perfect coaching

Chapter 47 47. The number imprinted deep in my mind

Chapter 47 47. The number imprinted deep in my mind

The scene at Qin Hai's house also happened at the home of all the students in Class [-], Grade [-]. Even Jiang Yuning was playing a CD on an old TV, and her grandparents were all smiling while wiping away their tears.

In fact, they have thought about death for so many years. They are so old that they are not afraid of death, but when they think of their poor granddaughter living alone in this world, they feel a throbbing pain in their hearts.

They are not afraid of death, but they dare not die, they cannot die, they are afraid that after they die, their granddaughter will become a lonely ghost in this world.

Now looking at her poor granddaughter on TV, the eyes of the old lady are full of tears. Since that accident, her granddaughter has become taciturn and timid, and she often wakes up even when she sleeps. She and her The old man felt pain in his eyes.

Now it's all right, the granddaughter is starting to get better, the old lady's heart is full of joy, but the tears in her eyes really can't be wiped clean.

The old man was smoking a half of a cigarette butt he picked up from the garbage dump, covering the tears in his eyes with thick smoke.

Jiang Yuning took the hands of her grandparents and said, "Grandpa, grandma, our life will get better." Although there were tears in her eyes, her mouth was full of determination, not as before.

The old lady took her granddaughter's hand and said, "Okay, okay." The old man didn't speak, he was afraid that he would make a choked sound when he opened his mouth.

On Friday night, most people were thinking about what to do in the next two days, and a video directly hit the charts on the Internet.

Zhou Tian is a third-year student. He has been in the relaxed atmosphere of the university for more than two years. He is used to dawdling around every day. He is also used to playing games with his roommates, watching anime, bragging, and spanking when he has time. .

He also can't remember the years of studying hard for a promise or an agreement in high school, getting up early and working hard every day.Maybe he was also thinking in his heart that she had forgotten this agreement, and she might have forgotten him as well.

In such a relaxed atmosphere, he also wanted to study hard at the beginning, but as people around him frequently said that going to college is a time for playing and four years of relaxation, what he learned in college can be learned in society. It was useless, this kind of statement gradually convinced him, and he also drifted with this kind of statement.

Zhou Tian finished a game with his roommate, and when his roommate's girlfriend called to check on the post, he casually browsed the various forums to see if there were any funny and interesting things.

Suddenly a video came into his eyes, he looked at the video as if it had just been uploaded, and saw that the uploaded name was "I Believe", he casually clicked on this video, at first he thought it was a funny video, after all the current For those videos or something, give them a contrasting name, which will make it easier for viewers to laugh.

But as the video played, what he played in it was completely different from what he thought. He saw a group of people playing musical instruments. Is this singing?

Just after listening to it, he was a little disappointed, which is nothing. Although he has no musical talent, he has listened to music for so many years, and he still has a little feeling.

To be honest, the performance of these students is not bad for their age, but it is indeed much worse than those professional musicians. When Zhou Tian just wanted to turn off the video, the singing in the video started.

"I want to fly to the sky, side by side with the sun."

"The world is waiting for me to change."

Zhou Tian's hand stopped in mid-air, those song statements showed that he didn't have much skill, but why did his hand feel a little stuck.

He looked at the energetic faces in the video, yes, why did he feel this way, he is not a few years older than these students, he is also in the youthful years of his life, why did he subconsciously have this feeling Feel?

After listening to a song, those students' cries for the future have been resounding in his mind, lingering.

Zhou Tian suddenly climbed onto the bed, wrapped his whole body with the quilt, curled his head in, completely wrapped himself, leaving no gaps.

In this darkness, he thought about some things carefully. He thought of the changes since he went to college. Such a change almost made him not even recognize himself. He asked himself deep in his heart, "I am now Can I believe in my own future? Can I have my own stage center in the future?"

After thinking for a while, he suddenly thought of that beautiful and simple figure in the depths all the time. Is she okay?Does she remember herself?I haven't seen her in these years, should I get married?
What have I been avoiding for the past two years?Are you not confident in yourself?Is it because you are afraid that you will not be able to fulfill the original promise?

At this time, the two body voices were talking in the back of their minds, and the figure on the left said, "It's not your fault. The knowledge you learned in college and middle school is not useful in society, and you were not accepted by that major. It's not your fault." of."

The figure on the right said, "You can't escape anymore. It's not your fault that you didn't get into that major, but it's not an excuse for you to avoid it. It's not too late to work hard now."

Zhou Tian suddenly lifted the quilt, took the mobile phone in his hand, and rushed out of the dormitory. Xiao Long, who had just finished calling, looked at Zhou Tian's irritable back, and said in wonder, "This guy took the wrong medicine? Forget it." , Leave him alone, let me play a game by myself first."

Zhou Tian ran to the school garden, took out his mobile phone, and entered a phone number on the mobile phone with trembling hands. He thought he had forgotten the number, but as he entered it, the number was clearly on the screen. It popped up in the depths of his mind, and it turned out that this had already been imprinted in the depths of his mind.

Following the input of the number, he dialed out nervously. He didn't know if those people still remembered him and the promise he made when he was young and frivolous.

With a few beeps, the phone was connected, and an old voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Which one?" There was a strong country accent in his voice, but his eyes suddenly became moist.

Zhou Tian opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

The other end of the phone asked a few more times, but still didn't hear the answer, thought it was a wrong call, just about to hang up, then seemed to remember something, and said with some uncertainty, "Xiaotian?"

When Zhou Tian heard this sentence, the tears in his eyes fell instantly, but there was a smile on his face, and he said, "Uncle Zhou, it's me, I'm Xiaotian." So they still remember me, they haven't forgotten I.

Uncle Zhou on the other end of the phone said in surprise, "It's really you, Xiaotian, so I thought it was a wrong call."

Zhou Tian said, "Then how did you guess it was mine?"

Uncle Zhou said with a smile, "In the past two years, Erya likes to wait by the phone when she has nothing to do. Whenever we asked her, she said that brother Xiaotian would call. I remembered it immediately."

When Zhou Tian heard Uncle Zhou say Erya, a string in his heart seemed to be plucked, and there were some ripples in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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