The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 116 Agent Magenta

Chapter 116 Agent Magenta
Coulson and Rogers flew to the S.H.I.E.L.D. mothership in a Quinjet fighter jet.

Coulson was very cramped along the way, like a girl who met an idol, "I have to say, it is my honor to meet you! Really! You can join us, it... I... I am really very honored !"

"I hope I won't let you down." Steve stared blankly at the sea outside the cabin.

"Of course! You can do it!"

The Quinjet fighter slowly landed on the aircraft carrier.Steve, Banner, and Natasha complete their first meeting for the first time.

"Dr. Banner."

"Captain Rogers."

Steve and Banner held hands together, and both had a good first impression of each other.

Natasha interrupted the two people's greetings, "We can go in, after a while, we won't be able to breathe here."

Natasha's voice fell, and four turbine wings gradually rose on both sides of the aircraft carrier.

Dr. Banner smiled wryly:
"I thought they were going to keep me underwater, but now it seems to be worse."

The people on the deck entered the aircraft carrier one after another.When Steve passed the fence, he saw a young Asian agent still taking pictures, and kindly reminded:

"Hurry up and go in! It's about to lift off!"

"Oh, I see." The young man agreed indifferently.

Seeing that he knew the situation, Steve nodded and entered the mothership first.After Steve left, the agent took out the photo he had just taken and glanced at it hastily.

"Is this world also rejecting me? But, which world is this? Can I just put the zero-one card away first?" This angry Asian agent is naturally a doorman who has gone the wrong way.

Kadoyashi gently opened the blurred photo in his hand and let it go with the wind, then turned and entered the interior of the mothership.

Steve, who was one step ahead, had already handed over a ten-dollar bet in the command room, and then wandered around in the command room, looking curiously at these high-tech equipment that he had never seen before.

After accepting the ten dollars, Nick Fury turned to look at Dr. Banner, and thanked:

"I appreciate your coming, Dr. Banner. Do you have any suggestions for finding the Rubik's Cube?"

"I need all your spectrometers and a laboratory." Dr. Banner was not polite.

"Agent Romanov, take Dr. Banner to his laboratory."

When Dr. Banner and Natasha left the command room, they just met Men Yashi who came in.The three nodded to each other and then separated. Natasha looked at Monyashi suspiciously but found nothing wrong.

Men Yashi flicked his camera belt, swung his big arms and looked here and there, like a curious baby like Steve.

Steve stood beside Monyashi and said:

"Pretty advanced, right?"

"Not bad." Mon Yashi nodded lazily with his hands in his pockets.

Nick Fury was annoyed when he saw the agent acting like he was doing nothing, but in front of Steve, Nick Fury was too embarrassed to speak, so he could only grit his teeth secretly.

But Coulson deserves to be Nick Fury's caring cotton jacket.

Coulson walked up to Steve and chatted about the Collector's Edition Captain America card, diverting Steve's attention.

And Men Yashi seemed a little tired from standing, and walked to the head of the conference table in the command room, and sat down on it.

Nick Fury stared wide-eyed and looked at Katoyashi's arrogant posture like this, and then said sarcastically:

"Why are the other agents' shirts white, but yours is pink?"

"Magenta! This is magenta, not pink!" Kato Yashi raised his feet on the conference table.

Nick Fury's swarthy marinated head was full of blue veins, "What's your name? What's your serial number?"

"Ah~ here."

Men Yashi searched around on his body, then took out the S.H.I.E.L.D. ID card from his suit pocket, held it up in front of his eyes, and read out word by word:
"Mon Yashi, Level 9527 Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., number [-]. Well, I probably understand."

Nick Fury looked at Toyashi's cynical look and was about to reprimand when he was interrupted by the technicians in the command room, "Sir! We found Rocky! He's in Germany!"

Nick Fury calmed down and turned to look at Steve, "Captain, I'll leave it to you."

"Yeah." Steve nodded and left the command room.

After Nick Fury finished arranging things, Monyashi disappeared as soon as he turned his head, "What! Where are people?"

Germany, Stuttgart, Hannover, Rocky scanned the eye mask of the target, opening the safe door for Hawkeye to capture the iridium element.

After completing the first task, Loki put on his own robe, and the short spear in his hand also showed his real body, turning back into the appearance of the spiritual scepter.

Loki knocked down hard with his scepter, and then roared:

"Your Majesty!"

Faced with Loki's ferocity, the panicked crowd could only kneel down tremblingly.

"Yes, that's it! You humans are born like this, full of servility, eager to be ruled." Loki said with a wicked look.

But at this moment a tough old man stood up, "But not to you."

"I am unique!"

"There are too many shameless people like you."

Loki sneered and lifted the spiritual scepter to point at the old man:
"This is what happens when you rebel against me."


The blue energy ammunition passed through the golden magic circle, and appeared from behind Loki, knocking him to the ground.

The first to arrive was not the Avengers but Zed.S.H.I.E.L.D. needs to rely on cameras around the world to find Loki but Zed doesn't.

The laid-off GoldenEye system has completed reemployment, and its eyes have been fixed on high-risk cities such as New York, London, and Sokovia.As soon as Loki appeared, he was discovered by Setron.

"Hey, Loki. I remember I said this is my territory, right? You want to be king on my territory?" Zed, who had already completed his transformation, walked towards Loki.

Loki shook his head and laughed after getting up from the ground:
"You don't rule the world. It's a shameful waste to give humanity freedom. I can definitely bring peace to humanity."

Loki has his own mission goals and doesn't intend to fight Zed recklessly. It will be a while if he can delay.

Zed naturally knows about Loki's small calculations, but Zed also has his own plan, "Peace? Humans don't need peace, whether it's the utopia in the story or the sheepfold you mentioned."

"What?" Loki didn't understand what Zed meant for a moment.

"When there are foreign enemies, human beings will fight against each other. When there are no foreign enemies, human beings will kill each other. The life of human beings who always live in conflict is the best life in my opinion!" Zed's voice is louder than Loki's. Domineering and more arrogant.

Loki blinked, "Well, you're crazier than me."

(End of this chapter)

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