perfect coaching

Chapter 844 845. Discussion

Chapter 844 845. Discussion
Many people raised their hands when they heard Lu Wen's words, even some people who were usually introverted raised their hands.

I don't know what's going on, but at this moment they have an urge to express their emotions, to express what they have just realized and learned.

Even some old professors and experts raised their hands.

Lu Wen twitched when he saw these old guys raising their hands. What are they doing to join in the fun? Isn't this just asking for trouble for himself?

Calling these old experts by name, it is estimated that some people will say that they do not respect them.

And now we want to give those students a chance, not give them a chance. After thinking about it, Lu Wen pretended that he didn't see these people, and ordered a student on his own.

The student he pointed at stood up excitedly, picked up the microphone handed over by the staff, and said, "Senior, I wonder if you still recognize me?"

Lu Wen's face twitched again. Why doesn't this guy understand anything? Isn't this clearly saying that he is favoritism?

His face darkened, and he said, "Junior Brother Jia Xuan, of course I still remember you."

When the people below heard his words, they booed immediately, but it wasn't to Lu Wen, but to Jia Xuan. This guy was obviously showing off.

Regarding this, Lu Wen said that no one in Jia Xuan had other ideas. It is human nature to take care of the people he knows, and people he knows are easy to talk to.

Jia Xuan didn't feel ashamed because of these boos, on the contrary he looked a little complacent.

However, knowing that if I continue to be complacent, I will provoke public anger, so I didn't talk about other things, and I explained my understanding of what I just said.

The modern poem that Lu Wen just read aloud is a modern poem that depicts the scenery and tells the story of love, but it also contains the changes of the years, which cannot be stopped, the years are ruthless, and the concept of cherishing the present is in it.

This is also the reason why this modern poem was included in the teaching materials. Otherwise, modern poems that only describe love would be difficult to be included in the teaching materials, unless they are very good ones.

The students are already in adolescence, and it is the time when they are restless. If they just describe love poems, it is easy to add fuel to the fire.

After listening to Jia Xuan's narration, Lu Wen nodded first, then shook his head, and then said, "Do you have any other opinions? If you don't disagree with him, you can raise your hands."

Immediately, someone raised their hand. Lu Wen saw that the fastest raised hand was a female classmate, and motioned her to get up and answer.

The first thing the female student said when she got up was: "My understanding is completely different from yours."

Balabala talked a lot. It can be seen that this female classmate is a very talkative person, and her language is very sharp.

Jia Xuan was a little overwhelmed by what she said, and he didn't know if he blushed a little because of his beautiful parents.

After she finished speaking, Lu Wen continued: "Are there any students who want to talk about it, who have different opinions from them? Or want to refute one of them?"

Following Lu Wen's words, some people raised their hands one after another, but the number was much smaller. It seemed that the two people just now represented most of the opinions.

These two times, those old experts didn't make trouble anymore, they just watched quietly, thinking about something in their eyes.

Afterwards, Lu Wen pointed out a few students one after another, and asked them to explain their views with basis.

The students mentioned by Lu Wen are the most active among those people, and they are also the most confident. These students have such a performance, basically they have a deep understanding of this modern poem.

After they all finished speaking, Lu Wen continued: "Okay, now I will give you 15 minutes to discuss with each other, or debate, and see who can convince the other party. Now there are three parties' opinions, and each party will speak first. 1 minute, then switch to the next side, and this continues five times."

The rules Lu Wen said were very simple, not something difficult to understand, so as soon as he finished speaking, someone started talking.

The first one was the female classmate. She just listened to the feelings of several students, thought about it, and began to correct some of her mistakes, and then expressed it, but she also insisted on many of her own feelings.

She spoke very fast, and she completely said what she wanted to say in 1 minute, and some people didn't react.

However, most people have come to their senses. When these people are talking about it, the picture of Lu Wen reading the poem just now flashes in their minds, which can confirm each other.

At this time, most people's emotions have been mobilized, or most people want to participate in the discussion, and they all have this desire.

The old experts looked at each other, and there was some communication in their eyes.

They have never seen such a scene, or have seen it, but the kind of thing that is just a few scenes does not make the students think deeply about the problem.

And this scene also made them have a deeper understanding of what Lu Wen said just now.

This should be the role of guidance. Under Lu Wen's guidance, these students all started their heads and put all their minds on learning.

When thinking about this, they kept sighing in their hearts that Lu Wen, a monster, is only so old and has his own perception of education, and the key is to have an effective perception.

Some of what Lu Wen said just now really moved them, but they didn't really see the effect.

They not only lamented Lu Wen's strength, although they admired Lu Wen's personal strength in their hearts, they were not as shocked as the current scene.

Personal strength only represents an individual, and he can influence not many students, but if this educational philosophy is really successful, it will affect tens of thousands of people.

At the same time, they lamented that they didn't come in vain this time, and they gained too much.

Lu Wen didn't know what these old experts were thinking. He was listening attentively to the discussions of these students. Although he didn't interrupt, he took notes of what these students said.

Even if there was a mistake, he didn't make a sound to correct it, and the logic of his thinking was also wrong, so Lu Wen still didn't make a sound.

Only after these students have fully discussed these things, he will slowly correct them, think about some of the mistakes, and ask them to correct them.

The atmosphere of the discussion became more and more heated. From time to time, some students would interject a few words, wanting to argue about something.

Lu Wen just watched from the sidelines, and didn't say much, as long as there is no chaos, and there are special teachers to maintain order, there will be no chaos, and the rest of the students will not be disturbed.

This is also due to the large number of people. If there are more people talking, then there is no way to continue the discussion. Only by selecting some people as representatives can the normal operation be maintained.

(End of this chapter)

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