perfect coaching

Chapter 535. Chapter 535.

Chapter 535. Chapter 535.
"Sister Mengmeng, sister Mili." As soon as Qi Xuerou walked to the door, she saw two little guys watching those children, waiting for their parents to come and pick them up.

"Sister Xuerou."

"Sister Xuerou."

Xiaomi Mili and Xiaomengmeng were surprised when they saw Qi Xuerou.

Qi Xuerou ran over with her short legs, followed closely by Tang Yushuang.

When Qi Xuerou walked in front of Xiao Mili and the others, the first sentence made Lei feel bad for everyone.She stopped, rolled up the sleeves on Bai Nen's arms and thought about it, she looked very imposing.

"Which of you is Xiaopang, stand up, and I will beat you up." Qi Xuerou said to the little ones in front of her in a 'fiendish manner'.

Tang Yushuang also stopped abruptly. She had the urge to cover her face, trying to pretend she didn't know the violent chick in front of her.

When she came, she was still telling Qi Xuerou not to cause trouble, which is good, the first sentence would be to beat someone up.

The other parents nearby also expressed their speechlessness. Could this be the legendary blocking of the school gate?
Seeing Bai Nen's actions, these parents also stopped, wanting to see what she was going to do.

The violent chick saw that no one was talking, so she said to Xiao Mengmeng: "Sister Mengmeng, that is Xiaopang, the one who bullied you, I will help you avenge."

Xiao Mengmeng also expressed that she was very confused, what happened to her little cousin, why she wanted to beat someone as soon as she came up.

At this time, a little fat man came out and whispered: "I am, why are you hitting me?"

It wasn't that he was cowardly, but that this violent chick was so aggressive that she bluffed him directly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the violent chick hit his stomach with a fist, and Xiaopang immediately fell to the ground, covering his stomach and crying.

Tang Yushuang was really confused now, she really didn't expect her daughter to do it directly, and she was caught off guard so decisively.

At this time, a voice came over.

"Hey, aren't you that chubby's parent? Why don't you go up and see how your son is doing?" A person who obviously knew chubby's parent said.

All eyes turned to Xiaopang's parents. Seeing his appearance, many people were speechless.

I saw Xiaopang's father was holding hands, standing on the sidelines watching the play, and he was still smiling, not caring at all.

"Don't worry about him, he can't beat a girl, and he still has the face to cry, he's useless." The chubby parent said indifferently.

If this was the case in the past, he would definitely go forward to care about his son, but after several months of training in Xingkong Primary School, he also knows that he seemed to be too spoiled for children before, especially Xiaopang is a boy, and he has no guts at all. No.

And he also knew how much strength a little girl can have. Although the stomach was hit, it was only a little pain. Xiaopang's current appearance was obviously pretending to win sympathy.

Sure enough, after hearing his father's words, Xiaopang stopped crying on the ground, and got up directly, patted the dirt on his body, and shook his fat body, obviously nothing happened at all.

Xiaopang said: "I let you go just now, if you are doing something, don't blame me for really hitting you."

"How dare you, little bastard, you want to die, don't you, you actually hit a female classmate." Before anyone else could speak, Xiaopang's father reprimanded loudly.

Now not only Xiaopang is dumbfounded, but other parents are also dumbfounded, whether this is your own or not.

Tang Yushuang also calmed down a little at this time, and hurriedly stepped forward to apologize. Xiaopang's father said that it was fine, and the child was playing around.

When Tang Yushuang got the other party's forgiveness, she quickly dragged Qi Xuerou into the academy, so as not to let this little girl cause trouble.

"Mom, let me go, I think that chubby is still not convinced, I'm going to convince him." The violent chick looked unhappy.

Tang Yushuang: "."

Fatty: "."

Parent: "."

This was followed by a film titled "Shock!The students of Xingkong Primary School were blocked at the school gate! The video of "was uploaded to the official website of Xingkong Elementary School, and immediately attracted a large crowd of people who ate melons to watch.

After watching the whole video, everyone is happily discussing who is this violent chick?Why is it so powerful, as for right and wrong, no one discusses it, it's just a play between children, there is no fuss.

Even Lu Wen knew about it.

He was on the playground at the time. The soldiers had just finished training and took a break when Zhang Feng came to Lu Wen and said, "Your students were blocked at the school gate and beaten."

Lu Wen was stunned when he heard it. How could it be possible?
Just when he was a little angry, he saw a smile in Zhang Feng's eyes, and his heart moved, knowing that this matter might not be what he thought.

Lu Wen smiled lightly: "Captain Zhang, has no one told you that you have no talent for acting?"

Zhang Feng said speechlessly: "You can see all of this? Am I acting so obvious?" He wanted to see Lu Wen's anxious look, but he didn't expect Lu Wen to see through him all at once.

"What do you think?" Lu Wen asked back.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, just take a look." After saying that, he handed the video to Lu Wen. Now these fighters like to browse the official website when they are free, and browse interesting posts in it.

Just now when Zhang Feng was taking a break, he flipped through his phone when he had nothing to do, and happened to see the shocking post. At that time, he was still a little puzzled, who the hell is so bold?Just when I was about to teach those blind guys a lesson, I saw a scene of a violent little loli doing something in the video.

And when he heard that he was still standing up for Xiaomengmeng, Zhang Feng burst out happily in an instant.

Lu Wen was a little speechless after reading it, but he was a little curious about who this violent chick was?He didn't seem to know this girl, nor was he a student of Xingkong, but he seemed to be very familiar with Xiaomengmeng and Xiaomi Mili.

When the training was over, when he got home, he saw three little girls playing on the lawn.


As soon as Mi Li saw her father, she ran over immediately, and Lu Wen also hugged her skillfully, and said, "Mi Li, why don't you introduce your new friend to Daddy?"

"Yeah, Dad put down the rice grains."

When the millet grains came down, she took her father's big hand, walked in front of Qi Xuerou, and said, "Sister Xuerou, this is my father, and father, this is sister Xuerou."

"Hi kid, I'm Mi Li's father, you can call me Uncle Lu." Lu Wen said kindly.

"Hello, Uncle Lu, I'm Qi Xuerou." Lu Wen was quite surprised that this violent chick was quite polite, which was somewhat beyond his expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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