perfect coaching

Chapter 532 532. Mom, I Didn't Hit Anyone Today!

Chapter 532 532. Mom, I Didn't Hit Anyone Today!
Huang Yuejuan raised her head in disbelief and asked, "Mr. Cheng, did you take it wrong?"

Teacher Cheng asked rhetorically, "Don't you know the names of the students in your class?"

"No, it's not that I don't know each other anymore. This, is the grade wrong?" Huang Yuejuan asked again.

Teacher Cheng also knew what Huang Yuejuan was wondering about. In fact, it was hard for him to believe it. After all, this little Bawanghua was so eye-catching. Basically, all the teachers in the school knew her, not only knew her, but even her Everyone knows my mother, and I can say hello when I meet on the road.

Not for anything else, but because she came too often.

Moreover, Xiaobawanghua's results are also unique in their school. They have never seen such a stable player. Since entering their school, no one has ever been able to take away the top three thrones.

Teacher Cheng shook his head and said, "It's not a mistake. I even found out her test paper for this matter. You can take a look." He said and took out the test paper.

Huang Yuejuan looked at the name seriously: Qi Xuerou, that's right.

But every time she saw this name, she felt a serious sense of disobedience. It was really too disobedient for a violent chick to have such a literary and weak name.

Shaking her head to get rid of the sense of disobedience in her mind, she carefully looked at several test papers.

Chinese: 78.

Mathematics: 65.

This result is not considered good, it can only be said to be below average, but it also depends on who it is. The violent chick Xiaobawanghua has such a result, which really shocked her.

Huang Yuejuan confirmed that the test paper was correct, and looked at Teacher Cheng a little hesitant to speak.

Teacher Cheng seemed to know what she was going to say, and took out a few more test papers, and said, "This is the test paper of some students on Xiaobawang's lace."

For Qi Xuerou, these teachers are still used to calling her Little Overlord Flower, because the name Qi Xuerou is too inconsistent with her style of conduct, and they feel a little uncomfortable every time they call her by the name Qi Xuerou.

Huang Yuejuan quickly brought the test paper over, and then began to compare it with Qi Xuerou's test paper. Yes, her first thought was that Qi Xuerou plagiarized from time to time. Not only she thought so, but many teachers thought so, otherwise Teacher Cheng How could these test papers be taken out.

But you can't talk nonsense about this, if it is heard by some student, it will definitely spread everywhere, and it will have a very bad influence on Qi Xuerou. If it is a relatively fragile student, there is a possibility that he can't think about it. Especially current students.

Although they didn't believe that the tough little girl would be upset, they were also afraid.

Soon Huang Yuejuan finished correcting the answers. Unexpectedly, there was no sign of plagiarism in Qi Xuerou's test paper.

But even so, Huang Yuejuan was still very skeptical, because Qi Xuerou had impressed her too much, and she couldn't believe that she had such a result all of a sudden.

She thought about it for a while, and it might be difficult for her to deal with this matter. In fact, she has a good impression of Qi Xuerou, a violent chick, and hopes that she is not plagiarizing, but she needs to prove it herself. Otherwise, if you just muddle through like this, there will definitely be some teachers who accidentally say it out, which is inevitable.

She called Qi Xuerou's mother and said, "Qi Xuerou's parents, do you have time now?"

"Did Xuerou in our family get into trouble again? Teacher, please wait a moment, I'll be right there." The voice on the phone was very calm, obviously it wasn't once or twice that she was called to school.

Huang Yuejuan put down the phone speechlessly. Before she could explain, the phone was hung up.

About half an hour later, the door of the office was pushed open, and a woman with a very heroic face came in.

"Teacher, who did Xue Rou beat up again? Seriously? How much medical expenses do you need?"

Huang Yuejuan was a little confused, did she miss her daughter so much?Although she beats people a lot, can't you, as a mother, think about the good?Pay medical bills?Do you think that your daughter will beat someone directly to the hospital?

The other teachers on the side also had different expressions.

Huang Yuejuan coughed dryly, calmed down, and said: "Mom Qi Xuerou, don't worry, nothing happened to Xuerou, and she didn't hit anyone, that's how it happened." She quickly explained the matter.

After she finished speaking, she quickly added: "It's not that I don't believe in Xuerou, it's because I'm responsible for the students." She was afraid that Qi Xuerou's mother would misunderstand, after all, it was obviously because she suspected her daughter of cheating. Parents feel uncomfortable.

Sure enough, Tang Yushuang's complexion became ugly in an instant. When she first came in, her complexion was very relaxed. Even thinking that her daughter had beaten her, it didn't change much, but now it became ugly. Two Yingmei froze instantly, and a calm aura emerged.

Huang Yuejuan's heart tightened, and she said cautiously: "We are just suspicious, don't be angry, and I believe that Qi Xuerou will not cheat, it's just"

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Tang Yushuang: "Ms. Huang, please ask Xuerou to come over. I'll ask her what's going on." A feeling of burning anger makes people feel frightened.

Huang Yuejuan quickly said: "Qi Xuerou's parents, let me tell you that beating children is not allowed." She blurted out this sentence, and she still has a good impression of Xiaobawanghua, so she subconsciously wants to protect her.

Han Yushuang looked at Huang Yuejuan in surprise, she didn't expect this teacher to protect her daughter at this time, she relaxed her tone and said, "Don't worry, I won't do anything, at least not at school. "

Huang Yuejuan: "."

At this moment, she felt a kind of regret that she had asked her parents to come over, don't let anything happen again, but she still went to find Qi Xuerou. , Qi Xuerou's mother would also know.

It's no wonder that Tang Yushuang immediately thought that her daughter was cheating. Could she not know her daughter's academic level?It was very clear that after only one glance at the grades, he thought it was his daughter who cheated.

When Qi Xuerou arrived, she saw her mother's face turned dark, she didn't hide, she stood in front of Tang Yushuang, and said loudly: "Mom, I didn't hit anyone today."

Tang Yushuang: "."

Well, it seems that she is quite self-aware.

Huang Yuejuan didn't give Tang Yushuang a chance to speak, and said directly: "Xuerou, I have a test paper here, can you do it for me again?"

"Okay, teacher, let me tell you, I know a lot of things now." Qi Xuerou said happily.

Seeing her small appearance, Huang Yuejuan thought to herself: This little guy is actually very cute when he is not irritable.

Many teachers stopped and watched Qi Xuerou doing the test papers, and Qi Xuerou didn't look nervous at all, she was very familiar with these teachers, the key point was that she was also very courageous.

Something beyond everyone's expectations happened. In only four to ten minutes, Qi Xuerou finished the two scrolls, which can be said to be very fast.

In fact, when Qi Xuerou finished the Chinese test paper, some teachers' faces changed. As soon as Qi Xuerou finished it, they finished correcting it. The result was beyond everyone's expectations, with a score of 80.

The scores came out as soon as the math was done. These teachers corrected a first-grade paper very quickly, with 72 points.

(End of this chapter)

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