perfect coaching

Chapter 40 40. Lu Wen's Substitute Physical Education Teacher

Chapter 40 40. Lu Wen's Substitute Physical Education Teacher
Lu Wen only heard Qin Qing tell him after school at noon, and he didn't object, so he treated it as an extracurricular activity.

After Lu Wen finished his meal, he continued to code in front of the computer, thinking about the song he promised to give. At the beginning, the "Alice in Wonderful Mirror" that Lu Wen talked about was just to satisfy the wish of Xiaomi Mi , without thinking about anything, directly exchanged the previous life, and told it without a single modification.

So the background is all western. He wants to exchange the current songs for Chinese nursery rhymes, but they don’t match. After thinking about it for a long time, he can only use the original ones. In his previous life, "Alice in Wonderful Mirror" was adapted into a movie. It's called "Alice in Wonderland", so the theme songs are all ready-made, and Lu Wen directly exchanged them.

Time passed quickly, and Lu Wen was still struggling in front of the computer in the office. Lu Wen's coding speed was not fast, and it could only be said to be at a normal level.

Lu Wen stretched his waist, relaxed his body, twisted his arms, and suddenly heard a cry of pain, and he turned around to look.

Seeing Mu Xiaoqing rubbing his belly with a distressed expression, he said, "Teacher Mu, is there anything wrong?"

Mu Xiaoqing rubbed her stomach for a while, feeling much better, and said, "It's nothing wrong, it's just that I didn't pay attention to it just now, and it hurts all of a sudden, and it's much better now."

Lu Wen asked curiously, "Teacher Mu, why are you standing behind me?"

It turned out that Mu Xiaoqing saw Lu Wen typing in front of the computer all day, and was a little curious. He came behind Lu Wen, wanting to see what Lu Wen was doing?There is nothing shameful in being able to write things aboveboard in the office, so Mu Xiaoqing also took a peek at it with peace of mind.

At first, I was a little curious, but gradually I was attracted by Lu Wenxie's story. I was so engrossed that I didn't even notice that Lu Wen moved his body, so I was beaten up.

Mu Xiaoqing rubbed her much better stomach, and said, "No reason, just want to see what you are up to, why are you still standing here. I'm fine, hurry up and write, I still want to see the next come down."

Lu Wen said with some dumbfounding, "I'm tired too, don't I want to exercise my body. And if you want to read it, you can just send it to you after I finish writing it. Are you like this?"

Mu Xiaoqing said, "Isn't it because your stories are so attractive? I can't wait."

Lu Wen said, "This is a fairy tale, do you read it too?"

Mu Xiaoqing said, "What's wrong with the fairy tale, it shows that my sister has a childlike innocence. It proves that my sister is young."

Lu Wen: "Hehe."

At this time, Qin Qing, the monitor of Lu Wen's class, came to find Lu Wen. Lu Wen saw Qin Qing and said, "Qin Qing, isn't it time for class now? What's the matter?"

Qin Qing said angrily, "Teacher, Teacher Feng Xiang is going too far. This is our physical education class. In the previous physical education classes, we were asked to watch from the sidelines and did not lead us to exercise. This class is still the same. We haven't had a serious physical education class for many days."

The physical education class in this world is not the same as in the previous life. It is just playing by yourself outside. The teacher only needs to look at it. The physical education class in this world needs to be formal. Following the students' exercise.

This world still attaches great importance to physical fitness. It is also required during the college entrance examination. Although it is not included in the total score, it is still very important before applying for college entrance examinations. The importance of a good body cannot be overstated And metaphor.

I don't know if it's because of the strange power in this world, but the overall physical fitness in this world is much better than in the previous life.

Lu Wen somewhat understood that this was Feng Xiang's revenge on him. Although this seemed ridiculous to Lu Wen, he was still very angry. Their conflict was actually involving the students, which Lu Wen could not tolerate.

When Lu Wen heard Qin Qing finished speaking, his face turned cold, and he walked towards the playground without saying a word. Mu Xiaoqing was a little worried when he saw Lu Wen like this, for fear that Lu Wen would beat Feng Xiang again. It was not as simple as the previous time, so she quickly followed up, trying to dissuade Lu Wen.

Lu Wen came to the playground and saw that the students in his class were all standing idle, which was in stark contrast to the students in other classes who were exercising.

Feng Xiang watched him walk in front of him with a cold face, and said nervously, "Lu Wen, what do you want to do? You must know that this is still at school." He was also afraid of Lu Wen, but when he remembered that he was The face lost in front of so many teachers and students made him resent Lu Wen in his heart, but he didn't dare to do anything to Lu Wen, so he could only vent his anger on the students in his class.

Lu Wen said coldly, "I know it's the school. Teacher Feng doesn't need to remind me. I want to ask Teacher Feng, why are all the students in our class hanging around here and not exercising?"

Feng Xiang saw that Lu Wen didn't show any signs of beating anyone, so he swallowed and said boldly, "My head still hurts these days, and I don't have any energy or strength." This is to blame Lu Wen for injuring him Yes, this reason was also thought up by Feng Xiang for a long time. With this reason, even if Lu Wen reported to the school, the school would have nothing to do.

After all, he is considered a half-victim in this matter, and although the school also pays attention to sports, it has not reached the point where cultural courses are so important.

Seeing Feng Xiang's rascal appearance, Lu Wen really wanted to go up and beat him up, but he restrained himself. If he really beat Feng Xiang at school this time, it would be in front of so many students, and in front of the school leaders. I really can't justify it in front of him.

Lu Wen took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said, "Since Mr. Feng Xiang is disabled now, you don't need you to take our general physical education class."

Feng Xiang's courage grew stronger now, and he said mockingly, "If you say you don't take it, you won't take it. You have become the leader of the school?"

Hearing Feng Xiang's words, Lu Wen narrowed his eyes and said, "Teacher Feng Xiang, the city has been a bit uneasy recently. Many people will be beaten for no reason on the way home at night, and there are no beaters. Man, you are off work, so be careful when you go home at night."

Feng Xiang's face turned green after hearing Lu Wen's words. He didn't expect this Lu Wen to be such a rascal. Is this still a teacher?This is simply a hooligan.Feng Xiang roared in his heart.

He was a little timid, and the courage that had just risen disappeared in an instant, and he said sternly, "Lu Wen, what do you want? Are you threatening me?"

Lu Wen chuckled and said, "Why is it a threat? It's a friendly reminder from colleagues."

Feng Xiang is about to cry, is this a friendly reminder?I believed in your evil.This TM was obviously a threat, he was a little scared, but he was very unwilling and stayed where he was.

When Lu Wen saw the expression of this guy in front of him, he knew that he was scared, but he was also afraid that this guy would hold on. This was irresponsible to his own students. He said, "How about this, Mr. Feng Xiang, I will take the physical education class of our class from now on, and you only need to be on the playground during class, so that's fine."

This is tantamount to giving Feng Xiang a ladder to go down. If he still doesn't agree to this, Lu Wen really wants him to see the iron pot's big fist.

Feng Xiang was a little moved in his heart, but he still wanted to make a show of it, but just as he was about to show a firm expression, he saw that the coldness on Lu Wen's face became more and more serious, and he was frightened and said, "Okay, that's it." After finishing speaking, he said Immediately stayed away from Lu Wen, as if he was a scourge.

(End of this chapter)

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