perfect coaching

Chapter 333 333.1 Exception

Chapter 333 333. An Exception

"A well-known famous doctor in ancient my country said that a doctor should first understand the source of the disease, know what he committed, and cure it with food. If the food therapy does not heal, he will order medicine. It means that food therapy is listed as one of the methods of curing diseases. First, dietary therapy is also called medicinal diet.”

"Of course, medicated diet does not mean that it can replace medical treatment. Its existence is reasonable. Medicinal diet can make the eater enjoy delicious food, and while enjoying it, the body can be nourished and the disease can be cured."

When Lu Wen said this, he paused slightly, with a little embarrassment on his face, he coughed twice, and then said: "This, um, that, the students on my stage are an exception. Speaking of which, our Chinese medicinal diet It still sounds delicious."

At this time, the judges on the stage also had different expressions. They all had the dishes made by Yang Xuefei. They heard Lu Wen say that medicinal food is a kind of delicacy, and they all showed a look of disbelief. They have also eaten Chinese food, but it is very delicious and delicious, but if Yang Xuefei's food is a kind of food, then they feel that Lu Wen should be crazy.

After listening to Lu Wen's explanation, the judges were still skeptical and didn't fully believe his words. They were really impressed by Yang Xuefei's nutritious meal. Now they just think in their hearts that this so-called medicated diet is not It's all so unpalatable.

Lu Wen looked at their faces, and didn't want to say anything more. If he said too much, he would cry. Anyway, the taste of medicinal food is not easy to clean up now.

He changed the subject and said: "Let's not care about the taste of the medicinal diet. The fundamental purpose of the medicinal diet is not to satisfy the appetite, but to better regulate the body and treat diseases. This is fundamental. Isn't the nutritional diet the same? Well, but the nutritious meal focuses more on conditioning the body and supplementing the nutrients that the body lacks."

"As for your doubts, don't you have a ready-made example now? My student is currently making a medicated meal. You can verify it when he makes the medicated meal."

After Lu Wen said this, the judges were also thinking. What Lu Wen said was very confident, not talking nonsense, and just like what he said, whether he was bragging or not will be known later. No amount of debate at this time It doesn't make sense.

Lu Wen's words also spread to the country.

At this time, Huaxia was really after six o'clock in the afternoon, and everyone who should get off work had already got off work, and now it was the quarterfinals, and the domestic broadcast had already started, and some people were watching it.

Those who saw the information on the official website of Xingkong Academy have been paying attention to the game situation of Xingkong Academy. When watching Lu Wen's words spread to these people's ears through TV broadcast, some people's faces appeared With a confused look, medicated diet?They seem to have a little impression, but not deeply.

In recent years, not only foreign countries have misunderstood Chinese medicine, but even many Chinese people have deep misunderstandings about Chinese medicine, but this is also caused by many reasons.

On the one hand, it is the fast and effective therapy of Western medicine, which can quickly and effectively treat some diseases, and has been recognized by the majority of the people.

On the other hand, the lack of inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine has led to a great reduction in the number of authentic Chinese medicine practitioners, and some scammers are popular, using the accumulated credit of traditional Chinese medicine to consume, causing many people to be deceived.

Of course, these are just two of them, and there are many other reasons. For example, Chinese medicine takes too long and there is no fast-track method, while Western medicine can be practiced after only four years of study, and can be employed after one or two years of practice. Well, if you want to really learn Chinese medicine well, it won't work if you don't have more than ten years.

There is also the kind of self-preservation in ancient China, which makes it very difficult for people who want to learn and communicate with Chinese medicine.

These are all reasons, but this is not a reason to completely deny Chinese medicine. Now some people know what Lu Wen said, because they have received such treatment, but some people don't think so. They think it is Lu Wen's words. bragging.

In a city in the south of China.

There is a small medicine shop in the alley. Don't look too big at the medicine shop. There are a lot of things in it. Some of the old medicine cabinets are full, and there is this customer in it.

The people who come here to get medicine and see a doctor are all old people. This pharmacy not only sells Chinese herbal medicines, but also Chinese medicine practitioners who sit in the hall. very familiar.

This is him talking to an old man who came to see a doctor: "Old Zhang, there is nothing serious about your body, it's just that you are a little tired. I will get you some medicine later, and you can cook and eat when you go back."

Old Zhangtou nodded and said, "Brother, you haven't raised the price of your medicine yet. Look at the prices outside. You haven't raised the price in the past ten years, right? "

If people who don't know them will be shocked when they hear what they say, it is because the customer is actively asking the seller to raise the price, and now such a thing is happening.

Brother Cheng shook his head with a smile and said: "We are all old friends, and you also know that many of these medicinal materials are grown by myself. Money."

The old Zhang knew what he would say, and said: "You stubborn old man, you don't even want more money if we offer you more money. If you take more money, you will die." This incident really happened, and some old people know it. In the past, they worked together to increase the price of the medicinal materials here, and they gave more when buying medicines, and left after paying the money, but who knew that old man Cheng was really stubborn, and actually sent them back from door to door.

Fortunately, they were chatting, and a young girl rushed in from the side, and hurriedly said after entering the door: "Grandpa Cheng, look quickly, look quickly." As he spoke, he directly handed the tablet in his hand to the old man Cheng.

Seeing her rushing appearance, old man Cheng thought that something had happened, and he didn't delay, so he directly watched the video on the tablet. It was the medicine stove where Yang Xuefei was asking for medicinal food, and Lu Wen's words speak.

This was recorded from the beginning, and it was specially shown to old man Cheng. After watching it, old man Cheng didn't show any expression on his face, but said lightly: "Girl, who is this? Where did he say these words."

Feng Ziyan immediately told what happened, what kind of video it was and where it was located.

Feng Ziyan grew up here since she was a child. When she was a child, she had a headache and brain fever. Old man Cheng showed her to her. Moreover, her body was not very good when she was young, and it was also adjusted by Old man Cheng. Therefore, she has a good impression of Chinese medicine since she was a child.

When I saw this video this time, someone edited it out and put it on the Internet. She saw many people on the Internet saying it was fake, but she disagreed. She was laughed at by many people when she defended herself online.

The little girl couldn't be more angry, so she came here to find comfort.

After hearing Feng Ziyan's words, old man Cheng's eyes lit up. He took out a notebook from the room and said, "Girl, didn't you say this is a live broadcast? Find it for me on the computer and let me have a look."

Don't look at him as an old man, but he has the ability to accept these new things. When he was free, he would watch videos on the computer and chat with some old friends.

Feng Ziyan found out the live broadcast. It was almost the end at this time, and all the participating students were preparing for the final work. Old man Chen saw the student who said he wanted a medicine stove at a glance. This is a news point, and more shots must be given.

Feng Ziyan was still waiting for old man Cheng to speak. Who knew that he was watching the live broadcast of the game on the computer, but she was also very sensible. Knowing that Grandpa Cheng probably had something on his mind at this time, she didn't say anything, just quietly waiting in front of her. On the one hand, her eyes were also staring at the screen. In fact, she was also very curious in her heart. She only saw a clip, and she didn't know the specific things at all.

(End of this chapter)

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