perfect coaching

Chapter 659 660. Master Zhang's Heart Shadow

Chapter 659 660. Master Zhang's Heart Shadow
Hearing Master Zhang's words, Master Wang showed dissatisfaction and said: "What are you talking about, my nephew is a genius in cooking, and it's just some small reasons that lead to this."

"Hehe, little reason, can this be called a little reason?" Master Zhang felt his heart start to tremble, he was really terrified by that situation.

A competition like this actually started because of that situation. That time, no customers came to the door for a whole month, not to mention old customers. Even those who were not there that day heard the news. At their door, as long as someone wants to come in, they will say that the food made by their shop is terrible.

A month later, Master Zhang couldn't take it anymore, and came up with a way to put kitchen utensils at the door and start setting up the arena.

That's it, after several conditions, the restaurant began to slowly resume business, otherwise their restaurant would probably collapse at that time.

And Master Wang's frequent visits are also his master's decision, in order to make up for the mistakes he made last time, so as to help the restaurant gain a better reputation.

"Okay, I don't want to say anything more to you, let the horse come here." Master Zhang said with a serious face, he must wash his front teeth this time.

Seeing his appearance, Master Wang said indifferently, "That's it, let's start now."

Then the two stopped talking, and took out all the things they had prepared separately. As for the ingredients, they were all prepared by the restaurant, and what Master Wang used were all from the restaurant. For these, Master Wang used them with confidence. , Master Zhang's reputation is still very good among them, and he won't make any fools.

Seeing what Master Wang brought out, Master Zhang couldn't help but said, "Are you going to make a medicinal meal?"

Master Wang took out some medicinal materials from the bag and said, "It's not medicinal food. These medicinal materials can change the taste and neutralize some tastes, which are also good for the human body."

Listening to his explanation, Master Zhang also showed a slightly thoughtful expression on his face. It seems that Master Wang is indeed prepared this time. This is his trump card. As for the skills he learned from his nephew, he I also have a little number in my heart.

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He also paid some attention to that little guy, knowing that his ability seems to be not small now. This ability is reflected in the medicinal food, but at the same time, it seems that the taste makes people want to die. The ability is even more incredible.

Master Zhang stopped talking and showed [-]% of his strength.

What he is most afraid of now is that Master Wang has learned the taste skills of his nephew. You must know that no matter how they rescued them last time, even Master Wang's master was already a master chef at that time. It’s not okay to cook food for those people under the circumstances. Those people still find it very unpalatable, and the taste is like a compliment.

Therefore, Master Zhang has a deep memory of that situation, and at the same time, he is becoming more and more taboo about Master Wang's nephew.

If such people come to wreak havoc, it only takes one or two times before their restaurant collapses, and there is nothing they can do about it.

Thinking about it, he also prepared all his things. He just asked the people behind to change the menu this time. The original dishes made him feel unsafe, so he must be sure to be safe this time.

Then the two began to chop vegetables and prepare for cooking.

Seeing the movements of the two, the people around became quiet. I saw the lights of the knives in the hands of the two flickering, and listening to the movement of the blade cutting the food and falling on the cutting board, I could hear some beauty from it. It seems to be a quiet rainy day, listening to the rain falling on the roof, very peaceful.

Lu Wen looked at Master Wang's movements, and there was something strange in his eyes. Based on the conversation between Master Wang and the others just now, he had already thought of something.

This master Wang should be the disciple of Grandpa Yang Xuefei. The cooking skills of the Yang family can no longer be passed down in their own family. Father Yang doesn’t learn it at all. Can only find outsiders.

This should be Master Wang, and Yang Xuefei is his nephew.

To be honest, Lu Wen really didn't expect his student to have such a great record. When he was ten years old, a meal almost made a prosperous restaurant almost shut down.

Lu Wen had to admire such a record.

As for how Lu Wen thought of this, it is because the sword technique that Master Wang is using now is the Jiuwen Dao he gave to Yang Xuefei, which was exchanged by Lu Wen in the system. There has never been such a sword in this world. Law.

However, Master Wang may not be good at learning, or Yang Xuefei only taught a small part of the previous part, so it seems a little rusty.

Master Wang's chopping speed is not fast, but this is not fast compared to Master Zhang, and compared to ordinary people, it is still a lot faster.

The Jiuwen knife is cut according to the texture of the medicinal materials, so that it can not only preserve the maximum medicinal properties, but also better integrate the medicinal materials and food.

It can be seen that these medicinal materials have been carefully selected by Master Wang, and they have been observed for a long time, so there is no hesitation when cutting the knife, but that's it, there is a sense of unfamiliarity in it, and there are some mistakes, Lu Wen also You can see it at a glance.

The speed of cutting vegetables was completed very quickly, and then came the highlight. The two began to heat up their own pots and started cooking.

The people around were all attracted to the gorgeous operation of the two on stage.

Master Zhang always chooses a gorgeous way at this time, which can attract customers, and Master Wang is the same, this is what his master told him, all the competitions between them are the most entertaining.


A fire dragon flew out of Master Zhang's pot, followed his shovel in a circle before slowly disappearing.

Everyone watching was dazzled.

However, Master Wang did not lose the wind here, and also showed some wonderful operations, and the people around him almost applauded.

When the two of them were almost done with their dishes, everyone began to swallow their saliva. The smell was really good.

Just smelling these smells, they all felt that they could eat two big bowls of rice.

The corners of some people's mouths were drooling, and some of the children kept yelling at their parents to eat.

The parents are also very helpless. It is not the first time for many of them to encounter such a situation. They know that they will try it out for everyone later, but each person only has a small portion, and it will be gone after eating. They still don’t want to give it to themselves. The child eats his own share, after all, it will not do the child any good, so it is better to eat it by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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