perfect coaching

Chapter 827 828. Help

Chapter 827 828. Help
After visiting the class, Lu Wen continued to busy himself with his own affairs.

At this time, people from Nanhai Primary School, who had been almost forgotten by Lu Wen, came to the door.

Lu Wen had forgotten that these people hadn't left yet, and he was so busy these days that he forgot all of them.

In fact, I don't blame him, not only him, but even Wang Nan and the others have forgotten these people.

A few days ago, the teachers and students of Nanhai Primary School didn't know if they had some research results, so they went out to bake a piece of land by themselves, and they couldn't see anyone all day long, only occasionally seeing each other.

Originally, Lu Wen had already allocated a test field for them in Star Academy, but they felt that it was not enough, and it was not good to ask Lu Wen to provide them with a test field. After all, they had already caused a lot of trouble.

In fact, don't think that these researchers don't know how to understand the world. It is precisely because they put all their heart into research that they have thin skins and tend to think of others.

So they didn't make other requests, they just covered their heads and did their own research.

Lu Wen was too busy a few days ago, so he didn't have time to pay attention to them.

Looking at Director Qi who was a little embarrassed in front of him, Lu Wen took the initiative to say: "Director Qi, why haven't I seen you all this time? Has the research yielded results?"

Mentioning the research results, Director Qi's face also became happy, and said: "There is indeed some progress, and this is thanks to your equipment here, otherwise it will take a long time, and the students of your Xingkong Academy, give helped us a lot.

I have to say that Wang Nan's students are really very capable, and I have to admire them. "

When it came to research and education, Director Qi obviously spoke a lot more and relaxed a lot, not as rigid as before.

And Director Qi's words were not all polite words. He was really impressed by the academic research and knowledge level of Wang Nan and the others.

Although there are some places that are still very immature and will make some small mistakes, but in terms of grasping the general direction, he feels that he is not as good as them.

The more he got in touch with them, the more he felt that Lu Wen was really powerful, and he admired him from the bottom of his heart.

He is not a person who only focuses on research. He still has some experience in educating students, but the more he is like this, the more he admires Lu Wen.

It was hard for him to imagine that with so many students, Lu Wen could point out the most suitable direction for them, so that his talents could be brought into full play.

Through such a long time of contact, he knew that Wang Nan and the others were not so outstanding in some other aspects, but in the learning direction that Lu Wen pointed out to them, these students had keen intuition and learning ability.

When Lu Wen heard Director Qi's words, he thought it was a polite remark. Although he didn't have much contact with Director Qi, he was sure of his academic ability. Wang Nan and the others were far behind Director Qi.

"Director Qi, you are over-rewarded. They still have a lot to learn from you, and I hope you don't dislike them." Lu Wen said, he meant it sincerely.

Although many professors and experts have been invited from other places, Director Qi has his own unique research in biology, and the level is also very high, which is completely worthy of Wang Nan's serious study.

Director Qi heard that although his face was polite, there was also a little smug expression on his face.

He is still somewhat confident in his own research direction. Although they admire and admire Wang Nan very much, it will take some time to surpass him.

Although he doesn't know how long this time is, at least until now, he can still teach Wang Nan and the others.

Lu Wen and Director Qi were chatting here. Seeing the purpose of Director Qi's reticence, Lu Wen could only speak first.

"Director Qi, I don't know what is the purpose of your visit this time? If you need help, you can just say hello, and I will never refuse if I can help." He could see that Director Qi came this time to ask him for help Yes, just don't know how to help.

When Director Qi heard Lu Wen take the initiative to mention it, he showed some embarrassment on his face, and said, "Well, Dean Lu, I'm really a little embarrassed."

Lu Wen looked at Director Qi and said with a smile, "You really don't have to be polite with me, just tell me if you have something to say."

Director Qi said: "That's it. Didn't we come here to exchange and study? Now the time has come."

"You want to go back?" Lu Wen interjected. He was really reluctant to part with Director Qi and others. They also brought a lot of knowledge to Wang Nan and the others this time, and there are still many benefits to communicating more. of.

Who knows that Director Qi waved his hands quickly when he heard Lu Wen's words: "No, no, that's not what I meant. The higher-ups asked us to go back, but our research has reached a critical moment. I wonder if you can ask us Nanhai Primary School asked us to spend more time communicating."

Director Qi lowered his head in embarrassment after speaking. He was really embarrassed. He wanted to stay, but he asked Lu Wen to ask for it. It seemed that Lu Wen begged them to stay.

But it doesn’t work otherwise, Nanhai Primary School has already started urging, although he said that the experiment has reached a critical moment, but the other side is not very willing to agree, saying that it is the same to go back and do it, can it be the same?Where does his own small college have such good equipment.

Lu Wen also understood what Director Qi meant. He didn't care much about this. Anyway, he also hoped that Director Qi and others would stay for a while, so that it could help Wang Nan and the others to study better.

Lu Wen immediately said: "Okay, there is no problem at all, I will call your small college later."

Hearing Lu Wen's answer, Director Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and said a little embarrassedly: "I'm really sorry, please trouble Dean Lu."

Lu Wen waved his hand and said, "It's okay, it's just a small matter. This is also a good thing for our Xingkong Primary School. It is our wish to have more exchanges with you."

Director Qi smiled, and then said: "By the way, I seem to have heard that your Xingkong Academy has received tickets for the World Academy Symposium?"

He has been busy with his experiments recently, and he has no time to distract him at all. This is what he heard from his students when he came here.

When he heard the news, he couldn't believe his ears. How long has the Xingkong Academy been in operation?It took only one and a half years to get the tickets for the small college symposium, so how can those small colleges that have been in operation for more than ten or twenty years have not yet gotten tickets?
(End of this chapter)

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