perfect coaching

Chapter 602 603. Lie down and make money

Chapter 602 603. Lie down and make money
Tang Qing glanced at Fangzheng angrily, and said, "I'm just talking, why are you so anxious? Who am I speaking so slowly for? Isn't it because I'm afraid that some people won't understand."

Fangzheng: "Am I as unbearable as you say?"

Tang Qing: "Hehe."

Lu Wen: "Hehe."

Cen Qingqing: "Hehe."

Wang Chengming just wanted to follow the crowd with a "hehe" but was glared at by Fangzheng, and that "hehe" was held in his throat, making him uncomfortable!

Seeing Fangzheng's deflated look, Tang Qing smiled, and then continued: "Now, Lao Lu, you and your younger siblings should only hold starry yellow stewed chicken. I guess this is what the Yu family is thinking about. That's what I think , When I go back this time, I will directly invest in Starry Sky Yellow Stewed Chicken in the name of my company, so that if the Yu family uses some illegal means, then we will have a reason."

When Lu Wen heard this suggestion, his eyes lit up. This is a good way.

Although he has some companies now, only Starry Sky Yellow Braised Chicken is fully controlled by him. He planned to share shares with Yu Zhengyao and Alice before, but they said to wait, so they have not been divided, and they are still in control now. in his hands.

He is the father of Xiaomi Mili now, and he expressed his feelings with Yu Zhengyao just now, and he will be Yu Zhengyao's husband from now on. According to blood, he is also the son-in-law of the Yu family. If the Yu family uses some illegal methods against the two of them, it is true No one may say anything, even looking for Shi Lao and the others may be a bit difficult to deal with.

The Yu family directly said that it was a family matter, and it was not easy for others to intervene. After all, Lu Wen's company is not a big company, and those who have the ability to intervene will not offend the Yu family for Lu Wen.

As for the other companies, Nishang is actually under the name of Cen Qingqing, and Lu Wen only holds shares. If the Yu family really dares to shamelessly use some illegal means, then they will definitely not look good if they make a fuss.

Not to mention Star Entertainment, as long as they are not stupid, they will not take it.

As for the Starry Sky Academy, they would not have such an idea. It would be useless for them to get the small academy. If they got the Starry Sky Academy by means and collapsed at that time, it would not be a simple matter, and it would not be the end The Yu family will all be in bad luck.

So Tang Qing's analysis is still very reasonable, as expected of being mature and prudent.

However, Lu Wen was still a little worried: "This will bring trouble to your company, right?"

Indeed, although this solves the Yu family's direct use of power to engage in some secret actions, it will also bring troubles to Tang Qing's company, such as policy troubles. It is also very important to know the policies given by a company and the country.

Tang Qing knew what Lu Wen meant, and said with a smile: "Old Lu, you still haven't been in the business world, and you don't know the situation inside. Let me briefly say that our company is also second to none in Hong Kong City. It has a great economic effect, and there are still many jobs, as long as the Yu family can't cover the sky with one hand, then Hong Kong City will not embarrass our company in terms of policies."

After all, he paused, and said, "As for normal business competition, who have I ever been afraid of?" He spoke with great confidence. He controls such a large company at such an age, and although he has the help from his family, Ability is unquestionable.

Don't look at how Tang Qing never showed anything in front of Lu Wen and the others, especially in front of Cen Qingqing, many of them are funny, but Tang Qing's achievements in business are amazing, even if he is It is also famous in the business world.

It could be seen that Lu Wen was still a little hesitant, Tang Qing's face became serious, and he said, "Old Lu, among other things, I just want to say, do you think of me as a brother?"

Lu Wen smiled wryly and said, "Brother Tang, what you said is a bit serious. Do you need to talk more about our relationship?"

"Since you treat me as a brother, don't refuse any more, and it may be that I take advantage of you. The scene of Starry Sky Yellow Braised Chicken is very good now. If I make a lot of money now." Tang Qing said.

"Old Lu, can I also get a share, and I can earn some money for my wife." Fangzheng also understood now, and said with a smile.

Seeing them like this, Lu Wen felt a little moved. Being able to make such a choice under the current situation is not only something that brothers can express. They now say that they are a family and there is no difference. All the net worth of so many years of hard work is helping Lu Wen.

Lu Wen took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Since you all said that, it seems a bit hypocritical for me to refuse, okay, I accept it, but what I want to tell you is that maybe the shares I will give you this time are not enough. It would be too much."

Tang Qing and Fangzheng didn't have any opinions after listening, but they were a little surprised when Lu Wen's next sentence, they just heard Lu Wen said: "It's not that I'm stingy, but that the shares of Starry Sky Yellow Braised Chicken will also be distributed to Wang Nan and the others."

"Why? Because of that research result?" Fangzheng immediately responded.

Lu Wen nodded and said: "I haven't told you what the research results are. I originally wanted to surprise you, and I also wanted to tell you after everything is settled, but I just happened to Now explain it to you."

Then he briefly talked about the research results, and everyone present was stunned. They didn't expect Wang Nan and the others to make such achievements in silence. They knew about the invitation letter for the biology seminar There were some guesses, but I didn't dare to think about it.

Wang Chengming even wanted to give his mouth to Zhang's boss. From Tang Qing's analysis at the beginning, to the choice of Tang Qing and Fang Zheng, they all shocked him. What a rare thing, this kind of thing is likely not to be done by a biological brother.

Although Wang Chengming is arrogant, he is also somewhat self-aware. If he was in Lu Wen's position and encountered such a thing, then all his friends now would not make such a choice, even his own brother.

When he was envious of Lu Wen having such a friend, he heard Lu Wen say that he could not give more shares. At that time, he thought that Lu Wen was still greedy for petty gains at this time, and he felt a little uncomfortable. A friend like Qing Fangzheng is what everyone wants to have.

But when Lu Wen said the so-called research results, he couldn't help it completely, and let out an exclamation.

Although he is a little ignorant, he understands what such a research result means. If it is true, then the starry sky yellow stewed chicken will just wait to lie down and make money.

(End of this chapter)

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