perfect coaching

Chapter 513 513. Lectures

Chapter 513 513. Lectures
Lu Wen brought Song Jianran and the others to the cafeteria, and Zhang Linman sat with Zeng Taoyan and Liang Xueyao to discuss the landscaping layout.

Zeng Taoyan and the others really understand these things. Although they are not particularly familiar with them, they have studied them seriously, and they can understand such principles as analogy. Coupled with their original art background, all the opinions put forward can make Zhang Linman My eyes lit up.

And Zhang Linman is also very insightful, he just casually talked about many cases and the thoughts inside, which benefited Zeng Taoyan and Liang Xueyao a lot.

The other two male teachers were also communicating with the accompanying teachers, and the atmosphere at the scene seemed very lively.

While they were eating, those students also came to the front of the teaching building.

This time they came with 27 people, three leading teachers, and [-] students. Some of these students have participated in several college exchanges, and they understand the process very well. Others who don’t know are also told. So now they are all purposefully looking for their own goals.

As soon as they entered the teaching building, they were taken aback.

The eyes of these students suddenly became a little dull, staring at the teacher in front of them, looking at the little carrot head inside, and listening to the immature voices coming from their ears.

"At the beginning of human beings, nature is good."

Yin Huaqing pointed at the little radish heads in front of him in disbelief, and asked with a dry voice, "Did we go wrong?"

The other students all had the same reaction as him, what the hell are these little carrots, do they want to communicate with these brats?

This is also the mistake of Sande Primary School. They knew that Xingkong Primary School had kindergarten classes and primary school classes, but they just thought about it. These children were only specially made by Lu Wen for the two children, and they had little to do with them, so there was no Tell these students, who knows that they saw this scene as soon as they came in, and they thought badly.

Ji Yongchun also had a weird expression on his face. Although he didn't know what happened and how the things that appeared in front of them turned into these little carrots, he knew in his heart that they must have made a mistake.

Ji Yongchun coughed dryly, and then said: "Since you are here, let's go in and have a look." After speaking, he walked in first, regardless of the strange eyes of the students around him.

Watching him walk in, the other students all looked at each other, and then they all went in bravely. They came, no matter what, they had to go in and have a look.

Zhang Ya looked at the students who walked in, and was slightly dazed. What's going on?Didn't you mean the small college exchange meeting?Why did you come to their kindergarten class without such a bully?She is now both a primary school teacher and a kindergarten teacher.

Zhang Ya is in the mood to cry now, what's going on.

But fortunately, Zhang Ya's nerves are not bad, it can be said that she is relatively big. After being surprised at first, she immediately ignored them. She also knows the process of the small college exchange meeting. After all, they are all in the same office. The teacher will know just by mentioning it.

Although she didn't know how these students came here, fortunately, she also studied hard during this time, not only to deal with the two annoying little fairies Xiao Mengmeng and Xiaomi Li, but also to work hard.

And those little radishheads in the class saw a group of big brothers and big sisters walking in, and they were all big brothers and big sisters who had never seen each other. For a while, they were very curious to pay attention to this group of people, and they were still pointing.

"Quiet." A childish voice appeared in the classroom, and I saw Xiaomi Mili's chubby little face saying.

A group of little radish heads immediately retracted their heads when they saw Xiaomi Mili's expression, and then continued to read the book pretendingly. Seeing this scene, Zhang Ya felt a little emotional in her heart, although Xiaomi Mili and Xiaomengmeng I often find a lot of things for her.

But in terms of managing the class, the two little guys are still very good. At least among these little radish heads, they are still very prestigious, higher than her prestige, and they can speak well.

There were no extra desks and chairs in this classroom, and Lu Wen would not have expected that this group of students would walk into the kindergarten class directly, so these people could only stand when they came inside.

Zhang Ya sank her mind, then pulled out her best skills and began to read.

"The way to teach is to specialize. In the past, Meng Mu, choose a neighbor."

Her voice is crisp and loud, and the sound power in her body is also slowly dissipating. Both the children and these students can feel a peculiar rhythm in it, making them only listen to the "San Zi Jing" once. , I feel that the impression has deepened.

After reading these sentences, Zhang Ya continued: "There is a story in it, do you want to hear it?"

"miss you!"

As soon as they heard the story, this group of little carrots stopped paying attention to those unfamiliar big brothers and sisters. They all sat down and looked at Zhang Ya with their big shining eyes.

"Once upon a time, there was a mother whose son was badly educated."

Zhang Ya slowly told them the stories about the "Three Character Classic" that Lu Wen gave them. The stories are not all based on Lu Wen's manuscript, but adapted by Zhang Ya and the others. The central meaning has not changed, but it has been added. A lot of fun can also make it easier for children to understand and attract their attention.

After the story was told, Zhang Ya asked, "Can everyone know what the teacher is going to tell you from it?"

"Teacher Baozi, Mi Li knows." Mi Li quickly raised her little hand.

When Zhang Ya heard Xiaomi Mili's address, her face was slightly embarrassed. Ever since Mimi Li heard her colleagues call her Baozi in the office, she has been calling her Teacher Baozi. This proves that she can have a good relationship with the children, and she has no objection to the name Baozi.

It's just that there are so many students attending the class today. Although they are students, Zhang Ya is only four or five years older than them. She was slightly embarrassed for a while, but then they dispersed.

Ji Yongchun and the others heard the cry of the millet grains, and looked at the teacher with a cute bun face, and each of them had a smile in their eyes.

"Okay, let me tell you about the rice grains." Zhang Ya called by name.

Mi Li stood up quickly, and then replied in a childish voice: "This sentence tells us that the learning environment has a great influence on us. Teacher, is Mi Li right?"

Mi Li's answer was very simple, and it was beyond Zhang Ya's expectations. She really didn't expect Mi Mi to say it. After hearing Mi Mi's answer, she knew that Lu Wen must not have taught her this. It wouldn't be that simple, because Xiao Mi Li should have understood it herself, which surprised her even more.

It wasn't just her, but the students behind were also a little surprised. First, they were surprised by what Zhang Ya taught. Are all the kindergarteners learning this now?Have you started teaching these principles?
The second is the surprise at Xiaomi Mili. You must know that Xiaomi Mili is only about four years old now. It is not easy to understand some of the truths just after listening to the teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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