perfect coaching

Chapter 542. 542. Castles in the Sky and Benchmarks

Chapter 542. 542. Castles in the Sky and Benchmarks

Lu Wen stood on the podium and said in a deep voice: "I know what everyone is here for today, if you have any questions, just ask."

As soon as these words came out, all the reporters spoke one after another, and Lu Wen picked a reporter at random.

The reporter stood up and asked loudly: "Dean Lu, what do you want to say about what Wang Xiaorong said at the press conference this morning? Is it just like what Wang Xiaorong said, you were deceptive in front of them to get them to sign with Xingkong?" entertainment?"

As soon as the question was uttered, all eyes turned to Lu Wen, waiting for his answer.

Although Lu Wen was mentally prepared, he couldn't help but shrink his eyes.

He said slowly: "Since I, Lu Wen, started teaching, I can ask myself. I have never done anything to offend my students, nor have I ever done anything to offend my conscience. Regarding today's questioning by Wang Xiaorong and the others in the morning, I can be very clear. Said, they are all talking nonsense.

I don't need teachers and students to stand on a high moral position. Anyway, in their hearts, I am no longer their teacher. I'm just talking about the contract now.

I have a contract here, please take a look. "

As he spoke, he connected the mobile phone to the multimedia in the classroom, and then played it on the projector, so that everyone could see the content clearly.

Lu Wen pointed to the content on the projector and said, "This is the contract signed between Star Entertainment and them. Look at the contract above, which is Star Entertainment's unconscionable let them suffer? And the signatures on it are all It was signed by their parents, and there is no concealment in the content. After reading these, I think everyone can understand whether I, Lu Wen, deceived them."

These reporters frantically took pictures of those contracts, and after looking at them, they found that all the contracts were just like what Lu Wen said, there was nothing wrong with them, and they were all biased towards Wang Xiaorong and the others, otherwise they would not It may be so easy to get rid of.

In fact, most of the reporters present were unwilling to believe Wang Xiaorong's words. Most of these reporters were from Hong Kong City, and they had some respect for Lu Wen. After all, Lu Wen's reputation in Hong Kong City was indeed very good.

So when they saw this contract, most of the reporters immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

But not every reporter is like this, and some reporters just come here to find trouble.

I only heard a reporter ask: "Mr. Lu, Wang Xiaorong and the others said this morning that you are suppressing them and don't want them to debut. Is there such a thing?"

This is because Wang Xiaorong and the others veiledly stated at the press conference that none of these reporters is a human being, and they can tell what they mean when they hear it, so there is such a question.

Regarding this question, Lu Wen first sighed, and then said: "I want to ask a question that I am working on."

The reporters were all taken aback, why did they ask a question, but they didn't speak, wanting to hear what Lu Wen had to say.

"Do you think it's better to lay a solid foundation now and then realize your ideals more smoothly, or is it better to learn while you are on the road to your dreams?"

After Lu Wen asked this question, all the reporters looked at each other in blank dismay. They also somewhat understood what Lu Wen meant, but they couldn't explain these questions clearly.

Not only them, some students were also looking at each other, and then looked thoughtful. In fact, Lu Wen also asked these students this question, which method they think is the best.

Lu Wen didn't expect them to answer, and said directly: "I think as long as the foundation is laid firmly, then only when one's own skills and qualities are possessed can one go further and go more smoothly. Some people have said that only experience Only those who have gone through hardships and ups and downs can reach the peak.

I can’t say anything about this, and I am not qualified to comment on the right or wrong of this sentence, but I don’t want my students to experience so many hardships and ups and downs. Although that may be successful, it is also a kind of sadness.

I hope that my students can pursue their dreams happily. Even if they can't reach the peak, there is nothing to regret, but this is just my own idea, and I didn't impose it on anyone. I have great respect for students. The choice is respected. "

After saying this, all the reporters understood Lu Wen's answer, which was to answer the reporter's question just now.

It wasn't that he was suppressing Wang Xiaorong and the others, but that he wanted them to lay a solid foundation and avoid detours.

But immediately a reporter asked: "Dean Lu, you mean that Wang Xiaorong and the others are not qualified to make a real debut yet? Can't they achieve anything?" This is distorting what Lu Wen said just now.

Fangzheng's face turned angry, and he was about to reprimand him, but Lu Wen stopped him, and then said lightly: "That's what I think. Their abilities have not reached that level at all, and they can't support them to continue going down."

As soon as these words came out, Fangzheng's face changed a little. He thought that Lu Wen had fallen into the trap of that reporter.

Sure enough, the reporter said excitedly: "But now they have achieved great success, do you know that they are now praised by many media as the stars of tomorrow, they are already well-known in the entertainment circle, and their reputation is also very good. Well, is this a mistake of yours, or is it."

He didn't continue to ask, but everyone understood what he meant, that is, did Lu Wen say this on purpose for the sake of face.

When he asked this question, the students beside him and Fang Zheng became nervous, fearing that if Lu Wen gave a bad answer, these reporters would catch them.

Lu Wen said very indifferently: "I don't know if you have heard of the castle in the air? Although the castle in the air is exquisite and gorgeous, it has no foundation and is just a temporary beauty."

Fangzheng and the others breathed a sigh of relief. Lu Wen's answer was quite perfect. Anyway, there is no right or wrong right now. It will definitely take time to know.

"Do you think they won't be popular for long?" The reporter's question went straight to the core.

Lu Wen said decisively: "That's right, they are just castles in the air now, and their current fame has actually far exceeded their strength, so I conclude that it is impossible for them to go further."

The whole audience was in an uproar. His words just now were a little cryptic, and he didn't fully express his meaning, but now he said it directly, without any relaxation.

The faces of these Fangzhengs finally changed. If Wang Xiaorong and the others are getting more and more popular, it will be a big blow to Lu Wen's reputation. He can't get away with the crime of suppressing students and defrauding students. He doesn't know why Lu Wen said that , Even if you are angry, don't say that.

Moreover, the entertainment industry does not rely entirely on strength, resources, connections, and hype are all elements of success. As long as it operates well, even people with poor strength are likely to become first-line stars. There are no such examples, but There are a lot more.

When Lu Wen said such words, everyone's face did not change. This was Lu Wen's bet.

Gambling against Wang Xiaorong and the others will never succeed, but judging from the current situation, the possibility of him losing is very high. It can be seen from the fact that Tianbao Media held such a big press conference for the four of Wang Xiaorong and the others. It's time to praise Wang Xiaorong and the others.

Some students also showed worried expressions on their faces, and they all understood the meaning contained in it.

Just when Fangzheng was anxious, Lu Wen gave him a reassuring look, indicating that he knew something in his heart. Seeing his look, Fangzheng felt a little relieved. It seemed that Lu Wen was not overwhelmed by anger, and he still had something in his heart. .

Then what he said just now is sure. After all, Lu Wen's performance since they met made him believe Lu Wen blindly. As long as Lu Wen didn't say these words when he was not clear-headed, then Fangzheng still has confidence in Lu Wen.

"Then why do you still let them debut? If you really care about them, you should resolutely not let them debut." Another sharp question.

"I have already said that I will not interfere with the students' choices. Before this, I have talked with them for a long time, and I have also talked to their parents, but they all insist on making a debut, so I can only agree.

Another point, I didn't give up on them before, do you think that Star Entertainment was really created for making money?
No, you are wrong, I am not short of this little money, and Yi Yaner is not short of this little money. If you don’t believe me, this company was actually created for them, so that they can learn more in their spare time , but it was obvious that they thought I was cheating on them. "

Some people believed Lu Wen's words, and some didn't, but they didn't delve into it.

However, these reporters will not let him go so easily, only to hear another reporter ask: "Then what are your requirements for debut? It seems that there are some students in your Xingkong Academy who want to set foot in the entertainment industry. What do you think of these students?" What is the request?"

Lu Wen replied: "This is related to one of the things I want to announce. I think some of you here should have heard of Xie Lingshan from our college?"

Some reporters are nodding. Xie Lingshan is still quite famous in Hong Kong City. After all, she became a blockbuster at Yi Yaner's concert, and she was also widely reported by these reporters at the beginning. It's just that Xie Lingshan hadn't made her debut at that time, so the popularity gradually increased. Not anymore, but these reporters still have some impressions.

Some people guessed in their hearts what Lu Wen wanted to announce.

Sure enough, Lu Wen said: "Xie Lingshan is about to make her debut, and I just took this opportunity to announce it. I think this should be considered an answer to the reporter's question just now."

This is using Xie Lingshan as a benchmark, as a benchmark for what he thinks students are capable of debuting.

(End of this chapter)

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