eye.

Mon Yashi didn't answer Nick Fury anymore, but raised his camera to take a picture, took out the distorted photo and complained:
"Exactly like you."

Zed laughed so hard that he spit out Coke.

cough cough~
Nick Fury wiped the Coke on his face, and his face became more and more embarrassing after taking the photo.

Before Nick Fury had an attack, Mon Yashi suddenly turned his head, his gaze seemed to penetrate the void.Seconds later, the scientist operating the instrument yelled, "The wormhole is open!"

"Quickly repair the communication! Restore contact with the Avengers as soon as possible!" Nick Fury returned to his position to direct the overall situation.

After waving his hand, a gray-white dimensional wall appeared behind the conference table, and Men Yashi walked in first, "Follow, Shi Wang."

Zed shook his head and could only keep up, whether it was a blessing or a curse, he couldn't avoid it.

"Mommy Fake!"

Nick Fury looked at the door warrior who easily summoned a portal, and his envy was beyond words, but besides envy, Nick Fury also had deep worries.

"The Destroyer of Worlds, the Most Fierce Demon Lord"

After Zed followed Men Yashi through the dimension wall, he came to the rooftop of a certain building in New York.

Team after team of Kirita biochemically modified soldiers descended on the land of New York through the wormhole, destroying and killing everywhere, turning New York into a Shura battlefield.

Kamen Yashi stood on the rooftop and looked at the Kirita soldiers from a distance, and suddenly said, "Your personality is too extreme, you are not suitable to be a Kamen Rider."

"Isn't it better for them to learn to protect themselves than for me to protect them?" Zed's eyes became firm.

Men Yashi raised his finger to the ordinary people on the ground who were running for their lives in a hurry and said:

"What about the weak who don't have the ability to protect themselves? Let them fend for themselves?"

Zed shook his head, raised his finger to the wormhole and said:
"There are endless troubles in this world, some are natural disasters, but more are man-made disasters. I am not the nanny of human beings, they must be responsible for themselves.

I just need to get stronger, keep getting stronger, so strong that I can defeat all foreign enemies.When these guys who cross the red line come, I'll show them the power of Kamen Rider. "

Men Yashi also looked up at the wormhole, "Are you ready to deal with these ugly alien monsters?"

"It's already ready."

Zed took out his mobile phone and contacted Satron, "All out! Let this world, this universe know who is the master of this planet!"

"Received, Kamen Rider, Time Demon Machine, Delan Dragon Castle, Wussang Dragon, and Unmanned Watermelon are all dispatched. The prototype of the Great Demon God is on standby at any time."

"Attack the whole army! Crush them!"

(End of this chapter)

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