perfect coaching

Chapter 887. Chapter 888. My sister wants to do a live broadcast

Chapter 887. Chapter 888. My sister wants to do a live broadcast

Zhang Tao is 1 satisfied with Lu Wen's proposal, and of course he knows about Sande Primary School, which is the only small college in their province.

In fact, compared with Lu Wen, a newly established small college, Zhang Tao still believes in Sande Primary School. Whoever made it take a long time to establish, and also produced a lot of talents, the most important thing is their local small college.

Zhang Tao said a little excitedly: "Xiaowen, thank you."

Now his daughter's grades have indeed become his heart disease, and now he understands more and more his father's mentality back then, why he beat him so hard.

If it wasn't for his being a daughter, he would have wanted to do it. He really hated iron for being weak, and now he knows the benefits of studying more and more.

Lu Wen smiled and said, "Brother, why don't you say thank you, Sisi is also my niece."

Lu Wen is extremely fortunate to have such a relative. In the past two years, no relative has come to him and asked him to help.

Now Lu Wen's reputation is relatively large throughout the country, and his relatives all know that he is doing very well now, but even so, no one has asked him to help.

It's not that Lu Wen has never seen a group of relatives come to his door after a person has made a fortune, so he is really lucky for these relatives of his own.

In fact, Lu Wen has also considered the situation of his relatives, but he has been too busy in the past two years, so he has not been able to take care of it. He wants to wait for a while, when his side is completely stable, and then go to help.

Of course, these all refer to the relatives who are very close to Lu Wen's family, not the ones who are out of reach. Many of those relatives asked him for help, but they were rejected by Lu's mother at the beginning. She knew how busy her son was now, and those things sounded unreliable to her, so she didn't come to Lu Wen at all.

Those relatives who want to ask Lu Wen for help are Lu Wen's parents. They are not familiar with Lu Wen, and they may not even know each other, so it is impossible to come to the door directly. How embarrassing not knowing them.

Now that my brother came to the door, and it was only for this little matter, of course he didn't say anything.

"Brother, how is Xiaoyu's studies?" Lu Wen asked the children of his two aunts.

Zhang Tao said: "The older one of your aunt's family can't get in, but the younger one's study is very good. The two grandchildren of your aunt's family are just like his father. If you can get sixty points in the exam, your auntie will die laughing."

"Xiaoyu is gone?" Lu Wen asked in surprise.

He hasn't had time to walk around in the past few years, so he doesn't know much about it. As for the two grandchildren of the aunt's family, they are still in elementary school.

"Well, I won't study after the college entrance examination this year, and I dare not show us the test scores, and my sister-in-law and the others don't force her to study." Zhang Tao explained.

Lu Wen thought for a while and said, "I'm still preparing. Forget it, when will they arrive? I'll chat with them then."

He originally wanted to help these relatives, but after Zhang Tao's reminder, he just realized that the adults are basically stereotyped, even if it is Lu Wen's help, it will be like that, so he directly started from the children.

Zhang Tao also understood what Lu Wen meant, and said, "It's probably coming soon. Your aunt and the others set off at one o'clock in the morning last night, and it's probably almost there now."

My aunt married far away, so there is a lot of distance from here.

There was no need for Lu Wen to wait too long. Soon, my aunt and the others all came, and basically a whole group of people came.

"Auntie, Uncle, Auntie" Lu Wen called one by one with a smile on his face, which was different from the polite smiles in front of him, it was all from the heart.

Lu Wen didn't take them directly to the small building where he entertained people, but took them to the small building where he lived.

Make a call to ask Xiaomi Mili to come back from there, and ask her to come and get to know her.

When they saw the cute and cute appearance of Xiaomi Li, the elders loved it very much, and their smiles never stopped.

Xiaomi Mili also took all the red envelopes, and then sat obediently beside Lu Wen.

"Auntie, has Xiaoyu dropped out of school?" Lu Wen asked.

Hearing Lu Wen's question, my aunt looked a little melancholy and said, "She doesn't want to go to work, and we have nothing to do. Her father and I wanted to find a place for her to work, but she didn't want to go. Now we I don't know what to do."

Xiaoyu next to her heard what Lu Wen and her mother said, and she curled her lips helplessly and said, "Mom, brother, can you stop nagging about this, I will find a job by myself, and I get a headache when I see books. I really don't want to go to school."

After hearing her words, her father immediately wanted to reprimand her, but was interrupted by Lu Wen. Lu Wen knew that it is not good for children nowadays to reprimand her too much.

Today's children are not like before. In the past, whose boy didn't have two pumps?This is about the children in the countryside, but he really doesn't know much about the children in the city.

Didn't study well?beat!

Didn't do homework?beat!

Got into a fight with someone?beat!

Did you fail the exam?beat!

In the minds of the rural parents at that time, there was no problem that could not be solved without a beating, and if there was, then two beatings.

But now the child can't be like this. If he beats him like this, let alone the child's psychology, even the police will come forward.

Lu Wen asked Xiaoyu with a smile, "Then what are you going to do in the future? What do you want to do?"

When Lu Wen asked such a question, Xiaoyu suddenly regained her spirits. She knew that her brother was very capable now, so she also wanted to hear his opinion.

"Brother, I have a classmate who is doing a live broadcast right now, the number of months." He said and raised three fingers.

"Thirty thousand?" Lu Wen guessed.

"Well, it's [-] yuan. I also want to do a live broadcast, and I also watched her live broadcast. It's not difficult." Xiaoyu's eyes were full of excitement, as if he was about to earn [-] yuan a month.

Lu Wen smiled. He is not surprised by Xiaoyu's idea at all. How many young people want to join the live broadcast industry now, they only see the huge rewards on the bright side, but they don't see the behind. bitter.

However, Lu Wen also knew that no matter what he said at this time, it would be useless. Even if he had analyzed all the pros and cons of the live broadcast industry with Xiaoyu, she would not listen.

However, Lu Wen also had his own way. He smiled and said, "So you want to perform in front of people?"

Xiaoyu thought for a while, and Lu Wen was right in saying that, so he nodded.

The aunt and uncle next to me were anxious. They inquired about some things, but Xiaoyu didn't listen to them at all. If they talked too much, they were afraid that Xiaoyu would sneak out alone, which would be difficult. .

(End of this chapter)

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