perfect coaching

Chapter 857. 858. Teasing

Chapter 857. 858. Teasing
Now Liu Hao felt that his complexion must be very ugly, and it was extremely hot, and his thick skin couldn't bear it anymore.

He looked at Mi Li's phone in disbelief, counted it carefully, and found that there were indeed 10,000+.

"Uncle, do you have no money to eat, but rice grains can't give you a lot. Dad said that it is better to teach people how to fish than to give them fish, so rice grains will give you [-] and you can learn a craft, okay?" The innocent voice sounded again.

Xiaomi Li really didn't know, or didn't understand anything, but Xiao Mengmeng knew, otherwise she wouldn't have said those words just now, but she knew the meaning of how much money.

Just now when Xiaomi Li said she wanted to give [-] yuan, she was telling the truth. She didn't know how much money [-] yuan could buy, but she was led by Xiao Mengmeng, and she subconsciously thought that the uncle in front of her had no money.

Millet has always been well protected by Lu Wen and the others, and she has never been short of money. She is at an age when glass beads are more expensive than diamonds, and she has never been short of money.

The 10,000+ in her mobile phone were all given by Fang Zheng and some other people. Fang Zheng would send some red envelopes to the two little guys when he was free, otherwise he really didn't know what to buy.

Seeing Xiao Mi Li teaching Liu Hao in a serious manner, the rest of the people had the urge to laugh, and Liu Hao's face was not good-looking.

Xiao Mengmeng stopped at the side: "Mi Li, wait a minute, uncle, what did you want to say just now?"

Xiaomengmeng's big eyes were full of excitement, and she suddenly felt that things were a little fun.

She is not Mi Li, although the family has never been short of money since she was a child, but when she met Mi Li, Cen Qingqing would not give her much money, and only gave her a few dollars a day for pocket money.

In addition to the fact that she is a big kid and has an unusually active mind, it can be seen what Liu Hao is thinking.

It was when Xiao Mengmeng met Mi Li and Lu Wen's education, so Cen Qingqing didn't limit her spending and believed in Lu Wen.

Liu Hao opened his mouth, not knowing what to say. The 1 yuan in his hand was like a soldering iron, extremely hot.

Forced to show an awkward smile, Liu Hao said, "Uncle wants to pay you for the performance, ha ha."

At this time, he didn't know what to say.

Xiao Mengmeng opened her big innocent eyes and said: "Uncle, how much money do you want to give us? Mom said that you can't take money from strangers, but if it's performance fees, mom said you can get it. Mengmeng can see it." , Uncle is a person who cares about face, we don't need more, as long as 100 million is enough.

It happened that Mengmeng and Mili's sister wanted to donate another Mengmi Primary School, and they were short of money. "

Mengmi Primary School is a primary school donated by Xiao Mengmeng and Xiaomi Li. The [-] million yuan they purchased last time has built a lot of Hope Primary Schools, and when they have nothing to do to make money on their own, they will also donate some books and clothes to them. poor student.

Xiao Mili seemed to understand something at this time, especially after seeing that it was a gesture agreed with Xiao Mengmeng, and then using her clever little head, she knew that she seemed to have made a mistake.

But she just blinked her eyes and told Xiao Mengmeng that she knew it, but she didn't show it.

Liu Hao is really Sparta at this time, and he doesn't know what to say, 100 million?It's better to kill him than to forget it. He feels that he is very generous even if he puts out 1 yuan. Although he also has a lot of money, he has a stingy personality.

"Haha, well, uncle is relatively poor and doesn't have that much money." Liu Hao said dryly.

When the people around heard his words, they all showed veiled contempt. He didn't have any money, so he made so much money every year and made it on ghosts?

"But uncle just wanted to give us the performance fee." Xiaomi Li also said, and she also put away her mobile phone at this time, and she didn't mean to give Liu Hao money at all.

Liu Hao became embarrassed again: "What, uncle still has something to do, he is going to leave first, you two talk slowly."

As he said that, he quickly got up and left. At this moment, he had no intention of bringing the two little guys into the company, and he couldn't afford to take care of them.

Open mouth is 100 million, this is just a performance, when the time comes to really bring them into the company, I don't know if the little money I earn is enough for the appearance fee of the two little guys.

He didn't suspect that these two little guys were teasing him. They were really too young, and he also looked at Xiao Mili's mobile phone just now. There were really 10,000+, and he would give [-] if he opened his mouth. The Lord who is short of money?

Now he wondered if they were from that big family, and the older children were given so much pocket money.

Looking at Liu Hao's embarrassed back, Zhang Jiahe and the others couldn't help laughing anymore. They were not surprised that Xiaomi Mili had so much money, but they were surprised that Lu Wen gave Xiaomi Mili so much money at such a young age.

Although it is said that poor sons are rich and daughters are raised, there are no such rich ones, right?

Zhang Jiahe smiled for a while and said: "You take Mi Li and Mengmeng to Mr. Lu's place first, and I'll ask for money, but we need performance fees."

He is not short of money, but he doesn't want to take advantage of Liu Hao for nothing.

Xiaomi Mi and Xiao Mengmeng followed them and left obediently, but there was still some regret on their faces. They probably didn't play tricks on him.

Zhang Jiahe found Liu Hao and said, "Mr. Liu, you have to give us our performance fee."

Liu Hao was calming down. When he saw Zhang Jiahe coming, he wanted to scold him, but he held back, threw the 1 yuan in his hand to him, and said, "These money will be treated as your performance for this performance." If you spend more, it will be a reward for you.”

What he said was unusually generous, but Zhang Jiahe guessed that he was afraid that Xiao Mili and Xiao Mengmeng would come again and ask him for a performance fee of 100 million.

"Thank you Mr. Liu." Zhang Jiahe didn't refuse either.

"By the way, where did you find them?" Liu Hao asked, he wanted to find out who those two little guys were.

Zhang Jiahe chuckled and said, "Mr. Liu, are you suspecting that they are talking big?"

"Hehe, no way." Liu Hao's expression was unnatural.

Zhang Jiahe ignored him, stuffed the money into his pocket and said, "Don't doubt it, they really don't lack money, and the performance fee of 100 million is not random, it's still a discount, and some people say donate to primary schools It’s not just casual talk, it’s a real donation, you can find out if you look up the [-] million donated by two children in the past two years.”

After speaking, he left. Liu Hao was at a loss, but he understood. The two little guys just donated [-] million?How is this possible, no matter how rich you are, you can't be so nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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