perfect coaching

Chapter 620 621. Subconscious Fear

Chapter 620 621. Subconscious Fear
Lu Wen's words made these people almost angry. What do you mean they dare not admit it?Can this really help them research the application method of anti-cancer substances? Do you know what this means?
"I know you are their teacher, but you have to be responsible for what you say. You will ruin them. What kind of behavior is this? What kind of research can you do in the future?" Xie Guoqiang said loudly, He really felt heartbroken, it was like the person he was optimistic about had become depraved, which made him very sad.

Lu Wen was not angry either, he knew that these people just didn't want Wang Nan and the others to become sensationalists.

He said with a serious face: "Professor Xie, I know that you are also doing it for their own good, but since you are optimistic about them, why don't you give them a chance? If they are really trying to please the public, then this is also me as their teacher." Responsibility, I will apologize to those present."

When Xie Guoqiang was still about to say something, an old man in the front row stood up and said, "Okay, stop arguing, you are grown up, there is no certainty at all, it is done, let's talk after listening."

As soon as he spoke, Xie Guoqiang mumbled and stopped talking, but the expression on his face was very sad.

The others didn't say anything anymore. The old man was the dean of the Institute of Biological Sciences, and his prestige was quite high. When he spoke, everyone fell silent.

The old man said to Wang Nan and the others who were a little embarrassed on the stage: "Leave them alone, calm down and explain yours."

Wang Nan and the others couldn't help looking at the teacher's position. Seeing the teacher's encouraging eyes, they all took a deep breath and forcibly calmed down, thinking in their hearts that they should not embarrass the teacher.

After the panic in their hearts calmed down a little, the four of them looked at each other, showing expressions of mutual encouragement.

Wang Nan stood up first, each of them had their own division of labor, and each explained a section, which was their best content.

Wang Nan said: "Our research results this time, actually have a lot of chance, please read this first." At first, Wang Nan was a little nervous and stuttered several times, but the people below didn't care about it, They were probably worse than him when they first came on stage, and they were all watching what tricks Wang Nan could come up with.

Xie Guoqiang looked at it most seriously, not because he thought it was true, but because he wanted to find out all the mistakes in it, and then let Wang Nan and the others know that doing research should not be like theirs, and only by being down-to-earth can we really research something , he is eager to love.

Following Wang Nan's actions, a substance appeared on the big screen.

"I believe that everyone here knows what it is. This anti-cancer substance was discovered many years ago, but it has not been able to be really applied. We only discovered it by chance at the beginning. At that time, we just wanted to Let’s just do an experiment to increase our experience, but we have discovered something else.” Wang Nan said more and more smoothly.

Wang Nan played some prepared materials on it, and then said: "These medicinal materials are not precious medicinal materials, they are all for the public, and the most expensive ones are not expensive, and they are all affordable by ordinary people. , but these medicines all have one thing in common.” Speaking of this, Wang Nan paused for a moment, and then said loudly: “The commonality is that they are very inclusive, or fusion.”

After he finished these words, everyone in the audience nodded. This is a fact. Although some of them don't know all these medicinal materials, most of them do.

But no one spoke, wanting to hear what Wang Nan was going to say.

"By chance, we suddenly came up with an idea, that is why we don't use these medicinal materials for domestic animals, combined with that kind of anti-cancer substance, it was only a preliminary idea at the time, and we didn't pay too much attention to it, but The best results surprised us."

"Look, everyone, this is the domestic animal fed with these medicinal materials and anti-cancer substances, that is, chickens. At that time, we fed a lot of chickens and cooperated with many programs. It's experimental data."

Following Wang Nan's explanation, more and more people became interested, especially when Wang Nan took out the data, these people began to watch seriously.

For people like them, data is the most real thing. Without the support of data, even the hype that Wang Nan said is useless.

When they started to study the data, some people's faces gradually became serious. They found that the data seemed not as useless as they imagined, but seemed to be effective.

This is Xie Guoqiang suddenly said: "I want to know how you came up with this method at that time."

Hearing Xie Guoqiang's question, many people also showed interest. Although their research knowledge reserves are very important, their ideas also account for a large proportion. In many cases, an idea can compare to their ten years of hard work.

Xie Guoqiang's question also means that he has a little sense of recognition for Wang Nan's research results, which are brought about by the experimental data on the screen.

Wang Nan said: "This is thanks to our teacher." He bowed in the direction of Lu Wen, and then continued: "Many people here don't know my teacher, but outside, my teacher is very famous. , he has very high attainments in medicinal food, and is a top master."

Following his narration, some people looked in Lu Wen's direction. They really didn't see that this young man not only has research in biology, but also has higher achievements in medicinal food than in biology. In addition, he is also a The teachers of the small college, it seems that their achievements in teaching must not be low.

They were amazed at such an achievement at such a young age.

"The teacher's medicated diet is very delicious, but we have a classmate whose medicated diet talent the teacher said is the top, and his achievements in the medicated diet have lived up to the teacher's expectations. He won the first prize in the small college competition and will Many nutritious meal masters beat, but he has a very big shortcoming."

When they said this, the faces of Wang Nan and the others subconsciously revealed expressions of fear. This was the moment when they thought of being ruled by Yang Xuefei's medicinal food.

Wang Nan swallowed, and continued: "His medicinal diet is very effective, but it is particularly unpalatable. No, it cannot be described as unpalatable. It is a compliment to say that it is dark cuisine." The more he talked, the more he Recalling that taste, I couldn't help shivering. The people in the audience were a little bit surprised. Is it so exaggerated?

Is it because Wang Nan can't endure hardship or something, but most people think it's Wang Nan and they can't endure hardship. You must know that most of them have experienced the famine era, and they have eaten all the unpalatable things. food.

Wang Nan didn't know what they were thinking, so he suppressed the fear in his heart and said: "Sometimes we are immersed in research and forget to eat, which leads to our poor health and problems from time to time, so the teacher asked him to make some medicinal food For us to eat, at that time we thought about whether we could breed some domestic animals and make his medicinal diet a little bit better, this was our thinking at the time.”

(End of this chapter)

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