Chapter 35
The young man on the side picked it up, and there was a coldness in his eyes.

If he hadn't taken a fancy to the cooperation with Xu's real estate, he wouldn't have spent a lot of money to invite Taishan Beidou, a master of Chinese studies in the field of Chinese medicine!

Seeing being questioned by a young man, Dewey's eyes also sank.

A master of Chinese studies, who needs a little boy to hand in the needles?
"What do you know? Mr. Du doesn't need to listen to him."

Wang Yong wanted to cooperate, and he didn't talk about Wu Di's words at all.

Dewey glanced at Wu Di, stared intently at the acupuncture point, and the needle tip fell slowly.

"If you want him to die, you drop the needle."


The words startled a thousand layers of waves, and the hearts of the audience were shocked.

Is this kid crazy?
Talking to a master of Chinese studies like that?
Wu Di took two steps forward, grabbed Dewey's wrist, grabbed the silver needle, and threw it to the ground.

Stabilize into the tile, the needle tip is still vibrating, at high speed.

Dewey narrowed his eyes and frowned.

This kid has two brushes!

"sorry Sorry sorry."

"Boss, go upstairs!"

Xu Yinglong bent over and walked in, took Wu Di's arm, and was about to go upstairs.

"Hold on."

Dewey grabbed Wu Di's other hand.

Xu Yinglong pulled hard, but Dewey didn't move.

For a moment he was dumbfounded.

Do seven and eighty-year-olds have such a hand?
"Young man, tell me, why didn't you let this injection go?"

"Really want to know?"


"Hiss, I'm a little thirsty!"

Wu Di tapped his mouth, hadn't drank water for a long time, and his lips were a little cracked.

"Boss, drink water, drink water."

Xu Yinglong flew over with a glass of water.

The speed is fast, the courteous appearance is the best in the audience.

Dewey nodded and looked at Wu Di closely.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that he's too old to give the last injection."

"Hey, that's right, there's a fake here, you can try it."

Wu Di pointed to Xu Yinglong, and pressed his palm on his shoulder.

His body softened and he lay flat on the ground.

"Come on! Let me see this one."

Wu Di walked to Xu Long's side and pressed his fingers on his waist.

"Hiss, lightly, lightly."

Xu Long's whole body trembled, and his arms kept beating the sofa.

Dewey looked over, his eyes serious.

This kid's method is a bit strange!

One finger points straight to the acupoints, not bad at all.

"Uncle Xu, you... Take it easy! A few months later, I will be powerless."

Xu Long's old face turned red again, and he gave his wife a weak look.

His whole face was buried on the sofa.

"Okay, you only need one injection for this symptom."

"A needle?"

Dewey is blinded.

I had more than 20 injections by myself, but only one injection here?
The gap of more than 20 times, is it really this time?
Dewey patted Xu Yinglong's back, doubting his life.

"There is no sense of art in this needle piercing."

Wu Di clapped Xu Long's back with his palm.


More than 20 needles flew together.

With a copy of Wu Di's palm, he got all the silver needles and listed them in order.

"Get a new one."

Wu Di stretched out two fingers.

Dewey sent a silver needle by express delivery.

When Wu Di touched his finger, his wrist trembled and he flicked it lightly.


The needle tip pierces the keel of the kidney and presses down half an inch.


Xu Long snorted, his whole body tensed up, his hands and feet trembled, and his face flushed.


Just when everyone was most nervous, he spit out every word and regained his life.

To activate the potential of the kidneys, one injection is enough.

Xu Yinglong lay on the ground, envious.

"Boss, hurry up, give me a shot."

"I, me, me."

Dewey pointed at himself like an old kid.

"Stand aside, how many pounds and taels are you, don't you know?"

Xu Yinglong rolled his eyes.

Wu Di flew over with one needle, his eyes were slightly closed, enjoying the heat from the keel.

With just one injection, Xu Long and his son felt like they were about to ascend to heaven.

Everyone looked at them enviously, what is it like to enjoy it so much?

Dewey walked up to Wu Di, frustratingly asked, "Young man, where did you come from?"


"Your name."


Dewey looked embarrassed, no matter how he looked at it, Wu Di didn't want to talk to him.

Five minutes later, Wu Di removed the needles from the two of them.

The two of them were alive and kicking, wishing they could run a fucking five kilometers first.

Wang Yong backed away quietly, his face was on fire, and he had no face to stay any longer.

"Mr. Xu, if there's nothing else, I'll go first."

"Wait a minute, Mr. Wang, the cooperation has been cancelled, let's go back!"


Wang Yong sighed deeply, and ran out of the villa in despair.

The money is wasted, and the cooperation is lost, which is bad luck.

"Let's go too! It's none of your business."

"Okay, Mr. Xu, goodbye."

The foreign doctors around nodded slightly. Before leaving, they did not forget to take a deep look at Wu Di.

Is this the inheritance of 5000 years of civilization?

Really unfathomable.

Symptoms that require surgery in Western medicine can be cured with one injection.


They feel that they have learned Western medicine for more than ten years in vain.

Worse than a little furry child.

"Aren't you leaving yet?"

Wu Di looked at Dewey, squinting his eyes, showing the pride and disdain of youth.

"Well, add a WeChat! We have time to discuss together."


"Ask you for advice."

Dewey nodded, showing a bitter smile.

However, those who have mastered traditional Chinese medicine come first, regardless of priority.

"It's not enough to ask for advice, let's communicate with each other."

Wu Di took out his mobile phone, the two added friends, and Dewey left.

The vicissitudes of the face, but the pace is very steady.

Wu Di estimated that the old man could live another 50 years at least.

"Father, how do you feel? My friend, you are amazing!"

Xu Yinglong was able to show off his strength in front of his father, he was so excited.

"Well, even Old Man Du can't lift his shoes up to this medical skill, it's absolutely impossible."

Xu Long praised in a low voice, got up and took Wu Di's hand, and sat on the sofa: "I'll ask you, so I'll call you Xiao Wu!"

"Uncle Xu."

Wu Di nodded slightly, and subconsciously glanced at Xu Long's wife, Zhang Yi.

A beautiful woman in her 30s, well maintained.

The body exudes a delicate fragrance and has a beautiful figure.

She was also a beauty when she was young.

Just ...

Why do you feel that her face is a bit bleak?
"Xiao Wu, did you see it?"

"Well, there seems to be something wrong with Aunt Zhang. I need to check my pulse."

Wu Di walked up to Zhang Yi, put her arm on the table, and stroked her wrist.

Slow pulse.

There are faint signs of joy.

Wu Di pressed his fingers hard, Zhang Yi's face changed slightly, and his eyes shifted.

Xu Long looked at the two of them. His wife's symptoms had not been cured, and they were all the root causes of the disease when she was young.

"Weakness, qi deficiency, cold constitution, lack of sleep, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a B-ultrasound."

"What? Ultrasound B?"

Xu Long stared, and he quickly sat beside Zhang Yi, holding her hand: "Are you pregnant?"

"I don't know! You didn't wear it last time..."

Zhang Yi's voice paused, her face turned red, her eyes drifted away, always erratic.

Wu Di and Xu Yinglong were embarrassed.

The most abundant existence at this moment is them.

"Ahem, I'll give Aunt Zhang a prescription to soothe the nerves and nourish the blood."

Wu Di picked up the pen and paper on the coffee table and listed the medicinal materials, accurate to the gram.

Xu Yinglong took a few steps closer and took a few glances.

He found that he didn't know anyone, the only thing he knew was jujube and wolfberry.

 Ask for a ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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