perfect coaching

Chapter 978 980. A Devastating Blow

Chapter 978 980. A Devastating Blow
Their scene was not seen by the outside world. There were cameras in every room, but no sound came out.

But even though they saw it, most people didn't pay attention to it. Most people paid attention to the winners. As for the losers, it would be nice to just take a look.

However, the teacher at the National Autonomous Primary School of Mexico had an ugly expression on his face. After the end there, he hurried over.

"Cassilias, what's going on with you? Why?" The instructor was a little angry.

He took a look at Casillas' results just now. Although it is already very good in the eyes of ordinary people, in his opinion, this is simply a joke.

It is not an exaggeration to say that such a result is nonsense.

Casillas just came back to his senses at this time, and when he heard the mentor's question, his face was also very ugly, and he said the matter.

Finally, I will tell you what happened just now.

"Mentor, what exactly does this mean? Why do you say it is to seek justice for his teacher?" Casillas has been unable to figure this out.

The instructor heard Casillas' words, and his eyes showed doubts. He knew why Casillas failed, but he couldn't figure out what it was for?
Logically speaking, to be able to participate in the small college competition is to fight for the championship wholeheartedly. How can anyone do such things that harm others and benefit themselves.

Moreover, this Huaxia student was the only one who stayed in the round with Casillas, so there was no need to give up on himself.

So what the student said at the end was true?Not Gu Bu Maze?
"Forget it, let's go back first." The instructor didn't understand the reason here, so he had to go back first.

The two of them returned to the gathering place of the small Mexican college with full of doubts.

As soon as they came back, they saw that many instructors and students had heavy expressions on their faces, and some students had despair in their eyes, and their eyes were red and swollen, obviously crying.

"What's going on here? What happened?" The instructor who brought Casillas back took a breath when he saw this scene.

It's like someone died in someone's family, everyone looks gloomy and gloomy.

Seeing them coming, especially Casillas, some mentors, and leaders came over quickly one by one.

"How are you guys? Has Casillas advanced yet?" A mentor asked expectantly.

Casillas drooped his head and said, "No, I'm sorry."

Hearing what he said, these people immediately became disappointed, but some people couldn't help asking: "Why didn't you advance? Could it be that someone made trouble?"

In their view, Casillas basically advanced to the final without any suspense, but now he has failed, which is obviously unreasonable.

Hearing what he said, the mentor with Casillas opened his eyes and said, "Could it be you too?"

He immediately heard what Casillas said to him, this is to seek justice for their teacher.

"Well, basically we have all been suppressed. Look at her, she met Qian Xiaoming from Huaxia Xingkong Primary School." A tutor pointed to the girl whose eyes were red from crying.

Qian Xiaoming is a seed member, and people like them must be concerned.

"Actually, I'm not surprised that she lost to this Qian Xiaoming, but that Qian Xiaoming was too much, he satirized her the whole time, didn't give her a chance, and the words he said were particularly ugly, and they were simply insulting." The instructor said angrily.

He was watching at the scene and wanted to go up and beat up that Qian Xiaoming. Is there such a person?
Every sentence was thorny, and his student was almost collapsed.

"Do you know what's going on here? It's not the students from the Xingkong Primary School that we met here, but the students from other small colleges in Huaxia. It's almost the same, and the whole process is suppressed.

Even if they themselves are going to fail, they still want to pull us to fail together. What the hell is going on? "An instructor roared angrily.

This is really embarrassing, all their participating students, as long as they encounter students from Huaxia, they are basically targeted.

Especially the students of the Xingkong Elementary School, who basically did not give any way of survival, and completely suppressed their students to death.

Casillas said: "I heard it was for their teacher to seek justice? What's going on here?"

Hearing this, many mentors looked at each other in blank dismay, and they didn't know.

At this moment, there were cries from outside, and the voice revealed despair and sadness.

They turned their heads and found that they were still students and tutors from their own domestic elementary school.

Seeing their appearance, these people suddenly felt cold, and they knew it without guessing.

The abnormal anger on the face of the mentor who brought people back was almost uncontrollable.


The instructor couldn't help kicking over a box.

"What's wrong?" Someone stepped forward and asked.

"Too much deceit!" The instructor was so angry that he was speechless, but under the comfort of everyone, he reluctantly spoke out.

It turned out that they met Xu Miaohan from Xingkong Primary School. They were quite normal at first, but when halfway through the painting, Xu Miaohan tore up her own painting and sat next to their students.

Xu Miaohan almost repainted their students' paintings according to the gourd painting. At first they were a little complacent, thinking that Xu Miaohan was admitting defeat, and would be able to add fame to their students.

But who would have thought that in the end, Xu Miaohan's paintings were exactly the same as their students' paintings, and the artistic conception and painting skills in them left their students eight streets ahead.

Can you imagine someone learning their own words from the gourd painting on the side, and then painting better than yourself in all aspects?
Who is not a genius who can participate in the competition?

Who can bear such grievances?

Especially when the judges commented, their two paintings were the same, and they put them together for comment. After a little analysis, they belittled their students' paintings to be worthless.

When the two paintings are put together, the gap is even more obvious, and the artistic conception in them is simply incomparable.

This is a slap in the face, and it hits the heart directly.

At the end, their students simply collapsed, what the hell do people say?
It's okay if it fails normally, at most it's a little sad for a while.

But is such a failure acceptable to ordinary people?

People learned how to draw from you halfway, and they are still exactly the same as you, and even compare you in every aspect. This is a devastating blow to self-confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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