perfect coaching

Chapter 360. 360. Perseverance

Chapter 360. 360. Perseverance
Lu Wen brought Xu Miaohan to Qian Xiaoming's competition venue. When he left, Wang Chengfeng's face was very ugly. They didn't expect that their arrangement made a mistake in the first match. Although they won the championship together, they were also champions. They agreed is the champion.

Lu Wen didn't care about their mood now. Qian Xiaoming's game had already started for a long time, and he didn't know if it would be too late.

They hurried to Qian Xiaoming's playing field, and Xiao Mili and Xiao Mengmeng were brought over by Fang Zheng and the others.

As soon as he arrived at the venue, he showed his ID, and Lu Wen went in directly. As soon as he entered, he heard Qian Xiaoming's voice resounding throughout the venue.

"We all know that Rome wasn't built in a day, so isn't the big event made up of small things from different aspects?
And do you admit that some little things can affect the success or failure of big things?

That being the case, by analogy, only by doing small things well can we make great things happen, and there must be factors that affect doing small things well. These factors are trivial compared to big things, but they affect the final big things through small things.Should these factors be ignored?

There is a story of "horseshoe effect" in Germany. In ancient times, when two countries were at war, one country was besieged and was in urgent need of rescue, so a messenger was sent to the third country for help. The horseshoe of the war horse fell off an iron nail, and a horseshoe was broken; if the horseshoe was broken, A horse is wounded; a horse is wounded, a general is sacrificed; a general is sacrificed, a war is lost; a war is lost, a country is lost.Is shoeing a horseshoe a triviality compared to losing a war or even a country?Is it necessary to ignore it according to the logic of the other party?
If so, how can such a great event be accomplished?No, then, is it necessary to pay attention to the small details to prove our point of view and achieve great things? "

Qian Xiaoming's rhetorical question was very sharp, almost one question after another without any pause, and at this time Lu Wen also saw the topic: Does the big event care about the summary.This is the result of Lu Wen's automatic translation, which means this.

Both Qian Xiaoming and Albert looked a little embarrassed. Their foreheads were covered with sweat, and their clothes were soaked with sweat. The bodies of the two were a little embarrassed, but their eyes were very sharp. They looked at each other.

There is no turn-based system at this time. Most of the previous games are still under control. Everyone has a fixed time to debate and think about their own defenses, but now it has become as long as there is no confusion between the two. Get up, no one will disturb you, as long as one person speaks and the other listens, then it's all right.

In this way, the individual's mental exercise and thinking ability will be considered even more. At this moment, a slight negligence may result in losing the game, so the nerves of both of them are tense, and no one dares to slack off in the slightest. , I am afraid that I will fall into the language trap set by the other party.

Although Qian Xiaoming's rhetorical question was sharp, Albert was not a soft persimmon. He opened his mouth and said: "The question of the affirmative debater is a bit misleading. These things are a summary, but they are like the incident of a war horse." It shows that this is only a very small probability event. If it is only because of such a thing, so much effort is spent on these things every war, then I would like to ask, will the opportunity be delayed, will it be because of you? These things mentioned directly lead to the failure of the war. The possibility of this is very high.

Also, in times of war, the speed determines many times. Some small things will be discarded for the sake of the overall situation. In order to win the war, some other things can be discarded. Friends of the affirmative debate, am I right?

Furthermore, the famous German poet Goethe said: important things should not be burdened by trivial matters.Why do some people set goals but fail to achieve them for a long time, and why are there always so few people who achieve great things?Because too many people lack the quality and boldness of "informality".This also shows that those who achieve great things do not care about small things.

Please pay attention to the opponent's debate. According to philosophy, grasping the main contradiction of things is the key to solving things.For a person who wants to achieve great things, the ultimate test is whether he has the ability to do great things and the ability to stick to the big details.

Many successful people have all kinds of minor problems, but has this delayed their success? The same is true of some famous figures in history. Isn't this a sign? "

Qian Xiaoming also retorted almost instantly: "The opponent's debater said that many famous people in history had various minor problems. Talented people are ruined by these small details, and a small detail can determine many things.

The reason why Newton discovered gravitation was because the apple fell on his head. He noticed this detail. Because he cared about small details, he invented gravitation. There are many examples of this kind.

"Those who achieve great things don't care about small details", the real meaning is that those who achieve great things should grasp the main contradiction of the problem, and don't get entangled in small details. Small things, small things, are actually a great misinterpretation of this sentence. Don’t you know that paying attention to small things is not contradictory to making big things and focusing on key points. Small things don’t mean letting go, but to distinguish responsibilities and hand them over to the relevant people.”

Now that it's the final stage, it can be seen that the mental and physical strength of the two people is a bit overdrawn, and the people at the scene below are unusually quiet, and they are all shocked by these two people.

Their words are sharp, and they can attack each other's weaknesses in the shortest incident, and then further elaborate their views and find all kinds of evidence in their favor to prove what they said.

In their remarks, the people below felt a little bit of tension as if they had witnessed a big battle. Every time they listened to a person's debate, they thought what they said made sense, but when another person said After finishing, they felt that this person made sense, and what that person said was wrong.

Just like that, the moods of the underground audience and the audience in front of the TV were changing rapidly. At this moment, they didn't want to miss anything. It was really exciting, and their blood was boiling with excitement watching this debate.

Lu Wen was also sweating for Qian Xiaoming. This time it was no longer a competition, but a competition of physical strength and mental strength. Both of them were trying their best to explain their views.

It can be seen that both of them are trembling a little, which greatly affects the state of the two of them, but at this time, no one will call to stop, and it has reached the most critical moment, whoever says the wrong thing first, whoever breaks down first, will die Losing, this can be regarded as a test of perseverance.

But that's it, the words of the two people are not flustered at all, and they are both orderly narrating their own views. This is why the people below admire them. If they are like this, they probably don't even know what they are saying. , and the two were still able to maintain an orderly narration, defend each other meticulously, and set up tricks for each other from time to time, which shocked the people below!
(End of this chapter)

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