perfect coaching

Chapter 92 92. Clothes

Chapter 92 92. Clothes
Lu Wen saw that it was not a problem for these two guys to keep arguing like this, so he got in between them and said, "What can you do if you keep arguing like this?"

Cen Qingqing said, "Then what can you do?"

Lu Wen: "Let's do it one by one. First, is the name of the company confirmed?"

Fangzheng and Cen Qingqing were stupefied, they forgot even this, but Cen Qingqing reacted quickly and immediately said, "It's called Qingqing Fashion Design Co., Ltd."

When Fangzheng heard what Cen Qingqing said, he immediately disagreed, and said, "Why use your name, I think Zhengfang Fashion Design Co., Ltd. is very good."

Cen Qingqing said with a look of disdain, "Square, why not call it a square, if people who don't know it will think we are engaged in geometric figures."

Fangzheng also retorted, "That's called Qingqing? If people don't know, they think we are a ranch?" This is a bit irrational, but neither of them backed down from each other.

Lu Wen was so quarreled by them, he patted the table and said, "What are your names, I'll give you one, Nishang, how about it?"

Fangzheng said with a puzzled expression, "Neon clothes? What neon clothes?"

Lu Wen didn't expect Fangzheng to ask such a question, so he looked at him with contempt and said, "I don't have any knowledge at all. In ancient times, neon clothes generally referred to the clothes of gods, Taoist priests, etc., but in modern times they refer to Hanfu.
Nishang is not just a good name for Hanfu. Only when the spirit of the Chinese people is integrated with the Hanfu on your body can the Hanfu on your body be qualified to be called Nishang. Now it contains the etiquette, culture, and strength of character of the Han people for thousands of years, with the gorgeous Chinese civilization, and it also carries the destination, etiquette, and spirit of the Han family..."

After Lu Wen finished speaking, Fangzheng and Cen Qingqing both showed surprise expressions on their faces, and said, "I agree, I agree to be called this name, what a fresh and refined name."

Lu Wen rolled his eyes when he heard Fang Zheng's words, okay, these words are like talking to an illiterate.

However, Lu Wen didn't despise him, and continued, "The name has been decided, and the next step is the address. This is not a problem for the two of you. You can find a place wherever you want, so skip it."

Seeing that they both nodded, Lu Wen went on to say, "Then the next thing is the staff. These are not what you want to do. You need to find some designers. Sister Cen, you are here. After all You learned this, you should still have some acquaintances."

Seeing Cen Qingqing nodded, Lu Wen continued, "Next is the issue of clothing. Do you just want to start a niche company, or something more popular?"

Cen Qingqing was a little puzzled and said, "Popularization? Although Hanfu is beautiful, it is cumbersome to wear and does not fit the rhythm of modern society. How can it be popularized?"

Lu Wen said, "There is also a simple Hanfu, which is relatively modern and not cumbersome to wear, but you still need to find a processing factory. After all, you can't make large-scale Hanfu with two of you."

Cen Qingqing and Fang Zheng shook their heads when they heard this, and Cen Qingqing said, "We are just kidding around, the world famous people mentioned earlier are just joking, as long as they are niche, and a big clothing company is too tired. "

Fangzheng nodded when he heard Cen Qingqing say this, hehe, your last sentence is the truth, right?

Hearing what they said, Lu Wen said, "That's fine, then do a little bit of each, which will help the early stage. If you can't sell anything in the early stage, just let your 3-minute enthusiasm not directly give up. gone."

Tang Qingting and Lu Wen said immediately, "Don't worry, you have done a good job in the early stage. No one in our company will order a set, so it will be regarded as a company benefit."

Hearing what Tang Qing said, Cen Qingqing immediately turned her head and smiled sweetly, "My husband, you are so kind."

Tang Qing said, "It's okay, my wife's problem is the biggest."

Hehe, is it really appropriate for you to spread dog food here?

Lu Wen drank the bowl of dog food in one gulp, and continued, "Okay, the company name, designer, company address, and the clothes designed. Finally, you are looking for some tailors and it's done."

Fangzheng and Cen Qingqing saw Lu Wen talking eloquently, with the feeling of elementary school students sitting in their seats and listening to the teacher's lecture honestly, so they almost took a small notebook and wrote it down.

Seeing that Lu Wen was getting up to leave, Fangzheng hurriedly said, "Old Lu, since you know so much about Hanfu and this proposal was made by you, then you can draw up a promotional slogan and some clothing demonstration pictures for us."

Upon hearing this, Lu Wen immediately said, "Is this your company or mine? What are you doing after I've done it?"

Upon hearing this, Fangzheng immediately said with a playful smile, "Why don't we give you some shares, and you don't need to pay for it, as long as you design a few sets of iconic Hanfu."

Lu Wenyi waved his hand and said, "Don't come to trick me, I don't need it, and the iconic Hanfu, who do you think I am? An internationally renowned master?"

Fangzheng was very dog-legged now, so he ran behind Lu Wen and knocked him on the back, and said, "Aren't you a Chinese teacher, you must be very familiar with classical culture, and you can design some good-looking Hanfu, as for the promotional slogans, it’s even more difficult for you.”

Lu Wen was speechless, and said angrily, "Who told you that the Chinese teacher will be able to design Hanfu? Who told you that the Chinese teacher will be able to design slogans? Who told you your logic? Are you still alive?"

Fangzheng was not discouraged when he saw his appearance, and said, "Isn't that someone else? Don't I believe you? You are not only a master painter, but also a master chef. What else can be difficult to get you? You say yes no?"

Lu Wen was defeated by his dog-legged appearance, so he could only say helplessly, "Let me try."

Fang Zheng immediately smiled flatteringly and said, "With you, it's easy to catch."

Lu Wen ignored his appearance. In fact, he agreed to see if Hanfu can be accepted by modern society. After all, as he said, Hanfu is the etiquette, culture, and style of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. , with the gorgeous Chinese civilization, he also wanted this costume to bloom with its unique brilliance.

The clothing in modern society does not have any shadow of ancient civilizations. All of them are from the West, such as western suits. Of course, this is also the need of social development and social progress. These are also very in line with the requirements of modern society.

But Lu Wen still wants to see if Hanfu can survive in modern society. Of course, he didn’t just copy ancient clothing directly. Since those have been eliminated by modern society, it also shows some problems. He just wants to make these Change a little to adapt to this society.

There are also those cumbersome Hanfus that can be made, but these can only be for the minority, such as some wine parties that can be worn.

While thinking about this, Lu Wen searched for some knowledge about Hanfu in the system in his mind. By the way, he bought it. After spending a lot of reputation points, he finally felt that it was almost the same, and then opened his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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