perfect coaching

Chapter 871 872. Lu Wen's Helplessness

Chapter 871 872. Lu Wen's Helplessness

Seeing the eyes of his students, Lu Wen suddenly felt a speechless feeling hovering in his heart, what the hell is going on?

What kind of mentality is it that you admire yourself so much?
Don't you see that there are three whole mountains of garbage in front of them?This is just their one-month results.

Lu Wen opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he found that he couldn't say anything, and could only watch the group of students triumphantly.

Lu Wen, who was watching, almost called the trash pickers back in a fit of anger, and asked the students to clean up by themselves.

Fortunately, Lu Wen restrained such an impulse and quickly recovered his calmness. However, from his violent chest heaving, it was obvious that this calmness was only what he thought.

It wasn't just him, the soldiers who came with him felt a little hot-eyed. They didn't expect that this group of students who usually looked clean would have such a time.

Both Mr. Zhou and his wife were also dumbfounded, but they haven't forgotten to record this scene and pass it on to the class group.

Soon some parents saw the behavior of their children, and all of them covered their eyes and wept.

"Is this really my son?"

"I'm afraid I gave birth to a fake son."

"Why do I not want him to enter the house after seeing this scene?"

The parents reacted violently. They always felt that they had seen a fake son, who was really very different from their usual son.

The students didn't feel complacent for long, and soon let out bursts of miserable howls, because they really needed to wash too much.

Clothes, bedding, etc.

Lu Wen also forbade them to use the washing machine. In the past, Lu Wen understood that they were students of the new era, and he didn't want them to suffer if they could save things.

The invention of the machine was originally to make humans lazy, but this time he wanted to teach these students, one is to let them know what they have done during this time.

The second is to experience the hardships of parents when they are busy for them.

These are just their own clothes. Parents have to worry about various things for them after going to work to earn money and go home. Let them experience it.

But something that Lu Wen didn't expect happened again.

"Ten yuan for a piece of clothing, who wants to earn this money."

Soon some students started to be lazy and offered a price directly.

"Ten yuan? I will offer 51 pieces, regardless of size."

The competition came so suddenly, and the price hikes also suddenly rose, and the price rose very quickly.

Most of these students have never had any hardships since they were young, and they are basically not short of money. They don't have a deep concept of money, so they have developed the habit of spending money lavishly.

Not to mention, someone has really taken over. Not every student in Xingkong Primary School is from a rich family, and some of them are from poor families.

Soon, Lu Wen found out about this matter. He listened to the report speechlessly. These students didn't know what to think.

In fact, he also knew in his heart that if he encountered such a good thing when he was in school, let alone fifty, it would be twenty or ten yuan.

The most important thing is not one or two, that would be boring, but now there are a lot of clothes, 51 pieces, if you really work hard, at least a hundred pieces of clothes in a day will be fine, just tired point.

One hundred pieces of clothing is 5000 yuan, which is more attractive to students than money.

Don't talk about students, if people who work outside know that they can make so much money in a day, they will definitely come here, let alone a hundred pieces, do you believe that they can wash two hundred pieces a day?And it's all for your satisfaction.

Lu Wen covered his forehead, not knowing what to say, he really had a headache.

Now it seems that the previous ease was due to the fact that these students did not reveal their true nature. Now there are a lot of things, which made Lu Wen feel a little at a loss.

Lu Wen looked at the soldiers who came to report, and said with a wry smile, "I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

Although the soldier couldn't help laughing, he didn't show it, saying: "They are all just children, which also shows their vitality and flexibility."

"Don't say good things to them. I feel like I'm panicking. Oh, let's do this first. Let them see when their parents come." Lu Wen could only say helplessly.

He could stop it, as long as he ordered it directly, but that didn't teach the students anything.

This is also the biggest change after he became a teacher. No matter what he encounters in school, as long as it is about students, his first thought is how to educate students through this matter. It is about to become an occupational disease, or it has already become an occupational disease. .

Lu Wen is waiting for the arrival of these parents, and wants to see what their opinions or suggestions are about their children's behavior.

He is also not good at making comments on the handling and views of money by students, and he doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t want students to be obsessed with money, thinking that money is omnipotent, and he doesn’t want students to lose their concept of money. In this society, the importance of money is self-evident.

Lu Wen knows that it is difficult to move an inch without money.

So Lu Wen was also a little tangled, not knowing how to educate students about money.

He will not keep talking about ideals with students, and it can be seen from some of the occupations he has selected for students that his first goal is to let students have the capital to survive.

Money is the cornerstone of their pursuit of dreams!
Soon some parents of the students arrived. When they arrived in a hurry, they just found that the three piles of rubbish were being slowly cleared away.

It still looks different from the photos in reality, especially the musty smell, which makes these parents look weird. They really can't figure out how their children seem to be okay in such an environment. Could it be? Is it because I abused them before?

What they can't figure out is that these children can produce so much garbage in just one month.

While they were still staring at the garbage mountain in a daze, a figure ran out of the dormitory building frantically.

"Stop it, stop it." He frantically ran to the garbage mountain and shouted at the cleaning staff.

The cleaning staff stopped what they were doing and looked at him puzzled.

I saw him make a move that stunned everyone present, frantically looking for things in the garbage mountain, and began to rummage inside without feeling dirty at all.

It seemed that something important had been lost, and he kept muttering something in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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