perfect coaching

Chapter 990 992. You don't care about your wife

Chapter 990 992. You don't care about your wife
Lu Wen also followed up the four-player competition in the afternoon, but the result was not as good as in the morning.

In the four-person competition in the afternoon, only one person successfully advanced to the semi-finals, and the rest were eliminated.

When they went back, Lu Wen looked at the three people who were in a low mood, and said with a smile, "What? Did you get hit?"

"Teacher, we have let you down." The student said with his head down.

Although it is said that they don't care about the grades, how many people really don't care?When the results came down, they still couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

Lu Wen said with a smile: "You didn't let me down, nor did you let others down, but you made me proud of you."

Seeing the disbelief of the few people, Lu Wen said: "What? Don't you believe in the teacher?"

"No." The three of them shook their heads quickly.

Lu Wen said to them seriously: "If you think about your progress in the past two years, you will know how proud you are to achieve this. Teacher is really proud of you."

Lu Wen's tone was very serious and sincere.

The complexions of the three eliminated students gradually improved, and they could tell that the teacher didn't say that on purpose to comfort them.

And they were just a little disappointed, not too disappointed. Just like what Lu Wen said, they already felt very satisfied, but they still couldn't help but feel uncomfortable when they were eliminated.

Lu Wen comforted them for a while in the car, and was relieved to see that they had recovered.

He was really afraid that these students would fall into confusion.

After returning, Lu Wen directly found their parents, went to the side and told them about the situation, asking them to enlighten them.

The understanding and encouragement of family members is always the most effective and the best medicine.

After sending the students and parents away, Lu Wen looked around, and now he was alone.

He called Yu Zhengyao and asked her where she was now, so he went to find them.

Lu Wen was still a little worried about his parents' current psychological state. Although Yu Zhengyao and Xiaomi Li were already taking them to relax, he was always a little worried that he would not stay by their side in person.

It's like when children are young, no matter where they are, as long as they are not with their parents, they will always be a little worried.

It's just that it's the other way around now. When the parents get old, the children start to worry about their parents.

After asking for the address, Lu Wen drove to their place.

When he found Yu Zhengyao and the others, Lu Wen felt relieved. He saw his mother chatting with them with a smile.

"Mom, how did you play today?" Lu Wen walked to his mother and asked with a smile.

"Very good, but the things are a bit expensive. You see Yaoyao bought so many things for me, and I don't need them. It's a waste of money." Lu's mother said.

Although he complained a little about Yu Zhengyao, the smile on his face betrayed her. He was obviously very happy with his daughter-in-law's filial piety.

Seeing his mother so happy, Lu Wen was also happy, saying: "Mom, we don't lack money now, you can buy as long as you like."

"Go, go, go, if you have some money, you don't know what to do." Lu's mother gave her son a white look.

Mi Li came over and hugged her father's thigh, looked up at her father and said, "Dad, Mi Li has no money."

Looking at the expectant eyes, Lu Wen instantly understood that he wanted to buy something, but Yu Zhengyao didn't buy it.

Yu Zhengyao also understood her daughter's tricks very well, and immediately said: "I said, don't buy it, look at how many dolls you have now? Your small house is full, right?
And there are quite a few in your room these days, right? "

It wasn't that Yu Zhengyao didn't want to spend money on her daughter, but that this little guy got bored after buying these things and didn't want to play anymore.

When Xiao Mili heard her mother's words, she immediately looked at her father with pitiful little eyes, the meaning was obvious, you don't care about your daughter-in-law.

Before Lu Wen could speak, Yu Zhengyao glared and said, "You're not allowed to buy it for her, because you're used to it. Look at how she spends a lot of money now, and she buys everything she sees."

Lu's mother watched from the side and didn't say anything. She loved Xiaomi Mili very much, but she didn't speak for Xiaomi Mili today.

In fact, she also felt that Xiao Mili had bought too many dolls.

Lu Wen gave Xiaomi Li a look that I couldn't help, with a helpless expression.

Xiaomi Li pouted, but she didn't dare to resist her mother's authority. Now Yu Zhengyao's status in the parents is getting higher and higher.

After Lu Wen waited for Yu Zhengyao to look away, he immediately winked at Xiaomi Li and took out a hundred-dollar bill and put it behind him.

Xiao Mili understood what her father meant in seconds, and her little face suddenly became pleasantly surprised, but it returned to its original state in an instant.

This little showman!
The father and daughter quietly handed over one hundred yuan, and then Lu Wen asked nonchalantly, "Where is my dad? Why didn't you see him?"

"They went to Charlie's farm. They said they were going to ride a horse, but they haven't come back yet." Yu Zhengyao said.

"Why don't you go play tomorrow, it's good to go to the farm once in a while." Lu Wen suggested.

Yu Zhengyao thought for a while, and said, "It's okay, Mom, do you want to go and play?"

Lu's mother said, "Okay, that old man doesn't even know how old he is now, but he still wants to learn how to ride a horse."

Well, it's obviously not because I want to play, but because I'm worried about my wife.

"Okay, then you guys will go there together tomorrow, just to relax." Lu Wen doesn't care what his mother thinks, just go there anyway.

Although the city is good, New York is an international metropolis with everything, but it is a bit depressing.

Going to a spacious place like a farm is the best way to completely release their depressed mood.

"Let's go, eat first?" Lu Wen said.

"Yeah, I'm hungry." Xiaomi Mili kept nodding her head.

Yu Zhengyao and the others also felt a little hungry, so they all nodded.

However, they planned to find a restaurant to eat at first, but under Lu Wen's strong persuasion, they still ate at a restaurant in the shopping mall.

When the meal was almost finished, Xiao Mili frowned and said, "Dad, I want to go to the toilet, so you can go with me."

How could Lu Wen not understand what this little guy meant, so he nodded immediately.

Xiao Mengmeng rolled her eyes and followed her out. She just saw Xiaomi Li holding a banknote in her hand.

Yu Zhengyao didn't care at first, but when the three of them didn't come back for a while, she became suspicious.

She wasn't worried that something would happen, since Lu Wen was here.

When the two little guys came back with a doll in their arms, Yu Zhengyao was so angry that she wanted to hit someone.

(End of this chapter)

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