perfect coaching

Chapter 687 688. Toll Station

Chapter 687 688. Toll Station

It didn't take long for the car to be full of people, and then someone was heard giving orders.

Lu Wen and Zhang Feng were sitting in front of a car, Zhang Feng was driving, and Lu Wen was the co-pilot.

"Captain Zhang, tell me the specific situation." Lu Wen also suppressed the panic in his heart a little bit, and asked. He didn't use his mobile phone to check the Internet. The army must understand this situation. the most.

Zhang Feng said while driving: "I don't know much about this, but the current situation is not very good. Due to the earthquake, a dam was dug open, causing a torrent of water. In addition, there have been continuous heavy rains over there recently. It can be said that the situation has become extremely bad.”

Lu Wen's heart sank even more. In this situation, those students must be at a critical juncture, and it is more likely that they are now.
Lu Wen took a deep breath, stopped thinking about it, and said, "Why are the dams opened? These dams should have passed strict inspections when they were built?"

"I don't know about this at the moment, but it seems that the source of the earthquake and the dam are together, which caused this situation. After all, no one expected this situation at that time." Zhang Feng shook his head.

All Lu Wen can do now is to pray. The planes flying there have been suspended. Since the area is relatively wide this time, no one knows what will happen.

Lu Wen began to close his eyes and meditate, praying in his mind that those students would be fine.

Just after they drove for about an hour, an off-road vehicle rushed over at a very fast speed.

"What are you doing? You're looking for death." Lu Wen heard an angry voice in front of him, but it disappeared immediately, as if he was communicating.

After a while, the vehicle started up again. Nothing happened this time, and Lu Wen didn't care about him. Now all his thoughts went there.

The vehicle was moving at full speed without stopping halfway. Except for refueling, the rest of the car was driven in shifts. Lu Wen's car was driven alternately by him and Zhang Feng. As for meals and convenience, they were all resolved at the same time. Yes, except for the unbearable incident of stomach upset.

A day later, the vehicle stopped listening again. Lu Wen was resting and didn't know what happened ahead.

After waiting for a while, I heard a soldier coming over and shouting at their car: "Does any brother bring money?"

"What's the matter?" someone asked.

"There is a toll booth here to collect money, and none of us have any money with us." The soldier said, but his voice was full of aggrieved and angry.

They were going to rescue, but they were stopped to collect tolls. Could they not be aggrieved at this time?

As soon as Lu Wen heard this situation, he quickly got out of the driveway: "What's the matter? This is a military vehicle, who charged them for their rights?" To know what is going on now, those people are more dangerous if they reach 1 minute every night. Moreover, military vehicles are free all the way, so how can anyone dare to charge.

"The man said that this is a private toll collector. Whoever comes has to pay. If you don't pay, you won't pay." The soldier said with red eyes. They didn't have a good rest this day, and they were all concerned about the people in the disaster area. Now that this situation is encountered, they are really very uncomfortable.

Lu Wen took a deep breath and said, "I brought the money." Then he walked forward.

As soon as I walked to the front, I saw a man in his 40s standing there, very arrogant, swearing non-stop, and kept saying that if you don't pay, don't think about it.

"How much is it, I'll pay you with my mobile phone." Lu Wen really didn't want to cause trouble now, and all he wanted was to rush to the disaster area as soon as possible.

"What kind of mobile payment, we don't support it here, only cash, don't pass it if you don't have money." The man said.

Lu Wen stared, and the anger in his heart burst out, but now is really not the time to cause trouble, so he suppressed it and said: "I will pay you, ten times the amount, you help us pay Pay cash, we are rescue vehicles, and we are going to the disaster area for rescue.”

There was some excitement in the man's eyes, but then he said, "I didn't bring my mobile phone."

"Then give me the number, and I'll call." Lu Wen said.

"That won't work. How do I know if you gave it or not? What if you lie to me? It's cash now. If you have money, you can go there. If you don't have money, you can go around."

Lu Wen really couldn't take it anymore. He basically rarely brought cash, especially when he came to the military area this time, he didn't bring any money. Where can he find cash now?

As for those fighters, it is even more impossible to carry cash with them.

Now those soldiers are all flushed, angry, and clenched their fists. It seems that if it weren't for this military uniform, they would have gone up to beat people.

It was useless for them to do it, Lu Wen did it directly.

With a flash of Lu Wen's figure, he rushed to the man, and with both hands, he lifted the man up.

The man didn't show any fear, and shouted loudly: "The soldier is beating someone, the soldier is beating someone."

He has always been sure that these people dare not touch him because they are soldiers. If they dare to do something, then the matter will become serious, and those people dare not take such responsibility.

But this time he made a mistake, that is, Lu Wen is not a soldier.


The man suddenly screamed. He didn't expect that Lu Wen would actually dare to hit him.

"I'm not a soldier." After saying this, Lu Wen kicked him away, and saw the man flying backwards seven or eight meters away, and fell beside a soldier.

The soldier kicked the man's body with a dark, motionless kick, and kicked him away again, to the side of the road, no longer blocking the road.

Lu Wen is not in the mood to argue with such a person now, time waits for no one.

"My name is Lu Wen, remember to ask me for medical expenses." After Lu Wen finished speaking, he ignored him and walked straight to the railing.

He hoped that this person would find him in the past, and then it would not be so simple to end.

When he came to the railing, Lu Wen grabbed the railing with both hands, stretched out his arms, and shouted, "Get up!"

Then, while the soldiers were stunned, the railing was directly hugged by Lu Wen. As he shouted again, as soon as he pushed forward, he heard a click, and the railing broke in response.

Lu Wen threw the railing in his hand aside, and said to the soldiers: "Go, don't waste time."

When he walked to his car, he looked at the man again and said, "My name is Lu Wen, remember."

When I came to the car, I saw Zhang Feng gave a thumbs up and said: "Mr. Lu is so domineering."

Lu Wendao: "You are only because of this military uniform, or that guy will suffer."

Zhang Feng sighed a few times and said: "Who said it wasn't, you scumbag, just now I almost gave up this military uniform and went up and messed with him, scumbag."

(End of this chapter)

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