Chapter 114

At night, Zed had already gone to bed early, but today only Xin was by Zed's side.

"Where's Skye and Lilith?" Zed asked while adjusting the TV channel with his left hand and holding the letter with his right hand.

Xin leaned on Zed's shoulder, stroking Zed's strong chest muscles, "Skye is still working overtime with Professor Ling Ma, and Lilith still has some things to deal with as a housekeeper, and it will probably take a while."

"Hmm." Zed groaned and calmed down to appreciate Rick and Morty.

Not long after, the bedroom door was gently opened, and Lilith walked into the bedroom carrying milk.

"Oh, no. Although I don't hate milk, Coke is more attractive." Zed's lips pouted slightly, showing a bitter face.

Lilith was very good at dealing with Zed, and didn't care about Zed's protests. She smiled and handed over the glass of the letter. Afterwards, Lilith took a sip of milk and put it in her mouth, and offered her cherry lips.

Who can stand this!

Zed obediently drank his bedtime milk.

After solving Zed's problem, Lilith undressed and prepared to take a bath. During the process, Lilith asked:
"Professor Ling Ma asked you when the World Tree Tower can be officially started? After all, we have already obtained all the permits."

Zed also wants to complete the Tower of the World Tree as soon as possible, but the timing is wrong now, and he can only lay the foundation and not start the construction.

Zed reached out and touched Lilith's beautiful legs and explained:
"Shortly after Thor comes to Earth, there will be a scene where aliens invade Earth, and it's in New York! I don't want the World Tree Tower to be blown up by aliens halfway through.

After this incident is over, we will concentrate on the World Tree Tower, and Fantasy Company also needs to change to a bigger building. "

After Lilith entered the bathroom, only Rick's wine belches and Morty's howls remained in the bedroom, and Zed and Xin disappeared.

At the same time, Coulson was standing on the tarmac waiting for Nick Fury and Hill to arrive.

Nick Fury asked after stepping off the helicopter:
"How's the situation? How bad is it?"

"The worst part is we don't know what's going on," Coulson said truthfully.

Nick Fury and Hill took the elevator into the S.H.I.E.L.D. laboratory located hundreds of meters underground.Here, a group of scientists are doing various tests around the blue cosmic Rubik's Cube.

"Dr. Eric, how is the Rubik's Cube?" Nick Fury looked at the "hired" Dr. Eric with one eye.

After all, Dr. Eric is also a person who has seen big scenes, and he is not afraid to speak immediately:
"There's something wrong with the Cosmic Cube, it's suddenly alive and doing its own thing."

"Haven't you tried cutting off the power?" Nick Fury asked his own question.

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube itself is the source of energy. After we cut off the power supply, it starts to self-supply. Its energy accumulates more and more, and finally."

Dr. Eric was interrupted by Nick Fury before he finished speaking, "Isn't the purpose of our research on the Rubik's Cube in the universe just for energy?"

"I think you don't understand at all!"

Dr. Eric tapped the keyboard and continued, "We are not ready yet, and the energy released by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is not the energy we usually use, but more weak gamma rays."

"Gamma rays? This is harmful!"

Nick Fury turned his head to look at the Rubik's Cube beside him, his face darkened again, "Where's Hawkeye?"

After hearing Nick Fury's voice, Hawkeye grabbed the zip line and slid down from the top floor, "Sir."

Afterwards, Nick Fury and Hawkeye walked to the Rubik's Cube and chatted.

"Is there a problem with Dr. Eric?"

"No, no one activated the Rubik's Cube. It did activate automatically."

"Automatic? Is there really no problem?"

"Yes, even if there is a problem, it will not be on our side."

"our side?"

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is a door to the universe, right? Since it's a door, both sides should be able to open."

Nick Fury looked at the Rubik's Cube in shock, as if he had thought of something, but at this moment, the Rubik's Cube burst out with a strong light, shining on the base of the test bench.

All S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in the underground laboratory pulled out their pistols, carefully guarding against possible accidents.

When the blue light dissipated, a dark-haired young man with a dark green costume and a wicked face appeared on the base of the test bench, holding a short spear.

Nick Fury warned:
"Sir! Put down your spear!"

The black-haired young man looked at Nick Fury evilly, then raised the short spear in his hand and fired an energy shell, "No!"

The energy shells fired by the short spears are far stronger than the small pistols of SHIELD agents, and the bullets will not cause damage to the black-haired youth.In just a dozen seconds, all the armed forces in the underground laboratory were brought down.

Hawkeye just wanted to fight back after avoiding the explosion, but was captured by the opponent.And the short spear was already on Hawkeye's chest, "You are very different, surrender to me."

Blue brilliance bloomed from the short spear, crawling along the blood vessels of Hawkeye into the pupil of Hawkeye, dyeing the brown eyes of Hawkeye blue.

Hawkeye put away his pistol and stood straight to the side.Nick Fury was shocked by Hawkeye's manipulation, and was stopped when he was about to take away the Rubik's Cube.

"Put the box down, please."

The black-haired youth warned Nick Fury while manipulating other people, "I am Loki, from Asgard. I shoulder a great mission that you cannot understand."

"We have nothing against you, right?" Nick Fury turned around calmly.

Loki shook his head:

"Ants have nothing against your shoes."

"You want to trample us to death?" Nick Fury asked with his head tilted.

"Sir, Nick Fury is stalling for time. The base is about to explode, and we will be buried hundreds of meters deep." Hawkeye loyally reminded his new owner.

"Kill him and leave with the box." Loki ordered immediately.

Loki, Hawkeye, Eric and another S.H.I.E.L.D. officer evacuated the underground base together and took away the box containing the Rubik's Cube.

Nick Fury hissed out the bullet embedded in the body armor, and then escaped from the collapsed underground laboratory,
"Hill, Coulson! Barton is under the control of the enemy. The enemy has snatched the Cosmic Rubik's Cube! Immediately sound the level [-] alarm! All those who did not participate in the rescue operation are dispatched, find them for me!"

When activated, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube not only brings Loki, but also guides someone passing by like a beacon.

"Is this the world of Zero One?"

(End of this chapter)

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