Chapter 405

When these people started crisis public relations, they discovered a situation that those videos could not be removed from the shelves at all, and they could not even be blocked, they could only be opened.

Moreover, many of the large websites they contacted had no way to do it. At the beginning, I felt a little panic when I found these websites, and I was afraid that there might be some other viruses on them.

But as they inspected, they found that this video was only forbidden to be removed from the shelves, and could not be deleted. The speed of the video network has increased a lot.

Of course, they also invited a lot of computer experts to study this, but although Lu Wen didn't write it by himself, he also read it and added some things to it, and Zheng Chen's level is also high. Not that bad, all the time they haven't cracked yet.

The key point is that Lu Wen has already guessed these reactions. These are some basic reactions, and Lu Wen also set a lot of traps for them. As long as they are not top masters, it is difficult to solve this problem in a short time. Even top masters need to spend a little time.

And Lu Wen also has early warning facilities. If it reaches that level, Lu Wen will take action himself, but now Lu Wen doesn't care about it. He went to sleep. He just fell asleep and fell asleep. He really couldn't hold it anymore.

The rest of the matter is beyond his control. He has already done his best, and the rest is up to the sky.

Lu Wen fell asleep, not knowing that his video caused a huge disturbance outside, and it was getting worse and worse.

This "Symphony of Destiny" is one of the top ten famous songs in the world in Lu Wen's previous life. It can be said to be a classic among classics. The artistic conception contained in it is so magnificent, but Lu Wen's previous life did not have the strange power of this world. , unable to express these artistic conceptions so clearly.

But this world is different, with all kinds of strange powers, it is completely possible to express the artistic conception of these pieces, and in this performance, Lu Wen has already touched the threshold of a first-class master, so the effect has become even stronger. Well, even with a sound system, it has an effect.

England, inside a manor.

A luxuriously decorated hall, where some people hold meetings.

A middle-aged man said angrily, "Who is it? Who is going to make things difficult for us?"

Hearing the roar of this middle-aged man, the faces of other people were not very good-looking. In their opinion, this matter was actually just a general matter. They had already solved it before, and there would be no accidents at all. Thinking that at the end of tomorrow, this kind of accident happened.

Don't think that those who play there are idiots. Many of them are so-called elites, and they are also elite talents in major families. They are also reluctant to send them to prison. Both are huge losses.

What is most important in today's society?Talent, talent is the most important.

The roaring middle-aged man is the family behind Henry. They have given up Henry, but there are still many people in them. In their view, as long as the family can bring benefits, these things are not a big deal , so there is no control.

Now there are many people in their family who are trapped. A few days ago, they thought that this matter had been resolved, but today's matter broke out all of a sudden, and the outbreak was so violent that there was no warning at all.

They all heard the news and rushed here at this time just to discuss what to do.

The silence didn't last long, and a person interjected, "Is it someone from other families?" He was interrupted just as he finished speaking.

"Can you use your brain, other families? Who would dare to fight against us? Do they have such courage?" A person said mockingly.


"What about me, I have no brains at all, and I don't know how your Connor family thought of letting you, an idiot, sit down to this point."

"Are you going to start a war with our Connor family?"

"Go to war? Do you dare?"

The two people quarreled here, and most of the people here were watching coldly, and did not go up to dissuade them. The two families were enemies a long time ago, and they have long been unhappy with each other. If it weren't for now After this incident, they couldn't sit together at all.

But they didn't quarrel for long. The middle-aged man who yelled at the beginning said: "Stop arguing, it's interesting to talk about it now? If you really want to start a war, go back and start the war directly, don't be here, now we are here What solves the problem is not listening to your quarrel."

Hearing what he said, those two people stopped talking directly, but they also walked down the steps. As for the start of the war just mentioned, it was simply out of anger, not to mention that the two of them were not qualified to represent their respective families at all. There is such a decision, there is, and there is no dare.

Don't look at the rest of these people who are sitting with them now and haven't shown anything, but as long as they both lose, or one family is weak, then they will definitely not be soft.

When the two of them calmed down, the middle-aged man asked again: "Did you find out anything? Who is it?"

Now that the topic has returned to the main topic, those people also look a little solemn. If this matter is not handled well, their families will suffer losses. I think that as long as the children of these families have some ability, they will be reused by the family, because they don’t need Worrying about heartfelt problems, at least it is more reassuring to use than outsiders.

A person said: "I have sent someone to investigate, but there is no result yet."

His words are what many people want to say. None of them have sent someone to investigate, but they haven't found out yet. Although Lu Wen didn't cover up too much, it won't be found out in a short time. Yes, and Liu Ming had already covered him up a bit earlier.

"The most important thing now is how to stop the spread of this video, otherwise we will not feel good. As for who it is, we will figure it out with him when we find out." One person suggested.

"I have contacted many people, but I have been unable to block those videos, even the simplest removal from the shelves. It seems that they have already made preparations."

(End of this chapter)

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