perfect coaching

Chapter 87 87. Examining Learning Outcomes

Chapter 87 87. Examining Learning Outcomes

When Lu Wen was sleeping, the interviews about him in the morning were also reported. The discussion about him on the Internet has not cooled down yet, so these news have also been reprinted in large numbers.

"Looking back on the past, don't regret for wasting your time, don't be ashamed for being inactive" by Culture Daily

Hong Kong City Daily "Genius is 99% sweat and 1% talent"

Entertainment News "Lu Wen's Positive Response and the Gossip of High Rhythm"

"The young master is arrogant and domineering in the school"

"Lu Wen said: Students in one class a month improve by 30 points on average"

And those two golden sentences from the previous life were also reposted a lot, which made these two sentences quickly become popular on the Internet. In fact, not only those funny Internet expressions will become popular on the Internet, but also those famous epigrams, but they cannot escape The fate of being played badly.

As soon as Lu Wen woke up, he washed his face and threw off the drowsiness that had just woken up. He immediately felt refreshed. It was really comfortable to take a nap in such a weather.

I drove all the way to the school and entered the office.

Almost all the people in the office had arrived, and when they saw Lu Wen coming, they all gathered around and started asking questions.

This morning, I just asked Lu Wen about some things. Most of the teachers still said some good things about Lu Wen, but some teachers didn't say anything good.

Those like Yang Dawei who had some grievances with Lu Wen directly told some bad things about Lu Wen, such as the beating of Feng Xiang, and they only said that they beat Feng Xiang, without saying the reason, and the reporters didn't agree. Mind, there is still room for reverie.

There were also some young teachers who were a little jealous and said some sour words, all of which were amplified by the reporters.

When the bell for class rang, the teachers also slowly dispersed.Mu Xiaoqing glanced at Lu Wen and said, "Mr. Lu, how does it feel to be a celebrity?"

Lu Wen said with a wry smile, "What else can I do, I feel terrible."

Mu Xiaoqing twitched her lips and said, "I didn't mean what I said, I'm secretly happy now."

Lu Wen was speechless, "You think too much." In fact, Lu Wen really felt a little bad. He didn't like the feeling of being in the spotlight, but he didn't hate it either. After living and dying once, I am relatively open about these things.

After making a few jokes, Mu Xiaoqing immediately said seriously, "The reporters in the morning announced your teaching goals, even the average score of Class [-] last month, you should pay attention."

Lu Wen asked curiously, "Why do they even have the average score of last month?"

Mu Xiaoqing glanced at her mouth and said, "What else can it be? It must be announced by those who don't like you."

Lu Wen was relieved, but he didn't care. He believed in the students in his class and the system's learning aura.Although it has not been used for a long time, even the teachers can see the effect.

Of course, they definitely didn't know that Lu Wen had a system. It was just that these students were smart, but they didn't take it seriously before. What they didn't realize was that every student's academic performance was improving rapidly. I was just in class, there was no exam, and I didn't realize it.

Lu Wen communicated with other teachers again, and it was time for physical education class. Lu Wen came to the playground, but that Feng Xiang didn't even come, obviously trying to keep out of sight and out of mind.

After they all stood in line, Lu Wen said, "How are you practicing the "Twelve Sections of Taoist Brocade" I told you?"

Qin Qing immediately replied, "Teacher, I practice the pose you called us every day, and I feel that I am full of energy every day. I used to go to bed late and couldn't get up in the morning, but it has improved a lot recently. Basically, I lie down every day. I was able to fall asleep, and when I woke up in the morning, I was full of energy, without a trace of sleepiness, and even my parents were a little surprised." She said with a little complacency.

The other students also spoke one after another, but there were still a few who pretended to be cowboys and didn't speak. Lu Wen saw those people at a glance.

He called names directly and said, "Wang Nan, Zhao Xiaoming, and Zheng Chen, why don't you talk? Are you practicing very well and want to keep a low profile?"

When Zhao Xiaoming and the three of them heard Lu Wen say this, their complexions suddenly turned bitter. They just played games after studying every day, so how could they have time to practice these.

Zheng Chen admires Lu Wen very much now, and when he heard Lu Wen say this, he said carefully, "Teacher, I haven't practiced much, but I promise, I will definitely hurry up and practice in the future." He made a gesture of patting his chest.

When Zhao Xiaoming and Wang Nan heard this, they couldn't stand still, and they all promised.

When Lu Wen heard what they said, he didn't continue to preach, so he let them go, and began to let the students in the class practice the first pose, and he was on the side to guide.

It's just that when teaching Wang Nan and the three of them, he was not so polite. He looked at them strictly and didn't give them a chance to be lazy. Others could relax their bodies when Lu Wen didn't pay attention.

When it was time to practice at halftime, the three of Wang Nan and the others lay on the ground, feeling sore all over.There is also some regret in my heart, I would have known that I would not be lazy these days.

Lu Wen came to Jiang Yuning's side and asked, "Jiang Yuning, how about you learning piano with Mr. Liu recently?" Since handing over Jiang Yuning to Mrs. Sun, he didn't care about it. It's really a lot of things these days, so I didn't think about it. , I just have time now, so I just asked.

When Jiang Yuning heard Lu Wen's question, she stood up quickly and said, "Teacher, Mr. Liu is very kind to me. He waits for me at the piano shop every day. I feel that I have made great progress."

Lu Wen asked curiously, "Have you been practicing in the piano shop these days?"

Jiang Yuning: "Yes, at the beginning it was at Mrs. Liu's home, but I was not used to it, so Mrs. Liu changed the location to the piano store. Sister Qin is also very kind to me, and I use the piano for free."

When Lu Wen heard her say that, he nodded and said, "I'll go over today to see how you're practicing."

Jiang Yuning was very happy to hear that Lu Wen said that she was going to watch her practice the piano. In her heart, the teacher was like a father. Since that incident, she has never enjoyed the warmth of her grandparents, until Lu Wen's Appeared, so hearing him say that, I secretly made up my mind to show my best learning results to the teacher.It's like a child showing a parent.

Although Lu Wen's age is not very old, but he is old in his heart, with an unspeakable calmness, which makes people feel stable.Jiang Yuning's heart now is like a child who wants to be praised by his parents.

(End of this chapter)

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