perfect coaching

Chapter 515 515. Attending Classes and Communicating

Chapter 515 515. Attending Classes and Communicating

Lu Wen and the others quickly learned of what happened to Ji Yongchun and the others, and they were speechless for a while, wondering what these students were thinking.

Song Jianran was a little embarrassed, he didn't know what to say, the students from his own family lost him once when they first arrived.

After thinking about it for a while, I knew that it was impossible for them to communicate with those children.

Lu Wen also just smiled, and didn't say much, fearing that Song Jianran and the others would be embarrassed, so after eating, he asked the people in the academy to take them to their place of residence and put away their things.

As for those students, they are not living with them, but with the students of Xingkong Primary School. Their things are still in the car, and they will be brought over after school. The students of Xingkong Primary School will also help. This can also increase the sense of familiarity and facilitate future exchanges.

Time soon arrived in the afternoon, and Lu Wen also had classes in the first session of the afternoon.

When Lu Wen came to the classroom, all the students of Sande Primary School had arrived in this classroom. They had heard about Lu Wen's teaching level, so how could they give up such an opportunity? 27 people also does not appear crowded.

When Lu Wen arrived, he didn't specially welcome those students. In his opinion, since he had come to Xingkong Primary School and walked into the classroom, he was here to study, and there was no need to do other things. They were treated equally.

When the class bell rang, Lu Wen began to give lectures. The course he taught today was somewhat different from the previous ones. He was not talking about some things in the textbooks, but things outside the textbooks.

After all, the textbooks are only suitable for the students of Xingkong Primary School, because they just learned here, but they are not suitable for the students of Sande Primary School. Some of them have already learned it, so there is no need for him to talk about it, after all These people are here to communicate, and they should be given a little preferential treatment.

Moreover, the students of Starry Academy have almost finished their self-study on the knowledge in the textbooks. If there are some who don't understand, Lu Wenhui will spare time to come here to clarify their doubts, so it doesn't matter whether he talks about the knowledge in the textbooks or not.

Following Lu Wen's lecture, all the students in the classroom were immersed in his words. Although he didn't talk about something profound, it still made them feel suddenly enlightened, as if a wise man was explaining it to them. confused.

And Lu Wen's classroom atmosphere is also very active. When he asked appropriate questions, all the students answered positively, even the students of Sande Primary School. At this moment, they directly integrated into the class. In the middle, I thought they were supposed to go to this section, but it was normal.

There were also some students in Sande Primary School who raised sharp questions, some of which they did not understand, and Lu Wen also answered them one by one.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the students of Sande Primary School also felt the feelings and sense of loss of those students of Starry Sky Primary School.

When it was time for Lu Wen to go out, discussions started in the classroom.

"Student Qian, it turns out that you are so happy that you can hear Teacher Lu Wen's lectures every day." Ji Yongchun said to Qian Xiaoming with emotion.

After a few hours, Qian Xiaoming and Ji Yongchun gradually became familiar with each other, and they also started to communicate.

Hearing what he said, Qian Xiaoming said proudly: "Of course, our teacher is a master, and not all colleges can enjoy such treatment."

Ji Yongchun nodded in agreement. They also have masters in Sande Primary School, and they have also listened to the classes taught by the masters, but their courses are all irregular, unlike Lu Wen, and many of the masters focus on a field.

It is also difficult for students who are not interested in that field to listen to the master's lectures, but Lu Wen's is different.

Lu Wen is a Chinese teacher. Although he talks about extracurricular knowledge, it is also related to some knowledge in textbooks. He can not only review the knowledge in textbooks, but also expand his knowledge.

Regarding the knowledge in textbooks, all the small colleges have the same attitude. No matter how talented they are in other aspects, they are required to learn the knowledge in high school textbooks, and they are not allowed to throw it away directly.

To say that some knowledge in the university is professional knowledge, people who do not engage in that major may never use it, but a lot of knowledge in high school can be used in life, and no teacher wants his students to become life. Waste, the all-round development of morality, intelligence and physique is not just a slogan.

In just one class, the students of Sande Primary School were conquered by Lu Wen. Listening to Lu Wen's lecture is really wonderful.

In the following courses, these students did not gather together, but scattered. Those who were interested in music went to the high-phonology courses, and those who were interested in fine arts went to Zeng Taoyan and their courses. Some who are interested in biology and physics have also found courses they are interested in.

These students also put a lot of pressure on those teachers. They are not Lu Wen, they have such a strong level, so they all try their best to give lectures.

Some students from Santos Primary School also asked a lot of questions in class, and some teachers also felt headaches.

At this moment, they finally understood why these students were able to be admitted to the small college. They are really geniuses, and some knowledge points are better than these teachers.

And in Zeng Taoyan's class, she also felt a little headache.

Zeng Taoyan taught oil painting, and the current level of the students who like oil painting in Xingkong Primary School is indeed good, but it is only good, and there is still a gap compared to the two from Sande Primary School.

After only a few minutes of class, Zeng Taoyan can feel that there is another student whose level is slightly lower than hers. This is only a little bit worse in the accumulation of knowledge and experience. In terms of painting ability, she is no worse than her.

Since it was an exchange meeting, there were naturally few competitions. Of course Zeng Taoyan knew this, but she didn't expect to come so soon.

Just after she finished her lecture and came up with a suitable topic, students from Sande Primary School proposed to exchange ideas with each other.

The communication was just to put it nicely, I just wanted to have a competition and see the level of the students of Xingkong Primary School.

Now that they have proposed it, Zeng Taoyan can't stop it, so she can only nod her head in agreement, but she secretly prays in her heart, don't lose too badly.

Yes, in her heart, it was already certain that Xingkong Academy would lose, basically there was no hope of winning, and there was indeed a gap in strength.

(End of this chapter)

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