perfect coaching

Chapter 899 900. Qin Qing's Request

Chapter 899 900. Qin Qing's Request

In the morning, Lu Wen went downstairs to eat refreshed and chatted with his relatives. The time passed quickly.

As for the teachers who were looking for them, Lu Wen also started to say hello.

Sande Primary School attaches great importance to Lu Wen, and they are very happy to ask them to help Lu Wen this time, especially if it is a personal help.

As long as they do this favor, Lu Wen owes them a favor on behalf of Lu Wen. Now Lu Wen's favor is not cheap, and many people want to get it.

After getting the reply from there, the uncle and his group became a little impatient. Although they still wanted to have a good chat and play with Lu Wen, they were a little absent-minded.

Now what they are thinking about is how to let their children receive the best education. Although Lu Wen has already arranged things, they still feel uneasy if they don't see anyone for a day.

And now that I get in touch with those teachers one day earlier, the children can also receive a better education one day earlier.

So after two days of playing, they all left too.

Xiaoyu and little uncle also left temporarily. Although Xiaoyu's affairs have been settled, there are still many things to deal with at home.

The little uncle has to quit his job and come here, and now the little uncle is by Xiaoyu's side.

With the end of Lu Wen's wedding, the short vacation of the students is also over. Yes, the period of Lu Wen's marriage is also their vacation. Although they have to work on some things, they can rest their minds.

And with the passage of time, the symposium of the small college was getting closer, and these students became more nervous, and all of them were engrossed.

Lu Wen has already said that they will be selected a few days before they go to the symposium of the small academy. At that time, who can represent the Starry Sky Academy to participate in the battle, fight for the reputation of the Starry Sky Academy, and show themselves. It was decided at that time.

Now time is about to enter December, and the last time is only about a month away, and these people are getting more and more nervous.

But the students got busy, and Lu Wen couldn't stay idle anymore.

In recent days, more and more students have come to Lu Wen to ask questions. This may be one of the reasons why uncle and the others left early. Lu Wen is really too busy.

The filming of Xiaomi Li and the others is gradually coming to an end. Anyway, there are not many episodes. Although Lu Chunxin wants to do better, but with her current ability, she can only do so much.

And those children who participated in the performance were all excited, and they had to ask Lu Chunxin every day when they could play it.

Not only these children, but also those parents are even more anxious. They have shown off in their circle of friends early on. This is not only a virtual circle of friends, but also a real circle of friends, so the degree of anxiety is not necessarily small.

However, the time has already been set. At the beginning, it will be played when Lu Wen and the others participate in the first competition, and some will be saved for the second competition, so as to increase their chances of winning in the comprehensive competition of Starry Sky Academy.


Lu Wen just sent away a student who came to ask a question, and this is another one.

Looking at the students who came in, Lu Wen said in surprise, "Xiaoqing, why are you here?"

"Teacher, can't I come to ask you questions?" Qin Qing laughed.

Lu Wen smiled and waved his hands: "Nothing, what are you doing here today?"

It's not that he doesn't welcome Qin Qing to ask him questions, but many of Qin Qing's questions need practical experience to help her answer, and it happens that Lu Wen really has no experience in this area.

He has never even caught a thief, nor has he said that he has interrogated, so no matter how he teaches, he can only teach some theoretical issues.

Qin Qing said: "Teacher, it's like this. I want to join the army and study for a few days."

Lu Wen asked curiously: "What do you study in the army? Actual combat? You can learn this in school. Those soldiers are all top-notch in the army. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the king of soldiers."

Lu Wen really didn't understand. Indeed, these soldiers are definitely the top of the military in terms of actual combat, so there is no need to go to the army.

Qin Qing shook her head and said, "No, I'm not studying actual combat, but I want to learn interrogation skills."

Lu Wen couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then his expression changed, and he said, "Why do you have such an idea? Could it be that no one in the police force taught you?"

Lu Wen really didn't expect that she would do it for this purpose. You must know that military interrogation is not police interrogation.

The main responsibility of the police is to maintain social order, while the main responsibility of the army is to defend the country.

Although these two points overlap in some aspects, they are definitely not a concept, especially in the current prosperous age.

The military's interrogation is not as gentle as the police. They are responsible for national security and absolutely dare not be sloppy in the slightest. The scene is definitely not comparable to that of the police.

Now the emphasis is on civilized law enforcement. Although some places may not implement it properly, in the general environment, absolutely no one dares to go too far.

But in the army, they will definitely not be so gentle. They will try their best to interrogate them. In many cases, it may be at all costs. This is completely different.

Qin Qing also knew what Lu Wen was thinking, and said aloud: "I have learned a lot in the police force, but I have always had a problem, that is, I know that this person is lying, and I can see things like micro expressions Come out, but the interrogation can't really tell the truth, I can't do anything about them lying, so... "

"So you want to study in the army?" Lu Wen asked rhetorically.

Qin Qing nodded.

"Then do you know that many things in the army are not suitable for use in the police force? Also, although I haven't seen the military interrogation, I know that this scene will definitely not look good. Are you sure you can accept it? " Lu Wen asked again.

He didn't agree with Qin Qing's going to the army to learn interrogation skills. Anyway, Qin Qing was just a young girl who had just grown up, and she might not be able to bear it no matter how strong her mental ability was.

And even if she can bear it, it is impossible for her to learn something that can be used in the police force. This is an unsolvable thing.

"Teacher, I understand what you mean, I can bear it, and I can accept it, and even if I can't use it in the police force, I can also use it to scare them. The most important thing is that some criminals don't need heavy sentences at all. No, sometimes time is life, some time ago because the interrogation was too slow, an innocent little girl died, I don't want to encounter such a thing again." Qin Qing said to Lu Wen with a serious expression.

(End of this chapter)

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